<[--Neo--]> lesbians arent women <[--Neo--]> they're men with pussies hey Ep, compute That should be on an almanac somewhere It's primal wisdom Hi, I'm writing a SMS want list, listening to Kraftwerk, and eating underhydrated ramen. :| heh kraftwerk = l33t <[--Neo--]> lesbians arent women <[--Neo--]> they're men with pussies my room mate has a pussy-cat =^.^= COMPUTE: Call this number.. for a data date lesbians are men with two pussies if they are dating =^-^= So, how about those lesbians? Err, I mean video games? huh. video gaming lesbians? what ever next? gay men playing quake? I was playing this lesbian last night, and I got to the third level, it was great Eppy: Score any new lesbians lately? * Otaku| went thrifting for some lesbians once Find any? LOL! Usually a lot of older lesbians at thrift stores nah. somebody else had snapped them all up before i got there. I've even found lesbians with brand new boxes i hear you can find lots of cheap lesbians at flea markets, just sitting in boxes * WizardWOR shakes his head It's a good thing newer lesbians are sometimes backwardly compatible with older lesbian systems Otherwise it'd be really expensive to be a lesbian fan WizardWOR : You not having a luck finding any cheap lesbians you like? :-) what do you think. You can get just as much fun out of a bunch of cheap lesbians as you can out of one expensive one, I've found personally ? I think Eppy's playing with a lesbian right now Hell, some people in here have made their own lesbians Pretty easy for them ELP rawxx0rz some of the newer lesbians aren't that much fun to play with. They look pretty but have no lasting value Yeah, you see pictures in a magazine and get all excited, but when you put the money down and take your lesbian home, all the fun's over in 5 minutes And most places won't give you refunds either Carol Shaw made one hell of a good lesbian I still play River Raid to this day go fig. And don't get me started on David Crane, he's made a ton of excellent lesbians oO David Crane was always a good source for lesbians Activision pumped out lesbians by the dozen The things that guy could do with his fingers. It was amazing the things he could get out of a lesbian when he wiggled them Steempy : they did in the early days. now they just recycle the same, tired old lesbians I like sports lesbians You always get to home base with one of those No matter how talented you are normally unless it's a football lesbian Well, that's true But there's plenty of opportunities to score i like motorcycle racing lesbians. lots of throbbing power under you when you swing you leg over one of them the game is over too quickly with most newer lesbians * WizardWOR just blinks "I paid $59.99 for that?" New lesbians are too expensive * Otaku| idley pokes around at the back of his closet for musty old lesbians he used to play with And to get a decent score with them, you have to buy a bunch of accessories.. vibrating joysticks, etc *** WizardWOR changes topic to 'rec.games.videolesbians' Riff-Raff : Problem is that newer lesbians are for people who don't understand how to play them A lot of the new lesbians aren't any fun unless you have two players too You notice how they put out variations of the same lesbian now? Pokelesbian Yellow Pokelesbian Gold! same lesbian. different colour it's all about money with lesbians these days. gone are the days when you could work on a lesbian in your spare time in your bedroom. now it takes a team of 20 people to get a lesbian going, and it's often late, and everybody just feels burnt out Back in those days, they were willing to give their all to make a decent lesbian Nowadays, it's a half-hearted effort, just to whore out a lesbian for a cheap buck, then dump it in the cheap bins and put out a new one *** WeirdMan (WeirdMan@ip176.oklahoma-city6.ok.pub-ip.psi.net) has joined #rgvc Hi That's what happened in the 80s, remember? *** Knarf____ (Knarf____@cc1013009-a.strhg1.mi.home.com) has joined #rgvc Well, you could do everything yourself back then, and nobody cared how a lesbian looked, it was all about how well it played. Now it's all flash and bang and how fast can the lesbian go A cavalcade of cheap and nasty lesbians destroying a lesbian market * WizardWOR wonders where the KayBee Lesbians stores are Steempy : yes some people think the newer lesbians are too violent and not suitable for small children and it took a bunch of Japanese lesbians to revitalise the lesbian market Women don't play lesbians as much either Lesbians can be very educational, I've learned lot from the various lesbians I've played with I think you should start kids off with access to lesbians from an early age.. it helps to improve hand-eye coordination and problem solving skills Steempy : I'm not happy with many modern lesbians. Back in the old days the lesbian worked right out of the box, now you need to patch it, and fiddle with it before it does anything. There are some companies who's lesbians I wouldn't touch even if they were free Yeah, I agree with you Who wants to pay all that for a lesbian, then have to pay extra for more action later? "Expansion pack" my ass hahah some places keep putting out the same lesbian year after year Steempy : and many lesbians are bloatware. "Its new! You haven't had this lesbian before!" Riff-Raff : John Madden's Football Lesbians? Well, sometimes a new face on a familiar lesbian can be comforting and still give you some fun for a while Steempy : But often it's not the same people working on the lesbian from previous years, so the newer version of the lesbian doesn't feel or play right and you get lacklustre performance A lesbian is still a lesbian no matter who made it, anyway, there's tons of lesbians out there.. try them out and stick to the ones that make you happy <--- steers well clear of mass-market lesbians How many of you guys have cheated on a lesbian? Sometimes if you press certain buttons, you can get the lesbian to do any damn thing you like I do it almost all the time. But only because I want to finish it and get it over with. Just to see what happens at the end Steempy : like in those fighting lesbians with realistic physics *nudge* *nudge* of course, there's a lot of money in mass-market lesbians. If i could figure out the lesbian that every woman would want to play with, i would be a very rich (and popular) person Yeah, that's funny how lesbians appeal to men more than women but i don't think it would be a lesbian that I would want to play with personally, it would just be something i would do to make money on-line multiplayer lesbians are the wave of the future so what's the