Emulation 101: Classic Gaming on the PC    - Keita Iida |
Stella is perhaps the most popular 2600 emulator at
present, and with good reason -- there are versions available for
Linux, DOS, OS/2, Power Macintosh, Unix/X and Windows 95/NT. The
user interface is top notch, and getting the program to work is
literally easier than tying your shoe laces. Stella does have an
extensive users guide, however, so you won't have to ask someone in
embarrassment in the case that you can't immediately get it running.
The authors also have an extremely well-organized home page.
For people in need of an emulator that will run on their 486 or
low-end Pentium PC, Z26 is your answer. You'll be able
to play 2600 ROM images at full speed, even with sound. It's not
as refined as the aformentioned two emulators, but its assembly
language ensures that it will remain the fastest one for the
forseeable future.