heh..."fox and goat"...huh-huh, huh-huh... * _sdc_ is very, very tired. =) <|tsr> sdc: a boy and his.. "blob" "cat and chicken" huh-huh, huh-huh <|tsr> sdc: elevator "action" <_sdc_> tsr: "marble" madness... "kev and horn" huh-huh huh-huh <_sdc_> whoa! cala mad another dick joke! =) "puss in boots" heheheheh hm heh heh <_sdc_> "metal gear"...huh-huh, huh-huh... cala: well, I worship my horn. :-) <_sdc_> "bobby is going home"...huh-huh, huh-huh.... <_sdc_> man, i love that game. =) "bobby is going homo" huhuhuhuh <|tsr> kev: you should make -that- for the cv :) tsr: hehehehe. kev: LOL! <_sdc_> kev: that'd be sick. do it. =) tsr: like a Disney game, I fear that it'd have no gameplay. :-/ :-) kev: you better not :) <|tsr> kev: it could be a sim, like war room <|tsr> kev: bobby comes out of the closet and he then has to deal with sudden changes in day to day affairs ;) tsr: true, true. Hmm... tsr: LOL! <|tsr> kev: and there would be platform sections, of course. :) <_sdc_> tsr: he has many strange trouble with his new lifestyle. =) tsr: yeah, you can lead him on the road to ruin, as it were... leave boy/boy mags lying around, etc. ttc tsr: control his 'urges' hmmm... intresting! :-) cala: oic. Don't I need a keyboard for that then? <|tsr> kev: whatever you do make, make the title a funny twist on a 2600 game. :) tsr: hehehe. Like the opening screen to X-Man? hehehe <|tsr> kev: no, i meant like 'bobby is going homo' :) tsr: oooohhhh!!! gotcha! :-) <|tsr> or 'sex avoiders' * _sdc_ is a 'sex avoider'. =) tsr: I need to get that funky music right. :-) <|tsr> or 'chase the drag queen' or 'cunts but no cunts' <|tsr> or something :) tsr: I *do* have the GFX all drawn up for Astro Tit, tho. :-) *** Joins: Mushy (mushroom@ tsr: youre on a roll tonite bro :) Hiya all! The Mushroom here... <|tsr> kev: well, have at it then. :) I was thinking more like "Super Mario Buggards / Fuck Cunt" (two game special) <|tsr> varan: you sure you are not being sarcastic ;) kung fu superdicks epp: LOL! <_sdc_> epp: good one... tsr: actually no, for once! :) Sex Invaders * |tsr remembers once thinking how cool a NES game entitled "Oral Sex" would be <_sdc_> mouse crap. =) tsr: with the magic of the emulator, you can write one! sdc -- ROTFL <|tsr> kev: but i dunno any assembler! :) <|tsr> kev: oh, wait, should i use 'basic programming'? * Varan wants to see a game called "I'll give you a dollar if you touch my penis" tsr: well, don't bitch to me, then! :-) bump n hump <_sdc_> var: story of my life. =) Quimrun! * Varan is in a fucking weird mood right now Shit Pac-Man? Crazy Fucker <_sdc_> river laid. =) Dix? Centi-choad? Mr. Do Me! Miss Piggy's Honeymoon condom attack Poon-yan Smurfs Save the Gay? Smurfette's Orgy Peepee Defender? <_sdc_> wizard of whore. Starwhore? dark cavern :) <|tsr> "i want my vibrator" Wizard of Jizz : <_sdc_> tsr: LOL! epp: lol! Jism Wizard, you mean. Jacked-on Hemmerhoids Swordquest (self-explanitory) Swordquest: Watersports <_sdc_> prostitute's apprentice... ROTFL!!! <|tsr> kev: eheahhaahh ET the extra testicle * |tsr remembers doing this sort of thing with his friends when he was 12 :) <_sdc_> eppy: old cheech and chong bit, that. =) Cum Busters sdc: aye <_sdc_> flogger. Sky Kinks hahaha!! fast eddie! <_sdc_> keystone rapers. =) sdc: LOL! Castro-Blast/Castro-Smash <_sdc_> robot skank! =) flogger's the best so far Shit SHuttle: A Journey into the Sewer sdc: hahahaha! spikes peak (again, self-explanitory) Whopper Command Q*Bert's Boobs <|tsr> video pocketball Crystal Whorehouse Dick Shot Congo Schlongo! Suck Rogers! <_sdc_> nymphomania! SEGA!! gang-rape alley Cooterman Espew! Coconuts! *** Quits: Steempy (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) <|tsr> smurfs have a lay Tit-le match Mud Wrestling! Floss-Bite <_sdc_> slot racers. =) *** Joins: Nug (Duh@d13.lwr.ma.ultra.net) Cunt & Score <_sdc_> no embellishment required. <|tsr> star fux :| Hey Mushy! :) Guy Russ Are these new Mystique prototypes? :) hye nug <_sdc_> homo run. *** Joins: Steempy (~none@ <|tsr> nug: we've been going like this for a few minutes :) Flogger II: Harder, Deeper! mush: LOL! Joust (no expl needed) jungle cunt Junior Jack-Mann epp: ha! wanky-kong Mrs. Crack-Man <_sdc_> space jockey...also no explanation reqd. =) Donkey's Dong Kanga-Doo Space