Emulation 101: Classic Gaming on the PC
   - Keita Iida
Atari 2600
Atari 5200 /
8-Bit Computers
GCE Vectrex
Multi Platform
Emulation Links
As mentioned earlier, the emulators that I've mentioned
are far from the only ones worth checking out. Almost
every console, computer and arcade game on the face of
this planet has a program that emulates it. Emerson
Arcadia 2001, Bally Astrocade, Commodore 64, Apple II --
you name it, it's out there. And it doesn't end there.
If you have a fast enough computer (Pentium II or better),
you can conceivably play Super Nintendo games and even
Capcom arcade fighters (Street Fighter, anyone?) in the
comfort of your study room. However, this does again
raise the question of legality, and it's a black and
white situation in these instances... it's illegal to
download them and illegal to play them unless you also
own the original cartridge, CD, floppy disk or coin-op.
Sure, it's nice to not have to pay for the latest and
greatest stuff our on the market. But taking part in
such activities will only contribute to irritate companies
who still have a stake in those newer games, and may result
in ALL ROM images disappearing from the 'net. So do
us a favor and stick to the old stuff -- there's enough to
go around. We cannot possibly expect companies to turn the
other way when they see folks playing pirated copies of
Final Fantasy IX on their 1 Gigahertz machines.
Well there you have it; the beginner's guide to emulators.
I hope that by reading this article, you have a general
understanding of what emulators are and what they can do
(and cannot do). This isn't meant to be an all-inclusive
feature. There are enough fine dedicated emulator sites
to serve all your needs and wants, so please check with
other pages on the net for more in-depth reviews of specific
emulators in existence. Finally, you may wonder why we don't
offer emulators and ROM images for download. That's not
our specialty, and hosting a ton of ROMs and emulators on
our server would probably require us to pay a huge fee
to our web hosting provider each month for the additional
bandwidth. And frankly, everybody and their brothers seem
to have emulator and ROM sites out there. We'll stick to
reviews, juicy news and FAQs, thank you.
And now, onto the links page....