* Xstrobe thinks the 32x is the megadope king of the nextgens. Xstrobe: I don't think you know what your talking about... hc: Umm...hell yes, I do. Xstrobe: But I respect your opinion, even though I highly disagree... hc: :) I hate PSX, Sat, N64. Xstrobe: Why? What do you have against these systems? * SaintMick thinks as a platform, 32x is a piece of toadcrap =) Good for collecting, though, as are all prematurely orphaned systems =] hc: Too many frills...the games often get lost. Xstrobe: Have you ever purchased either the N64, PSX, or Saturn? hc: Only worthwhile games I've seen for those systems are the Namcos for PSX, really. hc: No, but I have friends in the neighborhood who own them. Expensive pieces of crap, IMHO. strobe - what about wac for psx (esp. the new atari disk) Xstrobe: Have you ever tried playing Resident Evil? You can't live to be a gamer without playing that game. Xstrobe: Try the PS-X, and pick up Resident Evil. It'll blow you away... and it'll probably make you piss on yourself too... strobe: i disagre.. the n64 is the dope machine... the psx is the bunck for loading time, but mario64 is pure gameplay what's expensive crap? Xstrobe: it's the scariest game out there... Resident Evil is ok... but it's just Alone int he Dark on Steroids. nothing new... but it's donw well hc: I've seen it...I wasn't terribly impressed. arton: sure the load times suck. But you have to admit, the PS-X has some GREAT games... and so does the Saturn. hc: noy worth it. no real "amer" would sit on his ass and watch that loading crap. real "gamers" are too hyperactive for that smack Xstrobe: Sure, you can call it a rip-off. But the game is still outstanding no matter how you look at it, at least if you discount the load times Hc: and the PSX and Saturn both have their share of crapola..... Most of the cream of the crop of 32-bit titles is minimal... * Xstrobe can't stand load times, not in the least. like Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, X-Com, etc... arton: you don't sit down and watch. Not in RE... hc: yeah, watch a door open 500+ times. i've had a psx. Bah. I'm never going to own a PSX or Sat...I might get an N64 if it gets better. arton: I agree. the doors SUCKED!!! But you have to understand. Capcom had to do it to hide load time. arton: Even with those annoying doors, the game still ROCKED! hc: bah.. cds are a crap storage medium for games. unless the system has enough ram to hold all the code. anyhow, i want a big chunk of plastic in my hand when i spend that much $$ on a new game. hc: and yes, resident evil was ok.. besides the awful fmv. arton: CDs are great, better than carts. The only problem with the CDs is the load time. Otherwise, carts would look like utter crap. hc: yeah, CD games have better graphics too!!!!! arton: you should see Biohazard, the Japanese version of Resident Evil. It kicked major Butt. Way better than the U.S. version. keita: heh.. yeah.. sure... :-) arton: Biohazard's FMV sequence ROCKED! In some instances, it's scarier than the actual game! who cares about fmv arton: Capcom censored the US version of RE... * SaintMick agrees with Fygar hc : those peckers aren't on in the begining, eh? fygar: FMV is great! FMV is good especially when it doesn't try to be interactive. That's the bonus of CD systems. hc: I can live without it. arton: Nope... I've shown people my Japanese version. And they're MAD at Capcom. They think the U.S. version sucks compared to mine. fygar: you might as well say movies suck then... FMV intros and "out-tros" are something you watch once then skip... not part of the game hc: movies and videogames don't mix FMV in the middle of the game sucks rocks and screws up the game well, they do but it's called "shit "when you're done hc: If I want movies I'll go see movies, dude I want fmv ONLY in the beginning and end, and even that is not required arton: again, it can mix, like in Biohazard... hc: apparently you didn't grow up with classic games. Its all about the PLAY. fygar yup fygar: I've been gaming for like a decade. And