Jock-itch <_sdc_> gophucker *** Quits: Nug (irc2.uiuc.edu irc.ais.net) cock 'n chase Picdick Keystone Kapers (needs none...) Keystone Kocksuckers Semen Attack!!! peequest <_sdc_> dragster. ROTFL!!! Semen Attack!!! london shits Tit Pilot I hope somebody's logging this.. I want to read it later. :) Off the Balls! <_sdc_> cunt: i can... Mario Buggers <|tsr> i log everything, remember? :) * SegaMan has a log too. :) Though... Never mind. <_sdc_> cunt: it's a done deal. =) Berinstein Butt Buddies MegaGasm masturbators of the univers: the power of she-man PitFill Metrhoid epp: the Power of Semen! PitFill2: The Large Chasm <_sdc_> mr. do's asshole. =) Pitfall][: the lost orgasm kev: even better!! metrhoid II: return of anus Pole Position (needs nothing...) and of course super metrhoid <|tsr> excitedyke tsr: LOL!! <_sdc_> cumbat. Bungholorodeo tsr: hahaha! Quest For Quim And A Poon Spurtmaster Mario69 River Slave Spider Dong Cuntmaster Title Match Pro Wick Wrestling <_sdc_> krull. =) bugs (ewww) PeeQuest Title Match ho' Wrestling Kung Fuck Master! Wider Biter Bugs? No, crabs! mounting king StiffPeepee <|tsr> eppy: hah Endildo ScrewMaster <_sdc_> demolition herpes. <|tsr> we done yet? :) YES!!!! Calafornication games Cummer Games oink! squeeeeel like a piggie! TacScum Cum-Scan <|tsr> "grunt: the sexathlon game" <_sdc_> i dunno, i kinda liked krull. =) Wencher Krull is cool fudge-pack man <_sdc_> cosmic crotch? mistress pac man Fuckway? Grand Prick? Whack-Man sdc: Cosmic Fart Rod's Revenge Holey Moley (as-is) Whaxxon (whaxxoff?) poke-her plus Riddle of the dicks Up 'N Down. (needs no explanation) YES!! Hot Slots Spoo Hunter Tap Her slit racer SE <|tsr> kev: sorry, that one exists ;) SEMEN ATTACK! epp: hahaha tsr: I know! <_sdc_> dick shot? sdc: Dick Snot? <_sdc_> flea cunt? dong sports <_sdc_> kev: trick shot... <|tsr> eppy: eeeehehea Stellar Fack? Trick Shit? Wabbit. Huh Huh, well, it is a sex toy... :/ Peepee Chase <|tsr> "farmyard" "fun" <_sdc_> crystal assholes... Phantasy Schlong? Gobblevellius? KLIX Hot Cocks RealSports Orgy Chase PT? <|tsr> "trojan" KLITX tsr: hahahaha <|tsr> chase vd <_sdc_> choadblasters? Ass Hog <|tsr> "great sex" for your SMS virtual turn-on * Steempy is ROTFL.. Super Mario Buggers kev: LOL Mastur Bater (master builder) Boing! Virtua Fisters ROTFL!!! steemp: hahaha! ste: LOL Schlong Edge Super Street Walker Turbo Save the Whales! (she can't get out of the car!) bust-a-boob Chase the Fuck Wagon <_sdc_> tetfist? kev: LOL! (wonders why nobody thought of that one yet) Tit/fist? <_sdc_> cunt line. Tit Pilot Mr. Dildo <_sdc_> bombhymen? S.U.C.K. 3 Bomb'r Hyman? <_sdc_> or buster hymen. Twisted Meat Dikken <|tsr> 'monster in my pocket' (obscure nes game) squeeze (your dick in her) box Ep-pee: LOL! <|tsr> "squeeze (your dick in her) box"? :) Buttlezone? Dreams Into Fantasies... Slit Defender? SuperAction Buttfuck Sperminator II: The Arcade Game? Cocky SA Buttfucking Superaction Cunt-roller Crazy Cunilinguist? BOMB's Great Escape of semen mush: hahaha! <_sdc_> secret queif? <_sdc_> (sp?) ROTFL, sdc! darksuckers or cockstalkers tron deadly dicks *** Quits: COCOMAN (later kidz!) Dark Chamberpots <_sdc_> worm war 1 (no explanation)... Enthralled Dicks of Tron hey dont dis the discs Leggomania Worn Whore 1 Ream This Game tunnel runner! <_sdc_> hornival Tunnel Snooper! Hyperspurts! Octopussy bonerider <|tsr> london tits haunted whores <_sdc_> road rash. Wall Ball (no need...) <|tsr> horny escape <_sdc_> astrogash! Spitorswallow Attack? titris whorelords <|tsr> fisting derby <_sdc_> space fartin's.... ROTFL tsr! tsr: hahahahahaahah * Steempy is fuckin' ROTFLMAO for the past 10 mins. :) <_sdc_> tsr: that was funny. =) Rastass oh geez...these need to be cataloged Jungle Cunt laser bust ball blazer <_sdc_> furburgertime? Kaboom! (no need...) <_sdc_> eppy: i got 'em all. =) _sdc_: LOL! Mmmmm Nut-work *** Quits: riffraff (Connection reset by peer) <_sdc_> ssnatch... * Steempy is crying here.. dickathlon Cosmic Orgasmer Pussfinder? sssnatch! Good one! are you ppl still at it? :) Asterhoids Hunt 'n Score (no changes needed) mush: LOL! cala: no. safe to join in. Minge Craze? Poon Patrol snatcher, for that matter I want my mommy (no need) dreadnaught fucked her (I believe thats a title) Riff: ROFL! Millipeed I Want My Money! <_sdc_> space (between her legs) cavern... <|tsr> fag capture (if you'll pardon the somewhat derogatory word) tsr: Fag Rapture <_sdc_> kev: hahahahaha! Mg. of Weed? <_sdc_> boobin'... Space Whore Pole Position? Cumbat Smash T.A. <_sdc_> rear end... <_sdc_> boobicolor... <_sdc_> alligator pussy. Xysluts Alligator Peepee <_sdc_> bi! bi! Bi! Homo! tsr: LOL Ooh, worse Kevin.... I Want My Mommy (left alone) <|tsr> "space (between her legs) cavern"? :) hahaha Juiced Space Dungeon? (not much explanation necessary) GraviWhore blueball-print? <_sdc_> cooze missle. =0 mr. do's bunghole Thrust (no explanation) mortal Kumbat space whore Whorf <|tsr> 69-in-1 :P tsr: hehehe Jizzy Jackrabbit... <|tsr> ok, we done -now-? :) Donger Bonger (after Honker Bonker) Hot Rox (no need...) <|tsr> what's "honker bonker"? :) <_sdc_> hole hunter. Hot Cox Honker Bonker sounds ruder. :) *** Quits: Fygar (irc.blackened.com irc.cdc.net) *** Quits: Varan (irc.blackened.com irc.cdc.net) *** Quits: kevtris (irc.blackened.com irc.cdc.net) *** Quits: xTrix (irc.blackened.com irc.cdc.net) b.c.'s quest for a good time <_sdc_> deadly fuck. Honker Bonker -- CX 26130 ack! Good one SDC _sdc_: Cooze Missile!!! haha *** Joins: Fygar (Fygar@ip226.white-plains.ny.interramp.com) *** Joins: Varan (trappel@pm-at-3-6.athenet.net) *** Joins: kevtris (KHORTON@ind-0015-4.iquest.net) *** Joins: xTrix (ccspres@cnc133053.concentric.net) Mode change "+oo Fygar kevtris" on #rgvc by irc.cdc.net I hate it when that happens... bounty bob cornholes a blind bitch <_sdc_> firefloozy? Rastain Saga? Bounty Bob strikes Back <_sdc_> eppy: rotflmaotipmp! *** Joins: kkevtris (KHORTON@ind-0015-4.iquest.net) argh! *** Quits: kevtris (Leaving) Bounty Bob Strikes Crack? <_sdc_> eppy's "bounty bob cornholes a blind bitch" wins so far, imo... steemp: hehehe steempy:: yeah :) Miner 69er? video pornball <_sdc_> shit pac-kong? Video Dildo Space Sluttle video sex olympics <_sdc_> immies and aggies? <_sdc_> i dunno... Whorehouse Escape Space Fucks Star Fucs star whores <_sdc_> nuts. frogger: threedeep (no comment) "pip" -- peeing my pants? <_sdc_> snail against squirrel. riff: i have a copy of that :) .. no wait.. i think i deleted it Flogger: She's Deep Flogger: TooDeep <_sdc_> mush: got it... uh, I thought I want my mommy was better :P Thanks... <_sdc_> ram it... <_sdc_> or ram clit... <_sdc_> shaft rider... I think it's time we look to the German FAQ... <_sdc_> save our shit Shave our Pit panty raid hehehe! * _sdc_ is surprised none of us have gotten to work on sky skipper yet... Star Whores: Pimps strike back! Poo*bert Shy Cooter? or Guy Cooter? <_sdc_> that name is a target if i ever heard one..."sky skipper"... Black Hole (stands alone -- Cosmic Ark clone) Tron Solar Shagger Boom Bang! steemp: hahaha! Quantcum Lilly Adventure! <_sdc_> texas chainsaw enema? rubber raid dig dug (a little too deep) Fags and guys Mr. Did? Sperm End <_sdc_> towering inferno... Oils well Pork (Zork) My Way, hehehe <_sdc_> rapeworm. Alice's Adventure! <|tsr> 'bonk's' adventure Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Dark? Phallus' Adventure! Pudmuckl! hahaha! bonk... huh huh <_sdc_> crac scan... Virtua-Hampster (no adulteration needed... you supply the duct-tape!) hehehe Shooting Gallery (channel f) Bobby geht naught Whores cal! woohoo! :) <_sdc_> open sesame. steempy: ive done others.. scroll up Panzer in Drag oon? Der modern Rump Richter Panda Rape <_sdc_> thunder asshole? cal: Will do. :) <|tsr> kev: ehah Cornholization? The Fuck And The Wolf <_sdc_> galagay? Strawberry Slutcake? Snail Screws Squirrel K.C. pussy-munchkin _sdc_: ROTFL! Strwaberry Shitstack YES EPPY!! Ep-pee: ROTFLMAO! epp: LOL! <_sdc_> pick ass pete? shitfall * Steempy declares KC Pussy-munchkin the WINNER! haunted whorehouse Die Ratte und der Kunte whoa. didn't think it was that good. Zone Butt Ranger Quest for The Ring? <_sdc_> steemp: i dunno, i still kinda liked "bounty bob cornholes a blind bitch". =) Schlongle Boy Mushy: hehehehehe <_sdc_> mr. postman? nimble fingers ned mush: hehehe Eddy Longfinger, Virginity Thief quicks Prince of Persia? :-) Poke-a-hiney Realsports fuckfest? Cunt-back of notre dame Fuck im Apfelbaum (Sex In The Appletree) 101 Dalmations (no explanation) <_sdc_> quyramid wars? <|tsr> monster fuck rally Snow White and the seven