Calli: Ever srr a Sega Master System (or SMS)? <_MrDo_> Calli: See the header? Go there! :) Calli: make that see... srr? a what? oh! calli: see the "doing drugs or masturbating" log from Ummm...I dunno :) I don't see a header Eppy: am I in one of those logs somewhere? thanks Eppy :) rw: dunno I've seen a Sega something...that's all I can say for sure calli: well, everyone is kidding you. the SMS never existed. I missed the Hawk9?!?! Q: Oh yeah...and I'm gonna believe you I can say one thing for sure...I'm gonna leave more confused than I came... so the night wasn't wasted :) <_MrDo_> Hu Huh, he said "came". :) calli: happens to everybody. incentive to come back. :) <_MrDo_> SMS?! Isn't that that system that Atari made to be backwards compatible with all of Atari's systems? Eppy: yeah...I don't get enough daily abuse yet... Clint: I thought it was the INTV IV! <_MrDo_> No, that's the SMS 2, I think... Of course, the game all collectors drool over is the Odyssey^2, what with most of the carts being ER and all... what's ER? <_MrDo_> Rw: Totally! I have a complete set, and I've been offered $10K for it! coupled with the fact that the O^2 has far superior graphics to everything except the SNES, and it was out for ages before the NES was even a glimmer in Nintendo's eye... Clint: no shit! it's worth at least $15k! * Eppy is going to put woodgrain contact paper on his computer and paste an atari logo on it * _MrDo_ nods! Which systems have more games oriented toward females? calli: why, are you female? Calli: definitely the PInk version of the SMSIII compact... <_MrDo_> Calli: That would be the Arcadia 2001 sold only in Brazil *** Mezmaron has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) Well...lemme pack my bags! :) arcadia 2001 = fem system? whoa. :) Q: Well...yeah...Is that allowed? :) <_MrDo_> Sut: Or do you think the GameGirl would be better for women? Calli: the Fairchild Chanel F is geared towards females Calli: quite different from the Channel F for the guys... Mrdo: ummm the GameGirl? I gues the 'D-pad' doesnt refer to the directional controller ;-P ack! channel f is the hairy-chested brute of systems! lol <_MrDo_> Sut: Well, that was a good joke in my opinion... <_MrDo_> :) Eppy: the Channel F yes, but the Chanel F was quite a different story... hehe ;-) <_MrDo_> LOL! <_MrDo_> Chanel #F. :) rw: doh! missed that. * _MrDo_ just got it too! That was damned good! :) too subtle for me. :) ok..screw that...which one has the best games where I can shoot a bunch of guys and watch the blood spray and ooze? :) I always wonder why they call it a D-button.... it's friggin joy-thingy...... Nintento calls it a 'Plus Pad'... Sega's "d-pad'.... so many names for the same damn thing * camster is outta here, later all <_MrDo_> Calli: You want Doom <_MrDo_> later Camster! Calli: hrrm... if it's blood you want, the Odyssey^2 had lots of it... later cam I think I've seen that :) *** camster ( has left #rgvc LOL Clint: wasn't there a port of Mortal Kombat for the Microvision? damn.... Cam said he bought MD Worms for $10 the other day.... well...I only like the blood when I'm in a bad mood :) I havent been keeping up my Euro contacts <_MrDo_> Rw: yeah, but it was just blocks. There was "Square guy", "Triangle guy", etc... The fatalaties changed the characters shapes! kick, punch! punch, kick! punch, punch! kick, kick! endless possibilities! Sut: I've got Worms :) hehe kicking is good :) rw: hehe more info than i needed ;-) Sut: tape, pin or round? rw: thats not MD worms... thats TB worms.... as in Taco Bell ;-) calli: you like kicking? Froggo Karate is for you! for the border...but dont drink the water Do: BTW I got Nightmare circus working the Nomad..... just needed some cleaning and the dust blown off it Clint: MK for the Select-A-Game would rock... I'd wish they would do a port, but with the Entex and Midway rivalry, I guess we'll never see it. er working Q: Froggo Karate? hehehe <_MrDo_> Sut: Cool! Calli: great game Froggo Karate... do: Pengo is cool... but the level design is crap ;-P... gameplay is ok calli: yeah, Froggo made the best games for the Atari2600 <_MrDo_> Quud: DID NOT! That was Mythicon! not