I'm only 17... hc: bah decade? that's it? :) I've been video gaming since '76 =) * SaintMick has been playing videogames regularly since 76 also =] fygar: yeah, I didn't get to play the 2600's much. Only like once or twice... *** Xstrobe is now known as xTrix hc: sucks to be you! =) xTrix! fygar: I'm only 17 man... hi guys hc: Even so, there are plenty of younger gamers that play 2600 right now. hey pat-trix i've been since i could reach Space Invaders and Space war at arcade! hc: get a 2600 then look again at your view on fmv hi patricia Hi Trix * WeirdMan has since 1984 fygar: actually, I've played some 2600 games, like Pitfall. They're good, and FMV doesn't mix at all in those type of games! hc: For every 300 hours you spend playing 2600 games, we'll add another year to your decade. =) lux: LOL! fmv would be boss in pitfall, man. hey, tal, mike, mr. iida, albert, arton :) hc: I'm only 17 too. So what. I've been playing games since I could pick up the damn joystick. I play any and all games and systems I can get my hands on. fygar: But in games like RE, if you use it PROPERLY, it can mix. But you have to be wise and quick. You have to use it MINIMALLY. It has to be a quick FMV sequence that'll get ya attention and grab you into the game! drache: right on! A FMV boss in Pitfall? pitfall harry getting his ass stung by a scorpion and such... fygar: I meant Biohazard, the japanese version. luxmundi: that would suck! Pitfall Harry feeding gators like some poor schmuck who flew ValuJet i think all games should have fmv... drache: same here... I play everything... Have you ever played the SuperGrafx? hc: you can call me lux, it's shorter. =) Custer's Revenge would ROCK with fmv :) * luxmundi has a SuperDuperGrafx =) drache: I bet you didn't... drache: Have you ever seen the NEC PC-FX? Doubt it... drache: What about the TG-16? hc: your point? NEC PCFX is a waste of a machine. Like the CD-32 fygar: My point? There is always a system out there you have NEVER played!!!! hc: and what's the point of that? Drache said he plays all systems and games *he can get his hands on*, not that he has actually played EVERYTHING. hc: not around here, dude I've played all of those machines - who cares? arton: Ok...Name all NEC systems you've played with? Be honest... luxmundi: Have you even played a game for the PC-FX? i have entex adventure vision...:)_ hc: yep, when it first came out. I forget the name of it. PC-FX = fmv anime softporn non-games hc: not many. and i am always honest. The ultimate non-gamers gaming system! SaintMick: actually no... The FX's first batch of games were. But they're new ones are heading to be great. hc: I've played: tg-16, t-express, supergrafx, pcfx, duo, duo + arcade card, pce, pce cd, pce scd, tg cd, td scd. What else is there? SainMick: I can't wait for Far East of Eden 3, Part 4 I think is coming to the Saturn. PC-FX blows.. a fmv waste luxmundi: Ok...What about the PC-FX? hc: New PC-FX games? Like what? luxmundi: Since you said it was waste... hc: Did you read what I typed? hc: It is a waste they still make FX games?!?! hc: I'd MUCH rather play import saturn and psx software than PC-FX software! luxmundi: Ok. have you played any of it's games? * hcgamers says never say a system is crap without even playing any of its games!!! hc: Whatever the game was that came out with it. lux: that would be battle heat.. what a piece of shit PCFX is a literal wank system...they should have put a lubricated horn receptacle on the front! =) when the games do come out ;-) like N64 ;-) hc: I've answered that 3 times already hc: Have you played Channel F? hehe Lord13: There is 10 PC-FX games scheduled for release in early '97.. we'll wait until crap like SOTE and Cruzin USA and KIGold before we start saying the n64 is crap *so Far* ;-) fyg: I believe that was the name of it. luxmundi: you didn't even know the name... hc: I have 2,000 video games (probably more), you think I can remember every name of every game I've played? luxmundi: sure... And I own Toys R US... hc: anytime you'd like to look at my collection, come over. mike mjd here has 1300 carts or is that 1200 keita probably has more than me luxmundi: sure, and you can drop by Toys R US and ask for the owner. lux: Keita had to move to a bigger house just to accomodate his games :) hc: What makes you think we're full of it? luxmundi: I never called you a "liar." hc: luxmundi: sure... And I own Toys R US.. (That doesn't imply that I'm full of shit?) luxmundi: Maybe it does, but I never called you a "liar."