dildoes tsr: lol! Longdong der Normandie James and the Giant Peach (be very afraid) SEX Airmastur Slit Harrier? cock n ball racing Mario Cunts? Marinefucker (Marine Pilot) Sliver Raid <_sdc_> vagina syndrome? Marspatroullie And for real... Sailor Full Moon monster fuck rally F.E.L.L.A.T.I.O. (H.E.R.O.) Emission 3000 <_sdc_> dick kick... ROTFL sdc! <_sdc_> col'n... Brown Down Town Pele's International Sucker? karatecunt <_sdc_> no explanation there... James Schlong 007 Colour Whore Generator Pirate Ship! Super Trouser Cobra <_sdc_> cock wins? <|tsr> kev: oh, lord :) Cock-peepee tower suckler <_sdc_> gash dive? Top Gun! <|tsr> a porno version of a system tester? :) Tower Cop-a-feeler steemp: LOL 7800 Schlongnostic Cart? :) <_sdc_> commando laid? _sdc_: LOL! desert felching Riff: ROTFL! Wachroboten suks Jupy rotfl Vectriff! * Vectriff bows <_sdc_> laysher dates? pornotron 2084 bleagh! Secret Breast * Steempy has to go, but if one of you doesn't mail or DCC me a log of this later, I'll kick all your asses. Vogal fuck (Bird, Fuck!) Altered breast Golden Waxe Off <_sdc_> steemp: i got ya covered... _cunt_: thanks. <|tsr> sega: eheh Cya, guys! seeya steemp Von Himmel durch de Hole The way of the fist Skeet Shit (to Heaven through the hole) fistfucker of the north star later steemp *** Quits: Steempy (Legendary Ass? Gayden? Sexvious? Super Lickout?) Later Stimp! gayares Wolf Porks Swine Mario cunts * _sdc_ is surprised no one made a big deal over the imagic title 'laysher dates'. =) (get into my) Bed Lamb <_sdc_> well, besides me... sdc: never heard of it <_sdc_> vect: laser gates... Winged Whore clean suck Laser Gays <_sdc_> SPIKE. clean sucker even <|tsr> havewildsexwith terra i Arrow Flasher Conned Whore Attack Crap-yard Dog cosmic chasm :) <_sdc_> mush: that'd be a great one! 3-D Narrow Hole Escape Wilma Wanderer :) missiel command :) missle even Mountain Man :) Moisture-Missile Command or maybe missile <_sdc_> canyon slimer? Cavern Blaster! :) Solar Foxy Mounthat Thing Vanhard Cabbage Patch Kids Erotic Adventure in the Park mortal cumbath <|tsr> eppy: hehehehheh rotfl Vect! <_sdc_> pengay... Fuck & Suck (Type & Tell) <_sdc_> vect; not bad... Las Vegas CrackJack <_sdc_> amidork? fucky and sucky Las Vegas Poke-her and Back-Jack? papa smurf goes senile and fucks the shit outta smurfette's adventure? ... Go For The Gold Fudge Pack from HES Miss PIggie's Feltching bible adventures Z-Tacky <_sdc_> mounting shwing? <|tsr> pigs on your face Solar Fucks Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's S&M Dungeon Donald-ducks Speed Trip Rope n Roc! cookie monster raunch <_sdc_> dumbo's flying circumcision? Oscar's Crack Race Freedom Fuckers Shaq Fuck *** Joins: riffraff (riffraff@riffraff.sportsextra.com) [riffraff] Normal folk dont spit up bullets when ya shoot em! *** Arcadian sets mode: +o riffraff hello Ninja Harden Hey Riff! hi sega sdc: ROTFLMAO! Ninja Hardon <|tsr> "stinger" <_sdc_> good fuck, charlie brown? Ninja Gay-den sdc: LOL!! YES, sdc!! <_sdc_> crack and feel... Snoopy and the Head-Barron Spector Hardon crazy slimer <|tsr> snoopy and the butt pirate :P <_sdc_> bumper gash? Oscar's Sex Race Poon Fight Big Turd's Shit Catch <_sdc_> loadbreaker? PitFuck Ganged-her-in-the Alley pooncan Kid Ick-her-puss Grover's Poontang-maker Power of She Man Pubic's Cube <_sdc_> var: 2 points! <|tsr> hardon's alley mush: ehe Fatal Runs Spewmnastier <|tsr> atari video lube Slap Shit : Super Pro Hokey Q*berts pubes Double Dunk (needs none...) Xeno-probe blades of feel Stinks Double-Spunk Super Pro Footjob xybutts <_sdc_> warpcock? Sega: hahhahaha White Water Madness :) Radar Cock Feltchmaster SEX-7 Mush: Yellow Water Madness <_sdc_> sega: what vectriff said. =) Cobra Cummand hehehe! hung like a M.U.L.E. Face Fucker heh Rescue On Fucktallus Pee.O.W Chase the cuntwagon GalaGangbang >_sdc_> 3-d prick that hoe? Fraction Pervert Gapuss *** Quits: riffraff (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) Rescue on Fuckedallofus circumcision charlie Barnyard Cum Blaster Bump & Hump jism of Cractulus <_sdc_> frisky tom. *** Quits: s-kelly (Ping timeout) * kkevtris is now known as kevtris <_sdc_> krull! Choke-Peepee Poopeye June first (then Lea, then Kathy, then...) Montezuma's Revenge Holey Shit! (after Holey Moley) Titenkhum Really-X