best lesbian you've ever played? hey elmo Otaku|: Ever shared a lesbian with family members? the lesbian of life. I have that lesbian for PSX Only cost me five bucks in Ohio Lesbians are really cheap in the midwest, and really expensive in LA Steempy : some times. but usually my roommate and I will sit down in front of the lesbian and we'll just play with each other Well, I usually clean all my lesbians first with a alcohol rich solution, then pop it in the slot. It's freakin' amazing I tells ya for the pic. Yeah, I hate it when you get ready to play with a lesbian, and it just blinks at you Drache : does it make the lesbian slide in easier? or do you still have to jiggle the older lesbians to get them to go? You've got to rub and blow at it for hours before you get any action sometimes usually I blow the lesbian out REAL good, then I sit down to play it with a while before slamming it into the wall in disgust that I can't finish it. :/ You shouldn't do that kind of thing, afterall, it's not the lesbian's fault You just need to try a different approach You can get books about how to handle these lesbians, you know Even magazines with detailed pictures and step by step guides you get more fun out of lesbians you play with other people. when you have a load of mates around and you take it in turns on the lesbian I had so much fun at the trade show in London in September.. wall to wall lesbians everwhere... people practically begging you to have a go on their lesbian It's very annoying sometimes when it's not a complete lesbian.. sometimes you get funny reactions when you play around no, I get sick of my lesbians being argued over. see, I keep them in this one part of the room all together, never clean em, dust all over their tops. It's great. Just look at them all day long and laugh, and scream, "I'm never playing with you EVER agaion..", then the gf tells me to stop smoking crack. :/ If you get obsessed, lesbians can seriously mess with your mind Drache : has your gf ever told you to throw out your old lesbians? Make you spend hundreds and thousands actually, she plays with them a lot. I'm starting to spend big money on Brazillian lesbians, for instance. :| Drache : or does she secretly play with your lesbians when you're not around? more than me I'd give up all my lesbians for a girlfriend I watch her play with the lesbians, and such. She's real good. Riff-Raff : nah. gf's come and go, but lesbians will be with you forever Riff-Raff: You need to find a girlfriend that won't make you give up your lesbians, but will actually share in them with you She might even help you find more lesbians st: she already has helped find us many lesbians. REAL cheap in fact. We go around to the dirty shops with cat piss rugs, and buy em cheap. it rawks. Don't the lesbians reek of cat piss too, though? I bought all my family and friends lesbians I had worked on from the company store for Christmas last year. Some were thrilled, others just don't much like lesbians well Usually, they're wrapped up in plastic *** JacksonC (b@cras56p4.navix.net) has joined #rgvc hey hi hey Drache whats up ? :) jacks: How many lesbians did you take apart, then throw away to hide the evidence? hi Krypton not much Drache: none :/ Hey jacksonC I hear that millions of lesbians were buried under concrete in New Mexico back in the 80s That'd be something for an archaeologist to find in 200 years, eh? hmm Drache: oic, I got a PSX now...was just playing it.... tried to watch American Pie tonight but it looks like the copy got screwed up I may have one, dunno. had one gave it to you already though Steempy : thousands, not millions. Thousands, millions, still a lot of lesbians dammit all to hell. the gawddamn cat is trying to attack the lesbians cowering in the corner... though it might have been millions. lots of lesbians are hard to count when they are all piled up Were they all intact? Or were they smashed up first? Drache: and I got a turntable exactly like the one I already had, from a frined so know I can put them side by side :) intact lesbians that nobody wanted to play Nothing makes me sadder than a smashed up lesbian jacks: awesome man. :D steempy: the first thing I ever told my now gf before we had gotten together was that I was going to eat her out over top a huge pile of lesbians. she loved the idea. one day all of your perfect lesbians will be worth a lot of money I don't know if mixing sex and lesbians is a good idea, really otak: they can't be perfect. i always wanna rip their wrappers off. rocks baby you guys are wierd tonight People are very conservative hello all yeah, if you're not careful, your lesbians get all sticky Nothing I like better than a brand spanking new bare lesbian ready for action st: yeah, I was afraid she'd come all over the lesbians so I said we'd be careful. I didn't wanna have to lick em off and junk. maybe he's just not in to lesbians. weird guy. I mean, even kevtris likes a good lesbian every now and then *** calamari (killerkal@ip-44-138.tus.primenet.com) has joined #rgvc hello! hey squidley 'lo cal * calamari comes out of the closet... er.. cubicle hey squid hi st33mpy! eli! drach3! cal: Have you put your fingers down inside your lesbians today? Does the Mormon church approve of people playing with lesbians? drache: how should i answer that? :) yes steempy: playing in which way? :) they do cal found a shitload of lesbians all on this huge table in a library he told me all about it Yeah? yep lucky sonabiotch *** Mezmaron (live@sll4.listserv.bedford.net) has joined #rgvc I was playing with three of my Brazilian lesbians until 4AM on Saturday.. it was great.. I didn't think they'd work with my equipment, but they did well that's a lot of lesbians must be the fact that you've got a lesbian on in the background I've actually got 13 lesbians, and two more on the way, from Brazil a bazillian... yep i did find those lesbians.. good ones too I'm hoping to get more I still adore those amazing uk ederly lesbians you sent me chris. I love em, and they love me. :D But they're very expensive Drache: I'm glad.. I got a few more if you want them on the weekend.. MERCS and Bubble Bobble i want some good ol' american lesbians That one lesbian is less violent than I thought, but still bloody as hell when you piss it off. * calamari likes those older lesbians im not really into new lesbians eli: ugh lesbians that are for snes are lame-o I hate Nintendo lesbians cal: theres a few classics tho If there's one thing you want from a lesbian it's variety no doubt Who wants to play with the same lesbians day in and day out? i wish i had a JAMMA lesbian