only the best, but the most original ack..I must I must be on Bizarro earth if Froggo games are good ;-P Quud: I thought that was Mythicon calli: smooth gameplay, seamless graphics... hehe didn't mean to start an argument :) Quud: puts other game maufacturers to shame... actually... Puzzy/Bit Corp products stick to high hell just as much as Mythicon give the bug M a break! Now for good family entertainment, Custer's Revenge is fun for the whole family! er Big <_MrDo_> RW: You bet! Custer's Revenge: Brings back old memories of playing Cowboys and indians.... rw: did you play CB and I with girls? <_MrDo_> Quud: You SUCK if you think Froggo games are good! What's wrong with you? Q: you suck? tell me more :) Sut: nope, but I played M*A*S*H and Microsurgeon :) MrD: What the hell are you talking about? Everyone here agrees that Froggo was the best! <_MrDo_> Quud: hell with you! You're wrong, ass-hole! bah... now you want a suck company... look at those hacks at Activision.... they copied good Korean games all the time and slapped new names on them..... I'm sorry... but Super Ferrari is a much better name than Enduro mrd: say that to my face, MrDo. I'll Froggo Karate kick your ass to high hell! Froggo Karate Rocks!!! ya'll are just plain silly....sheesh :) <_MrDo_> Quud: Big words for such a little man! you're all a bunch of faggots! cept for kevtris and mar of course...Wasteland was the best ever! <_MrDo_> tti: Shut the hell up Mac-boy! You wouldn't know a good game if it bit you on the ass! MrD: That's it... * _MrDo_ is afraid... * Quud puts on a Froggo Katrate gi <_MrDo_> (not) LOLOLOL Heh... OK... what's the best game ever created for the 2600? Star Fox? mrdo: suck me fan boy, you cant fight your way out of paper bag let alone play street fighter II, what do you know about gaming? NOTHING! * rworne notes that the SNES Star Fox was nothing but a port of the 2600 version :) hmmm this is most fun we've had since Steempy got his head caught in the clothes-wringer! Sut: I thought that was his tit? head, tit.... same difference! <_MrDo_> tti: yeah, but I seemed to kick your ass the other night! At least I know where to plug in the controllers! Brainyboy! they both got big red pionty things on top! everybody knows that the Apple II was the best gaming platform of all time...closely followed by the Intellevision do: haha <_MrDo_> tti: Shutup! They both suck! mrdo: oh, excuse me Mr.Beat up on the controls cause he cant play worth a damn! tt: fuck you! the channel F had the best gameplay ever... and the games had such depth! arcadia 2001 shames intelly <_MrDo_> tti: I'll be beatin' up on your face if you don't shutup! you and your fucking jerky rendition of starwars, sure, its fast and in color, but it gives you a seizure! ...but the RCA Studio II walks all over everything else! Stop arguing so fast...hard to keep up with it! <_MrDo_> tti: You'll NEED a seizure to save your ass! rw: go take a dump and stick a coat hanger in it! I must say... if I invented a Time Machine I'd take a Virtual Boy back with me and patent it in 1977.... then I'd sue the ass off GCE. Forget betting on football games you know the scores of... thats booooring.... Eppy... oh yeah... the Channel F isn't as good as the Studio II... mrdo: you need a working intellevision and some game skills! and I'd rock the gaming world with my clever invention... <_MrDo_> You're all wrong! Teh Odyssey 1 is the best system EVER! Without it, you wouldn't have any systems today! <_MrDo_> ALL BOW to the Odyssey1! Sut: you'd have a hard time explaining the IC design on the PCB... and the guvment would grab your ass... if i had a time machine, id go back in time and kick mrdos ass when he was a little kid! scar that mo fo for life! So what do you all think of the Vectrex? I think it sucks... <_MrDo_> tti: I'd have kicked your ass then too! You're just a weenie, and you've always been one! rw: if tghey try to nab me, I'll run down the street shouting 'Roswell! Roswell!... there at it again!' rw: ditto <_MrDo_> Vectrex is ok for a crappy rip-off... mrdo: listen ya...FREAK! I dont wanna hear stuff from a...FREAK like you! rw: ugh. those frickin vectrexes are always