• Ok, so Jaguar is now but a memory, and the storied videogame powerhouse is now a software division of Hasbro following the sale of Atari from JTS in 1998. This fact does not seem to deter a few dedicated developers, hobbyists and publishers as they soldier on with their support of the Jaguar.

  • Telegames and Songbird Productions are the two prominent publishers who have backed the black cat and they don't appear to be letting up. In 1997 we've seen a handful of games that would not have been possible but for their efforts. And developers such as 4Play have been tantalizing us with screen shots and info about BattleSphere other exciting games.

  • And thanks to the Jaguar Server, a few talented and devoted Atariophiles are busy at work creating the next wave of software. While some, like Tetris and Jagmania, are looking more and more like Jaguar Server-only offerings, others such as Gorf 2000 cannot be ruled out as far as an actual cartridge release is concerned. Regardless of the outcome of these games, we'll be sure to keep you informed every step of the way.

  • BattleSphere by 4Play

  • Soccer Kid by Krisalis/Songbird Productions

  • Hyper Force by Visual Impact/Songbird Productions

  • Skyhammer by Rebellion/Songbird Productions

  • Protector by Songbird Productions

  • Gorf 2000 by Steve Scavone

  • JagMania and JagMarble by Matthias Domin

  • Native by Duranik

  • Painter by Sinister Developments

  • Tetris by Bastien Schick

  • Worms by Team 17/Telegames

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