Gyrate Thrash Hole Rally XXX :) StarWhores: Ad-hoc adventure! Super Cunt Cycle <_sdc_> mush: that shouldn't be as funny as it is...holy shit. =) Tempuss Cuntlet <_sdc_> pilotwangs? Vec-- Gyrate? ROTFL <_sdc_> KI golden showers? The Eidildo *** Joins: riffraff (riffraff@riffraff.sportsextra.com) [riffraff] Normal folk dont spit up bullets when ya shoot em! Breakout 3: Sex with the wrong person *** Arcadian sets mode: +o riffraff Wood And Water Rape *** Joins: s-kelly (skelly@skelly.xnet.com) Re Riff re! [s-kelly] Grab my lists at: http://www.xnet.com/~skelly/ *** Arcadian sets mode: +o s-kelly boobin <_sdc_> pork patrol... Re SK! Pink Spunkthur Skank Command Loaded Runner Licker (Kicker) Subcock 3D Tricky Lick Hump-Man (jumpman) super rubber glove ball NBA Cram <|tsr> bad street flasher <_sdc_> mega mams? Pressure Hooker <|tsr> sdc: hahehah Pressure shooter sdc: Good one! <_sdc_> endurher... earthshakers Double Draggin' Touch-Me (a handheld) mush: hahaha! Cocky and Rocky Nutbusters funhouse Nutbusters II: STa-Puft Gust Thrusters jackoff-bot F <_sdc_> anal beam with ernie? F-18 Horney I, Sexbot <_sdc_> did we cover that? Lochjaw (from sucking too much dick) Gangst Her Alley Masked Rider: Kamen Rider SM Squoosh! Smurfs Snuff the Gay <_sdc_> solar sperm? ass-ault 10th Shame (10th Frame) Dominate Man (from CBS) <_sdc_> soldher sperm? Hole-Hunter Lady Butt butch head? PicLick <|tsr> sorry, i can't take this anymore :) off to bed Rocky Buggers The Champ Turd-bo ;ater tsr <|tsr> what is this horrible thing i've started.. you'll be here doing this until 1997 mush: hahaha! <_sdc_> slitmaster? Pecker II later tsr cya tsr <_sdc_> later tsr? Night! Later tsr! nintendo enema station Slither (no change needed) Dragon's pubic Hair <_sdc_> anal fantasy? Papa Smurf's Treasure Hunt (no change...) Frenzy (no change) papa smurf's pleasure hunt Papa Smurf's Treasured Cunt Muffhanger <_sdc_> fuck cunt Yeah, Eppy! Yeah, Kevin! donkey schlongs MagiCunt ass bandit kings of ancient china <_sdc_> papa smurf's wife's a cunt! Mine of Penus 36 Greatest Holes Donghold (by CummaVid) Rush Whore Stronghole? hole position <_sdc_> i still don't know if any of these will top " bounty bob cornholes a blind bitch" for me. =) indiana jones and the temple of poontang What about the games by Floggo? Spooge Missile mush: Oh, She-Hawk and Cruise-Moisture-Missile? *** Quits: |tsr (Ping timeout) Sea Cunt Flogger! <_sdc_> spider roid? Skank Command Fuxtron Crapper Story Robutron U, FO! Pork'er cum bubbles Crapp'ed Crack-avoiders <_sdc_> actually, 2nd place for me prolly goes to "conned whore attack". =) ROTFL Kevin! sonic the spoogehog sinislut Thanks, SDC! Smurfs Shave the Gay? rotfl!!!! Laser Rapes Solar Whore Quick Hump (as opposed to Step) Sonic and Fuckles Tunnel Cummer <_sdc_> anal approach... system changer...heheh Sonic Skinball Crap! (by Imagic) supercharger CuminColor <_sdc_> the earth dies screaming... Frostbiteme Poop-chute charger Escape From Argos (he's horny) The Whore Dies Moaning M.A.D (Mothers against Dongs) Hop On It Ram It! Nova Blast (hehehe)< _sdc_> frankenschlong's monster. Shitting Force Safe Crack I honestly cant think of any more games Attack of the Beef-tube horny bastards! Surgical Suck triple action fuck rogers and the planet of poon Masturbators of the Universe Flash Backside var: hahaha! lick and chafe In Search Of The Golden Shlong Star Trek: Erotic Operations Simulator Poon-Tang Man Batman IN Robin StarWhores: Dick Star Buttle Armored Anne's Bush <_sdc_> shuttle ovaries... Bust-a-Whore Schlongs & Flies Dark Cavern :) Air Rapers Frogs Get Fried Cookie Monster Pussy Munch Bump & Jump :) :) The Fuckstones <_sdc_> zoo fun. :D:D:D I think we've pretty much butchered every system out there advanced D&S: pleasure of tarmin Kabuki Quantum Fucker Vect: No Studio 2 stuff yet... <_sdc_> devil's cunt... Scuba Diver :) heavy barrel (no comment) hangin-low g man <_sdc_> bonk's adventure... Advanced S&M: Pleasure of Sharmin Sea Fuck (by Panda) Track & Sack Masturbation, The Watt Way Midnight Rider :) Space Whorrier <_sdc_> white men can't fuck. The Cunt for Red's October Ass Rider Lick Me, You Worm! (no real game for that one, i just like saying it.) Eppy: LOL! <_sdc_> up 'n down... Lord of the Dingalings: Journey to Rape-em-all <_sdc_> and up 'n down ... <_sdc_> and up 'n down ... In 'n Out james Bond 007 as seen in Octopussy Jaws! :) Spy Cunter <_sdc_> galagonad? Donkey Dong Jr. Grabda or Grope-da Fuck Rogers; Cavern of Zagreb sdc: hahaha! <_sdc_> ghosts n'n gonads? Fuck Rogers; Marathon of Bender Area 69 Fuckin' good one SDC! Fuck Rodgers: Planet of Poon Suckula sdc: hahaha! <_sdc_> R.C. pro anal? DragonFucker kev: you just laughed at me for saying that :) Fuck Rogers; Secret of Sabar (she's got a dick!) point blank Stampeed 69 Hours var: well, soo may have gone by! :-) <_sdc_> the chestblaster? Marathon Man :) its all a blur Mission Impossible :) hang on War of the Turds Cock Trick (hat trick) Karerotica Protoblob Mission REALLY Impossible: Sucking yourself Good one, Kev! enema mine Mangia! :) Dinx spelunker! Hump 'em Crazy Beauty & the Beast and Ted & Alice Romper Room.... Beauty in the Breast and Head & phallus? Romper Room 1: Doo Mee Captain does the kangaroo laid over bungling bay Romper Room 2: Countdown to Fun :) hehehhe Infiltrator whores racing <_sdc_> laid over bungholing bay... Romper Room 3: Let's Do It In The Street laid over moscow RamRage CompuMate With Your Computer River Spaid *** Joins: Nug (Duh@d13.lwr.ma.ultra.net) Communist Pussy From Space Rhoidrage Poonar: Eternal Pink Escape from the Fuckmaster STILL going. :) Fireballing nug: no breaks!! hemmaroids <_sdc_> nipple golf... Party mix! :) <_sdc_> sweat. Pussy Mix! Dragonwanker Bone Attack! Frantic! Sweat!!!! Douche Protectors Bone-o Trigger! Booger Blaster! Tug-a-whore! Masturbator Blaster Poontang Bobby's Erotic Adventure Flogs Them Flies Whac-a-Critter Leo's Lectric Poonbrush capture the flog kool-laid <_sdc_> bobby is going to fuck the shit outta that girl... Super Mario RPG-string Yes, Kevin! heat seeking moisture missile command Super Challenge Poonball Cosmic Craps cyberballed <_sdc_> sea bunghole? speedballed Baby Boom Boom! :) Brain Ball :) :) Spanking Baby Monkeys Up And Ram'em <_sdc_> zombies ate my pussy? Bouncing Baby Spumk-monkeys Ding Dong sdc: LOL buttacas (an amiga game) Marauder! ) Pole-aris yogi's frustration M-Hetwork? (M-network) <_sdc_> poleanus? BC's (big cock's) Quest For Pussy BC's Quest For Pussy 2: Dong's Revenge Miner '69er volume 2 (louder than last time) Legendary Waxe Weeny Bopper! WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE THINK OF THAT EARLIER?? <_sdc_> golgonad 13? Human CumAndBall rear-ender Springer! <_sdc_> *wizards and wankers? I can't keep up. Shadow of the Breast Schwing! Commander Deadly Fuck! WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE THINK OF THAT ONE EARLIER? whizzer of whores <_sdc_> mush: i did. =) Wizards and Wankers 2: Iron Whore! MegaFucks Craps and Chaos Super Mario Brothers/Duck Cunt * _sdc_ has the log going for all to read when we're done. =) air-sea spanking The Muffat Conspiracy Spew Spew Land air-sea dildo? Gynomite Target Cum? No, Sega, it was Super Buggering Brothers/Fuck Cunt excite mike <_sdc_> namco whorehouse vols. 1 and 2? GOOD. VECT! *** Joins: RedWizard (pinwiz@pinwiz.demon.co.uk) Mush: Ahhh, missed that one. No, it's Super Mario Buggards Flush Gordon morning all Red: Watch out! :) <_sdc_> hi red... The Earth Dies Moaning Pork Me's Poon Patrol sega: watch out? why? The Earth Dies Reaming <_sdc_> red: welcome to #rgvc-smut... The Enima <_sdc_> kev: that's the best Earth dies screaming one yet... YES, KEV! wank heist Encunter at L-5 Encounter at KY Voyage to the Bottom of Me <_sdc_> riffraff: good show! Sneak n Peak :) reamin attack Mega Cum Pak <_sdc_> fantastic voyeur. Squeeze Box Warpcock Warpedcock? * _sdc_ thinks we shoul award points at the end of all of this. =) Mr. Do-Me's! Castle *** Joins: RedWiz (pinwiz@pinwiz.demon.co.uk) re all - other server was lagged to hell <_sdc_> alpine raped-her... Hairaiders <_sdc_> my favorite boxng game ever...final blow. =) Circumcision Charlie Drop The Fly * Varan hi5's riff Pudnic Piece o' Ass hahahah Rump Rider Farts Poonic Restaurant Tail and the Poon Panther Rainblow Islands Towering Erection lagged to hell here - changing servers Booble Bobble *** Quits: RedWizard (Leaving) Chuck Norris' Super Dicks Sir Lance-a-lot mooned chesty snoopy & the red baron come out of the closet Fudge Tunnel boobsiliconian pigs in each other guys this is really really cathartic,but I really