!!! * Sutekh wonders whats the problem that "NextGen" mag writers seem have with people liking anything other than they like.... :-P the 'if you find any faults with Tomb Raider and Mario64 then you are beneath my contempt' attitude... Sutekh: You can like what you want, I just hate system bashers!!!! system bashers? hc: I also dont like ardent system advocates... luxmundi: Yes, system bashers. the PCFX, comparatively speaking, is a piece of shit. I didn't bash it for the sake of being loyal to some other platform... Sutekh: Well, I do... The SuperGrafx, on the other hand, was GREAT. =) hc: saying the 'N64 is ultimate' is not much different from saying 'Saturn is shit' luxmundi: literally, the PC-FX isn't. compared with its contemporaries (Saturn and PSX) the PC-FX is a dog. I dont plan on buying an N64 until later in the new year. The system still has to prove itself in the long run (it probably will, but there are no guarantees) Sutekh: The Saturn is what?! Please... hc: are you reading anything I am writing? luxmundi: One mighty DOG that is! hc: or are you just reading every second line? hc: I didnt say the Saturn is shit. Sutekh: hc: saying the 'N64 is ultimate' is not much different from saying 'Saturn is shit' Sutekh: I agree with you on the N64... That's the same way I feel... Sutekh: If you like so and so. Then so be it. Gaming is all about FUN!!!! If your having FUN with the system, that's all that matters!!! hc: listen, you don't need to state the obvious.. you're talking to ppl that have played games for a LONG time. We're not new to the scene. hc: you're just stating the obvious * InfoGoon tires of everything. pooka: I really could not care. You can't say your love of gaming is greater than mine just because you've lived longer! hc: Who said anything about liking games more than you? I'm saying we have heard these things before, since we have experience in this hobby. pooka: Well people need to hear the obvious!!! It's seems the obvious is gone.... hc: You don't just need to tell us no-brainer things. hc: tell the chaps at rec.games.video.kiddies. Pooka: Just because you have more experience, doesn't make you a better gamer! a "better gamer"? What the fuck are we talking about here? hc: I didn't say we were better gamers, I said we have heard everything you've said before fifteen ago, ok? * Lord13 owns N64, PSX, SNES, SEGACD/32X, Lynx, and has had SMS, Duo, 2600, CV, 7800 Vectrex, Gameboy, NES, and maybe some tohers Pooka: What have I really said that you heard 20 yrs ago, besides that fun stuff? hc: that videogames aren't about platform wars and its about fun.. That doesn't need to be preached in my opinion. I mean, that's why we're here in the first place. pooka: that's the onlything I've said. I haven't said anything else that was said 20 yrs ago... Just TRY to convince me that the Virtual Boy is a good system, too :) * Pooka- points a gun at lux's head :P Well, what I find more disturbing about the gaming industry is the rapid ghettorising of games....it's getting bad when there really are only 3 genres. Fighting, Driving, RPG, and Puzzle..... luxmundi: Wel...The Virtual Boy probably COULD be a good system... er 4 genres VB is a fun novelty =] * InfoGoon notes that you could interchange "Coleco, INTV, or 2600" for PSX/N64/ Saturn and it would be the same arguement sut: I don't need power to have fun.I even had fun with the Odyssey and screen overlays for a while. info: and vec would be virtual boy :) info: and 3d0 astrocade.. Sutekh: Hell yeah... I'm getting sick of the 4 kingdoms... We see nothing