#rgvc buffer saved on Thu Apr 17 16:07:09 1997 my fucking dorm room is goddamn uiuc game central <|tsr> i mean PC games :) you come over, you'll never fucking leave and shit <|tsr> kalla: yeah, you should rent out your room for $5 an hour I have more game consoles than most people have had girlfriends Kalla: I have plenty of space if you need to get rid of any of that "junk" heh heh and it's all crammed in that dorm room (except for the 5200 stuff) some people have consoles instead of girlfriends haha * StrmKrw begins to think the console habit is much cheaper console habit _is_ cheaper. usually more rewarding too. :) we need a top10 list of why console gaming is better than sex With game consoles, everyone in the family can score. At the SAME TIME even ha ha strm: they said cheaper, not better ;) Kalla: doesnt that make it incest? krw: How about a comparison list? that'll work you can replace gaming equipment much easier if you have problems you can buy a console at the thrift the buttons are easier to find. :) consoles want you all the time trix: ROFL!! consoles don't hog the sheets at night u can turn consoles on or off whenever you want you don't have to take a console to dinner before you play it LOL you can hoard extra consoles in the closet * DaWiz is rolling around on the floor you can turn your console off, and turn it right back on again ha ha...that sounds funnier you can play with multiple consoles at the same time consoles don't get jealous if you don't play with them for a while you can stop in mid-game and pick it up at the same spot later. ha ha consoles don't get pissed if you put them on pause for a beer consoles don't bitch when you put one away to play with another most consoles you can pop in new games whenever you want if you get bored, you can borrow a console from a friend umm, They like their buttons being pushed a lot. :) you can replace a worn-out stick you can try new games with your console if it's not working right, you can give it a whack to fix it. go DA ha ha ha * |tsr notes that you can't fuck a console silly tsr: I am sure that there are people that have tried Consoles like to play strange new games alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.consoles if you're eppy, you can pop one open whenever you get bored. ;) Consoles dont mind if you fall asleep immediately after playing an intense game consoles aren't picky about the voltage you feed it it's easier to diagnose the problem with a console consoles actually encourage you to have the television on during play you dont need to cuddle with a console before you start playing it ep: LOL if you break a console you don't go to jail ROTFL You can plug your joystick into a console, and it LIKES it! :) heheh one word PADDLES consoles dont care how big the rom is consoles like to have paddles attached to them consoles don't care what sort of joystick you plug into them, as long as it makes you happy hahahaha! You can stuff them in the closet when they piss you off. dw: hahaha! consoles don't care how many points you've scored with other consoles there are no "under age console" laws consoles like to be serviced as often as possible and you don't get arrested for taking new consoles across state lines you can trade consoles w/ your friends you can rent consoles for the night with no worry they come with instructions. HA HA the worst disease you get from a console is joystick thumb consoles don't get cold feet when you break out the "accessories" you can play with a console with the lights on they don't care if you plug in a bare cart. the worst mess you have to clean up after a bit of console gaming is a tangle of cords you don't have to take a console on vacation with you consoles don't care if you have to work late A good night on a console is when your hands get tired. :) consoles dont care whether its over early :P consoles don't wake you up at 3a and beg you to play them console sex Dawiz: thats a good thing? :{ consoles don't care how often you shoot. consoles dont care what position you play them from consoles are ready whenever you are you don't have to worry about someone walking in while you are playing a console you can upgrade a console with the latest gadgetry you can sell old consoles consoles don't talk to each other about you in your absence you can tell your friends about how you played your console no jealousy if someone else plays your console *** Joins: RST38h (~fms@freeflight.com) a console wont keep suggesting how great it would be to have a bunch of other little consoles around you can show your friends how good you are at your console hahaha * RST38h boos at Xtrixie and others boo rst you'll never wake up with regrets after playing a console the night before you don't have to wear a condom while playing a console. consoles don't rearrange your room WEll, I guess you *could*...... you don't have to worry if you had a bad game LOL strm: hahaha! you can always start over playing your console you never have to worry about the authenticity of your consoles hardware the only crabs you have to worry about is finding Crab Control! Vectriff: scratch the last one with consoles, bigger isn't better. ok + "except in Russia" Vectriff: and a dozen or two other countries =) consoles think that every time is the first time when you get a new console, you already have a pretty good idea of its eccentricities You can videotape console games without worrying about getting the lens dirty. consoles dont mind when you talk dirty to them if you don't like the way the game's going, you can push reset and start over. consoles don't dump you for another person consoles dont care if you play the same game for extended periods of time consoles won't borrow your car you can always find a console that will play the games you like If your console runs down, you can always salvage it for parts you don't have to meet a console's family. you often find consoles without a box. :) bare consoles are the majority if you like your friends console you can usually find one just like it consoles like having their covers removed consoles don't care if you've bathed or brushed your teeth before play you can get a tax credit for giving it to a thrift. You can touch the console all you want without fear of rejection. * Vectriff is either horny, or needing to play video games :) guys I think we're confusing Vect hahaha you won't get in trouble for beating a console game on consoles, its never difficult to find the cartridge slot Vect...do you light up after a game ? thats not implying that its hard in the other case :P if it doesn't work right, blowing in it works wonders. you don't have to worry about a cart going soft during play ohgod..........LMAO you can auction your games with no fear of reprisal I think this conversation has gotten out of control......... ha ha consoles don't have 5 days of downtime per month ohhhhh..... If you get good you can play with your hands and feet all at once for 4 times the fun. kalla: LOL! ........................................................ ........................ * xTrix was laughing so hard she had to leave for a few consoles like it when you control them rec.games.very.corny consoles don't give a rat's ass if you drink or smoke I wish I had some alcohol right now NOT You don't have to lube up the console beforehand? lots of consoles support all sorts of attachments consoles never say "are you done *yet*?" heheh consoles don't ask "what the hell are you doing back there?" you don't have to call your consoles when you go out of town hehehe you always know how to turn it on I'm convinced! you can play it the same way over and over and not get bored hols: heheh. and if you get tired of it you can trade it on the 'net and get a new one multiplayer, without the strange ideas afterwords heh...4-way play with no guilt :) you can keep your stick plugged in 24 hours a day? hahaha your console will never complain that you're not putting enough effort into a game, or that its had better players LOL! A blue console is desired? End of #rgvc buffer Thu Apr 17 16:07:09 1997