gotta go Little Bare Boink! :) night var I've Got Crabs Control Skank City mush: hahaha! kev: I said that one ages ago :P Off Your Cock-er i definitely want a copy of this when all is said and done night folx later var Lick My SAC Alert Androgyne Man *** Quits: Varan (Leaving) Quest for Quintana's Poon * RedWiz is now known as RedWizard <_sdc_> clitipede? Solo (the game of masturbation) snowball brothers (I don't want to explain) Leonardo's Log Centi-peepee (he has 100 peepees :-) Leo's Kinks Leo's 'Lectric Poonbrush <_sdc_> schlong (pong) amatuer video olympics Micro Masturbate You said that! Pogoman :) Suck My Head (Look Ahead) Pole-er-Guys <_sdc_> or super schlong for all the deluxe features,,, Atari Video Boob hehehe BoundX Atari Video Pube Headtris! <_sdc_> siniscrotum? Said that Dumbo's Flying Cervix! No, wait, I said Pubic's Cube, sorry... hehehe YES KEV! <_sdc_> cloak and shag her? Cirvix Atari! Space Furry sega: LOL! *** Quits: Nug (Ping timeout) Cock and Dildo Pissy Chef Hungman (prolly a dupe) Pussy Chef <_sdc_> doneher... *** Joins: Nug (Duh@d13.lwr.ma.ultra.net) Spunk REading Poop Chute ][: The Lost Caverns! *** Quits: RedWizard (Leaving) <_sdc_> (diner)... Blunken Attack Super Sucking Poopfall! still like bonerider (or Shitfall!) Foot Fetish Control mush: hahahah! Video Flogger from Exus... <_sdc_> eppy: not as good as bounty bob cornholes the blind bitch.=) Trouser Monster Blowing <_sdc_> eppy: i'm still laughing from that... sdc: oh shut up :) Peepee's Sock-er Deep Throat! (no, wait...) Peepee's a sucker Strategy X-rated <_sdc_> john elway's cornholeback? Cumma Attack Family Fuck *** Quits: Arcadian (Connection timed out) *** Quits: riffraff (Connection timed out) Smash Shit Pack Dragon's Hair <_sdc_> sonic spinthebottle (for the pre-teens...) Ball Defender Nintendo Kev: LOL! Ball Break (Wall Break by Homevision) :) Cum 'N' (Col 'N' by Homevision) mush: if it needs explaining, it ain't funny <_sdc_> screw the bear (telstar's shoot the bear...) Frisk-'er Blast dRoids Poop-chute Repro cunt <_sdc_> vidco's copyfart! Bally Pinis 's Gay Boy *** Quits: kevtris (Leaving) *** Joins: kkevtris (KHORTON@ind-0015-4.iquest.net) Power Whores by Probe 2000 <_sdc_> saltine's new game...okie, blowme! Glob Whore Room Semen Drop Pooper ][ <_sdc_> pooping... Nice nuzzle Squirt 'em Knight Rider :) Snow-plow Flicker *** Quits: Nug (Leaving) <_sdc_> krull! Jungle Jiz Motor Mouth :) Nuts! :) Willy Safari Shoot It JIggle Cunt Breast of the Idol <_sdc_> sploogin' gallery Dazzler :) Inner Space :) sdc: ugh! that was gross. :) Treasure Below :) <_sdc_> eppy: i do what i can. =) Scrode Runner No, gross is... I Want My Mommy! YES KEV! <_sdc_> mush: depends on who your mommy is... Hole Hunter! :) Dragon Pleasure <_sdc_> mush: i want steempy's mommy is gross... Grand Pricks Saboturd Dinka Gold still like super trouser cobra. think that was steempy's. <_sdc_> i've had steemp's mommy. Poonkeeper <_sdc_> eppy: i missed that one the 1st time. =) Poontang Protector <_sdc_> shave mary. Ski Cunt Ski Rammer YES, sdc!! <_sdc_> bionic blowjob? sdc: once all these are compiled, we'll see who the really clever folx are. Yes, SDC! <_sdc_> eppy: we've got 'em all down. =) sdc: just need to sort em all and see who had each first Cosmic Pants Raiders Rimmer Raid!!!!!! <_sdc_> eppy: you volunteering? Muncher! :) <_sdc_> mush: that was nice. =) Cocklifter, The Gay-Team, Crap'd, Fecal Run, Off the Whore, Whore Zone sdc: wouldn't be too hard to code up a prog to do it. It was the least I could do after shit like "Felching Derby" / Fisting Derby fisting derby...LOL The best so far IMHO is Desert Felching Wank Plus <_sdc_> tutancum. twatencum ssskank! * _sdc_ still stands by eppy's "bounty bob cornholes the blind bitch". =) Weeny Bopper! <_sdc_> mush: i had ssschlong befre, i think... Yeah... Tomcat F-14 STimulator <_sdc_> goo print? You realize of course that Sssnake *is* Sssshlong in German?! tail gunner :) Mr. Poonman <_sdc_> mush: no, i din't actually. see, you learn something every day. I'd *love* to find a German pirate Sssnake now... Humpman Junior Puke Man Ms Puke Man Junior Puke Man Kung Fuck Superkicks <_sdc_> mush: can you imagine that? Kung Fuck Supercocks Shittin' Gallery I can... <_sdc_> mush: sssschlong would go for thousands in an auction over