else. I'm tired of Street Fighter!!!! pook: yep * Pooka- covers his ears.. quit screaming! :) very few innovative games are coming out.....not innovative in terms of grahpics.... or even in gameplay... but in design. Sutekh: Alas...I wish I could go back in time when games like Ikari Warriors RULED... * mike_mjd wants a psx to play the classic packs. (he has virtually everything up to that point in time) Hc: I see a few innovative things though..... Nights, Parappa the Rapper, The Artdink games (Aquanauts Holliday, Tail of the Sun) Sutekh: Same here. I can't wait for P the Rapper... but thats 4 or 5 out of like 400..... a disappointing average * Ouphe wishes he could go back in time to when Pac-man ruled :) hc: I eargly wait the arrival of my Yarouze.... just because I know I can design something better than a crappy fighting game.... hc: You're essentially saying that every system is decent just because it's released. luxmundi: No I'm not... Name a bad system then luxmundi: It just turns out that every gaming system I've seen has had at least ONE great game! Name a great Virtual Boy game =) bad system (hardware wise), but has enjoyable games.... Jaguar.... hc - name a great game for the emerson arcadia 2001 hc: name a great game for the RCA Studio II luxmundi: I consider the VBoy as a handheld. But since you ask, I kinda liked Wario vb is a handheld???? you're on crack. Pooka: Well that Studio II bowling is preyy goof ;) * Pooka- shoves an acorn up ouphe's ass shit...you guys still quizzing this poor guy? luxmundi: It's not really a handheld. But I consider it as one because that's what Nintendo intended for it to be! Anyone who calls the Virtual Boy a "handheld" deserves more quizzing. =) lol luxmundi: I think Nintendo would have done a much better job if they considered it as a REAL gaming system! yeah.. Clint would have a cow if he heard that Vboy is a handheld ;-) lux -- the vboy and vectrex are in that neither region of stand alones. 8*> sut: LOL Vboy is like a vectrex mike: True true. =) w/ 3d goggles * hcgamers says the VBoy isn't a handheld, but it was marketed as one.. Pooka-> hc: baloney It wasn't marketed as a handheld hc: Vboy was marketed as a stand-alone machine pooka: Ok. Then tell my why that's baloney.. hc: You know not from whence you speak. it was marketed with it being a '32 bit RISC' gaming system..... and the boxes and ads proudly stated that... It was marketed as a stand alone. Go look at any Toys R Us display! * hcgamers says that's just his opinion, not a fact! luxmundi: the VBoy seemed to be marketed in the same fashion as the Gameboy. but the games really didnt take advantage of the 3D, not were they really anything signifigant in design over 8 or 16 bit games.. hc: C'mon, you don't really think that do you? luxmundi: Look at how Nintendo marketed the NES, SNES, and N64 Then take a look at the VBoy and Gameboy. hc: you just said nintendo MARKETED it as a handheld, it was NOT * InfoGoon notes that Nintendo didn't market the VB. pooka: That's what Nintendo seemed to be doing. I don't really think Nintendo looks at the VBoy as a stand-alone system in the same fashion as the NES, SNES, and N64. hc: that's because the nes/snes, etc weren't stand-alone systems * hcgamers brings up some arguments, doesn't he... no, they're merely incessant rants, imo :) self-contained =/= handheld.... the Vboy is self contained... but not handheld.... in much the save way the vectrex was pooka: What's your definition of a stand-alone system? What's your definition of a handheld? hc: why don't you start be telling me what YOU think pooka: I think Nintendo looks at the VBoy in the same fashion as the GameBoy. handheld: Any system requiring 5 or more hands for one player to play. hc: ! hc: You said the VB was a handheld. 