cluttering up the thrifts. i have to kick 'em out of the way to see the good stuff behind them. <_MrDo_> tti: Then shut your holes! the vectrex is a cheap ripoff of the Virtual boy...... it will even become mroe apparent when the universe starts to collapse and time flows backward! <_MrDo_> Eppy: Yeah, I'm so sick and tired of that shit... listen, if you a-holes don't knock this shit off, I'm gonna fire up the Englebert Humperdink 8-tracks i picked up in a box of 5200 junk at my thrift! Guess I came in time for the floor show? :) mrdo: ahh...go stick your head in a pig <_MrDo_> Rw: Big talk from someone who couldn't breathe if it weren't for the string on your finger! <_MrDo_> tti: Ok, bend over! tt: listen TT-boy, we don't need wannabe's like you in this hobby! you know... Combat is so expensive.... and there's so much of it.... you could make Millions from selling them...... let Danox be your spiritual guide! ;-) rw: did i tell you do stick a hangar in shit? yes i did. now go shit boy! do your duty! Now, come on...If I've learned one thing tonight it's that Combat is no good :) tt: YOU go plug a sewage pipe! I've done my duty to God and Country! Combat? Combat is for fucking wombats! * _MrDo_ thinks you wankers don't know shit about games! Combat.. and it's best sellingf sequel.... More Dull Combaty rw: listen oh teller of 10000 shit stories, dont talk to ME about plugging pipes. You wrote the fucking book on it. * rworne is proud to have shit in the sands of Kuwait in Desert Storm... mrdo: and u only know shitty games <_MrDo_> Rw: Yeah, but you didn't have to take pictures, moron! rw: and the envrionment still hasnt recovered tt: Listen wanker, you wanted to hear them, and don't blame my colon for your inadequacies! rw: umm you were supposed to shitting in IRAQ.... Protect Kuwait! PROTECT! ;-P Man....If this is what it's like, I wanna be a collector to! LOL rw: you dont have a colon, you have a whole fucking book on grammar Sut: ever hear of defensive emplacements? <_MrDo_> Sut: With Rw shitting in it, Iraq wouldn't want it!!! * _MrDo_ notes that's the main reason why The US hasn't been attacked yet. rw: whatever you call it, its still a piece of shit, just like Combat! rw: yeah... foxholes full of soldier manure is a good deterrent for those Iraqi's ;-) tt: combat isn't shit... it a piece of programming mastery... and rare as all hell... rw's shit may not keep moral up, but it keeps the troops awake...till they pass out Combat is shit.... they left so many of them in Kuwait! tt: at least it keeps the flies away! rw: rare cause nobody wanted to buy the piece of shit...even if you gave em a hangar to shove it down the industrial crapper at Frys! <_MrDo_> tti: They probably threatened the soldiers with his poo... "DO this or you'll pay"! rw: yeah... beats the Fly dope all to hell! tt: that was CompUSA, not Fry's! It shows you weren't paying attention! mrdo: ah, go drink Marios piss rw: paying attention to your shitty stories... Mama Mia... I've defecated on the princess! tt: I'll be glad to meet you in an elevator someday... <_MrDo_> tti: I'm not into that stuff... Unlike the stories you were telling me. rw: i'll bring the tear gas to freshen the place up umm anyone catch that sword dude in Seattle? later all Godzilla vs. Mothra on TV! mrdo: yeah, thats why you mounted mario with the jet stream... afk... man... the things they people do when they cancel Saved by the Bell :-P <_MrDo_> Rw: Get the fuck out of here. rw: a fucking kook! * _MrDo_ has to go... Thanks for playing along everyone! mrdo: fuck off and die! *** Calli^ (~blah@Cust94.Max9.Washington.DC.MS.UU.NET) has left #rgvc playing? I thought this was for real! <_MrDo_> tti: :) :) Hey: Godzilla vs. Mothra on the Disney Channel!!! <_MrDo_> YES!!!!! rw: you just have to shit between em and they'll both run... <_MrDo_> Rw: Thanks for playing along. :) * ttilmm cant stop...picking on you fucking butt nuggets! :) <_MrDo_> Look for this log coming to the URL above soon. :) * ttilmm cant stop picking his butt either, but thats another matter... is rw in charge of the logs? he certainly makes the biggest :) * _MrDo_ is really outta here... 'night!