here! I'd wet my pants if I ever found one. <_sdc_> mush: that one would be a keeper. =) "Be on the lookout for a loose Ssshlong..." Cararre Video probably made one, too. <_sdc_> or a schlong, new in the box. =) "will trade for shrinkwrapped ssshlong" ROTLF!!!! "ssshlong for sale" gonadventure Coke Rims Cumbat <_sdc_> fortress of nadzod... <_sdc_> dark tower... * _sdc_ just turned on the vec. =) <_sdc_> poleher rescue... Erector, for the CV Buzz Bumers (grabbing the CV FAQ) <_sdc_> rip off (her clothes) <_sdc_> scarred asshole... Alcumzar the Fucking Fortress Amazing Bumpman :) Squat-attack <_sdc_> wet whores. BC's Quest For Rubbers <_sdc_> skinball... BC2: Schlong's Revenge Ream-rider Boulder Smash Butt-rider fuck'r gash Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show hmmmmm!!! <_sdc_> rump ranger... Dunce Fantasy Scooby Doo-Me Maze Munch <_sdc_> zenjizz... DeFucker Tron Deadly Dicks? "name this position" Dr. Sux - Suck Up the Fuck Up Facesitter "Fix up the Dick suck" Fucker Sucker (flipper slipper) Fucking Fever Frantic Freddie :) Gateway to Assfixia Nut Buster <_sdc_> antarctic adv...watch the penguin fuck the seal. =) Illustrations Crappy Trails Gust Thruster Bust Luster (gust buster) cum-splattered house Poker, Ken Uston! <_sdc_> eppy: LOL! <_sdc_> mushy: LOL! Black Jack, Poker! Learning and Leap-er kieth courage in erogenous zones <_sdc_> mush: ken uston can't poker anymore...he's dead. :| Stinking Logic Learning with peper earm, leper Mammary Manor (and there's a porno by that name) mush: LOL! Golden Meteoric Shower :) Monkey Spank Academy mush: hahahahaha!!! Bad case of Montezuma's Revenge Box Demo, never mind the music Adam's Poontang box Demo One-on-One :) ONe-in-one? Pecker II <_sdc_> slut machine...did we do that yet? Pitstuff Power Grubber Clitstop Rock my Bolt Root Beer Crapper Cock-n-holt Schtups (Schtrumphs) <_sdc_> miss piggy's hysterectomy. ROTFL sdc! sdc: hahaha!!! sdc: bwahaha! * kkevtris still likes Dumbo's Flying Circumcision. :-) Sammy Lightfuck <_sdc_> thought you people would like that one. =0 Sewer Slam Retch Master Slurpy :) haha! <_sdc_> fatal runs. =) I said that. Smurf Rescue in Garamel's WHorehouse * SegaMan is outta here guys... Later! later sega Spy Fucker Guy Hunter <_sdc_> rally XXX Star Trek Strategic Operations Stimulator Whack It Mushy: I said that one! :) Sub Rocsoff Strategic Orgasms Stimulator? <_sdc_> schlong sports. Super Action Boner Yes! *** Joins: Star (~right@ Smelly Turtle sega: if we jumped mush for repeating, we'd be here all night Probably. Eppy: Hehe. I think that's the case for everyone. :) Tellme Turdle <_sdc_> cumslinger... sdc: gross! :) So what can we do with Tomarc the Barbarian? epp: too fuckin' long! Video Hustler (just read it) tomfart the Barfbarrian? <_sdc_> mushy: don't go there... My Yolk's On You Barbados Booty :) <_sdc_> plaqued up crack... Bunghole The Dick Juggler Good, SDC! <_sdc_> pressured hooker... Caverns & Creatures ewww! pleasure hooker Skank Wars? Head To Head Baseball?! <_sdc_> thwocker. <_sdc_> 'nuff said. :) Jed to Ted Fisting <_sdc_> pete rose, pro douchebag? YES!!!! Pete Rose Chafedballs Spunk Maze (Spook Maze) <_sdc_> rescue from syphillis? sdc: hehehe <_sdc_> lady buggered... Ugh, I'm worn out... Pooper ][ <_sdc_> rocky blows the chimp... Been there. Good, SDC! <_sdc_> little bare. Got that. <_sdc_> aerial anus? heheh <_sdc_> dragonfarter? Spring these on the unsuspecting RGVC group... SEMEN ATTACK <_sdc_> mush: the NG would NEVER recover from such a blow...heh... blow. =) shaft rider hehe heh heh <_sdc_> 'eppy: i think i had shaft rider... semen attack was done hours ago <_sdc_> eppy: i definitely did a raft rider one... Yeah, and I repeated it several times cuz I love it. Anal Intruder <_sdc_> eppy; but semen attack gets better every time. =) refresh my memory...why the hell are we doing this? how did it all start? :) <_sdc_> eppy: i'll tell you when i read the log. fucked if i remember. * kkevtris 's outta here <_sdc_> i think it started when i said fox and goat... sdc: yah, semen attack is already a classic. :) <_sdc_> night, kev... I'll be going now too. And I have a log too. cya kev <_sdc_> later mush! sdc: be sure to save the log! (hehehe he said log! It's log! It's log! *** Quits: kkevtris (Leaving) *** Quits: Mushy (Mushy)