#RGVC Homepage
#RGVC Trivia Contest #1 -- July, 1996
A summary of the first (and thus far only) #rgvc trivia contest.
VideoLez -- January, 2000
Steempy and Otaku take center stage as they share their love affair
of lesbians.
RealSports IRC'ing -- January, 2000
Our resident classic gaming experts engage in a round table discussion
regarding the RealSports series of games.
God Damn Sony!!!! -- December, 1999
Check out why FrknAtari refuses to buy any modern video game items.
After reading his convincing explanation, maybe you shouldn't either.
He sure made converts out of Steempy, MrMaddog, MrNES and Nug.
Consoles are better than sex because..... -- May, 1997
Since I wasn't there to participate, here's mine -- Because consoles don't need to
change their pads every (gaming) period.
Going Back to Calli..... I Don't Think So -- April, 1997
NOTE! This is NOT how most newcomers are treated, but this girl was too
hard to resist!
10-Year-Old Tries His Hand At Custer's Revenge -- March, 1997
Check out Ethan Hunt's comments after attempting to play Custer's Revenge.
Guess he won't understand the gist of the game until the year 2005 :)
Sega Mastersystem? Whassat??? -- January, 1997
Attention, "Classical gamers" everywhere! An 8-bit Sega machine exists!
Read on as a know-it-all explains to us the ins 'n outs of a system
not known to exist. Until now!
When you're finished with reading the log,
to read the newsgroup posting which culminated from this enlightening discussion.
Ladybug -- December, 1996
A newbie (nice, but still a newbie) makes a newbie goof.
Down and Dirty Names! -- December, 1996
Check out an #rgvc log where all the guys got together for some namings
of explicit parodies of classic gaming titles. It started innocently
enough but quickly became faster and more intense! For a quick glance
at a list of the better titles that were brought up by our comedians,
And then e-mail me with your votes
on what you think was the funniest title from the #rgvc explicit naming
contest and we'll have the results on this page as soon as we get
enough participants!
The Two Stooges -- April, 1999
Thumbs up to those who can actually follow the conversation.
Doing Drugs Or Masturbating? Hmmmmmm.... -- March, 1997
A guy by the nick "Atari2600" refuses to bop the baloney with the rest of
us... Party pooper! :-)
Speculator Alert! Speculator Alert! -- March, 1997
"Hawk9" (aka. "Gormadoc), a speculator/investor/antique dealer in all sorts of
collectibles and antiques, tries to blend in with the gang. You probably
have an idea of what comes next, but read on anyways.
Totally Clueless -- December, 1996
A teen jumps on and educates us on the who, what, why and how of videogames.