'nuff said. Pooka: How and why am I wrong? You know Nintendo that well...? gawd... the Vboy wil be remember as the 'buzzword' system.... it had all of them in it's advertising 'Virtual, RISK, 32-bit, 3D'...... Pooka: I'm sure you know Howard Lincoln as well... Nintendo proved that you cant sell a system on buzzwords alone.... or on the merit that 32 and 64 are more than 16 ;-) luxmundi: First, I know the VBoy is a stand-alone system. I think it's more of a handheld because that's what it was intended to be originally. hc: You are making little sense luxmundi: Instead, it's this ugly stand-alone system now...which Nintendo seems to look at just in the same fashion as the GameBoy. They're more or less the same thing in Nintendo's eyes. hc: yes.... I understand you reasoning... but the Vboy as a hand-held or (neck held) was abandoned pretty early on in development hc: vboy is not a stand-alone system, sorry No, Nintendo gave up on the VB, unlike the GB luxmundi: Can someone actually say Nintendo looks at the VBoy in the same fashion as the N64?! luxmundi: That's because it didn't sell well... THEY GAVE UP ON THE VB BECAUSE IT SUCKED. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? THEY STILL MAKE GB'S, GB Games, etc... * Sutekh thinks that the Vboy is an Illuminati plot to confuse us all just as to what the hell it's supposed to be :-) Game Boy is the best selling handheld *EVER*, you can't compare the two. PERIOD. luxmundi: This is what gaming companies like Sega and Nintendo tell me. They only stop supporting a system until the consumer demand dies!! luxmundi: I meant, when Oh, so you are now trying to convince me that VB is still supported? luxmundi: Well, actually, it seemed the demand died once the Saturn came. There hasn't been a new VB game for 7 months The Vboy was thrown out to 'test the waters'. If people had bought it in droves at $200 then Nintendo would have put out a lot more crap disguised with buzzwords and hype... And there are only 14 out there. that didnt happen... end of story. luxmundi: There's a rumor that Nintendo plans to re-launch the VBoy.. Not that I want it or anything. The Saturn killed the VB? Man are you distorted. that's been floating for about a year.. the VB killed the VB, fer crying out loud. they were supposed to re-launce it in august for like $80 and a fleet of software... * mike_mjd has all 14 vboy games luxmundi: Who said the Saturn killed the VBoy? I know I didn't... The Vboy didnt sell at close to $200... it onyl sold at $30... that says something... luxmundi: Well, actually, it seemed the demand died once the Saturn came. but i think Blockbuster dried up the little demand there was for units left :) luxmundi: The 32X didn't get the right support... Did you say that? *** Pooka- is now known as Fygar hc: I haven't said a word about the 32x yet, are you addressing the right people? luxmundi: The demand was dying before the Saturn came, it went more rapidly once the Saturn arrived. Is that better... fygar: your a great disguiser!!! but hcgamers says it's a good system, so be it. =) Alan; again... there is consumer resistance to this.... it doesnt matter if it's cheap..... Nintendo had the gall to charge $200 for this, people are mad Every video game ever made is great. =P luxmundi: I didn't say it was a good system. But hey, you just said it... hc: I go by both nicks.. I hide from no one. Every video game system ever made is great too. =) Fygar: I didn't say you were hiding. But man, your good at playing two totally different identities... Everything is great. Period. =) Fygar: It seemed like Fygar was WAAAYYY different from Pooka... Can't we all just love each other for who we are? luxmundi: I wish everything were great...The world would be great then.. * xTrix thinks we're about to have an #rgvc 'moment'... Hc: I love you man. =) how's that trix?? =) luxmundi: I gots love for ya too... :) * xTrix hands luxmundi a cookie & a flower One big happy fucking video gaming family, that's what we are. luxmundi: yep... And the PC-FX *STILL SUCKS*. =D * xTrix hands hcgamers a cookie & a flower, too * hcgamers says thankyou... trix: Can I have milk instead of the flower? * AkmedSC wants a dead flower too... =) * xTrix is getting misty :~) luxmundi: And I think the PC-FX ROCKS!!! * xTrix tosses lux a gallon of milk