Atari 5200 SuperSystem Title
Atari 5200 SuperSystem Pic


joystick Tempest & Asteroids ROMs Released!
You asked for 'em, you got 'em! Together with Classic Gaming Expo, we have made available these two unreleased games for everyone to enjoy. Asteroids comes courtesy of AGH and Tempest is a joint AGH/CGE release.
- Tempest ROM Page
- Asteroids ROM Page

joystick Colecovision vs. Atari 5200: An In-Depth Hardware Comparison
Maurice Molyneux compares the hardware capabilities of the two "third wave" classic-era heavyweights.

joystick 5200 Games Unearthed!

Final Legacy Title Screen
Online exclusive coverage of eight supposedly lost games including Tempest, Black Belt, Final Legacy, Super Pac-Man and Asteroids. Recently discovered and were demoed at World of Atari '98.

Audio Boogie Demo Cartridge Sound Clip
Sound bytes from the recently discovered 5200 prototype cart.
- 28.8K RealAudio -

joystick Atari 5200 FAQ

  • (Opens in new window)
    We are constantly searching for new and additional information that is relevant to the SuperSystem. If you have any info such as cheats, unlisted carts or interesting tidbits by all means drop us a line! (Updated October 15, 1998)
    The entire faq in regular text form.

    joystick Atari 5200 SuperSystem Master List
    This hardware and software rarity list is the culmination of years of exhaustive reseach as well as expert input from veteran 5200 cartridge and hardware collectors. However, judging rarity is virtually always an inexact science and we urge everyone to use this only as a GUIDE. In other words, please do not treat this as the bible :-) (Updated January 28, 2001)
    The 5200 Master List in regular text form

    joystick Atari 5200 Screenshots
    Game pics of just about every game in the 5200's library.

  • joystick Atari 5200 Museum
    5200 cart animated gif
    Take a look at the greatest and rarest cartridges, systems, accessories and more!

    joystick Online Atari 5200 Owner's Manual   Get Adobe Acrobat
    At long last! Step-by-step instructions on how to hook up your 5200 and help you on your way to gaming nirvana. NOTE: If you have a 5200 with two joystick ports instead of four, you'll have to disregard the switchbox hookup portion of the owner's manual. For instructions on hooking up the TV/Game switch box for 2-port 5200 units, download the 2-port instruction book below.

    - 5200 Owner's Manual (7.8MB)
    - 2-Port Switchbox Installation Guide (3.7MB)

    joystick Atari 5200 Game Manual Archive
    While we own the manuals to every game ever released for the 5200, typing all of them by ourselves is a virtual impossibility. Please let us know if you have the time and penchance to assist us.

    joystick New 5200 Developments
    Find out what's happening in terms of new games, emulators, and other neat projects from talented enthusiasts.

    joystick Atari 5200 Reviews
    Find out which are games are duds and which are befitting for a "SuperSystem."

    joystick Atari 5200 Controller Alternatives
    John Hardie takes a look at some possible cures for those who suffer from the 5200 controller blues.

    joystick Virtual SuperSystem
    VSS is the only true 5200 emulator, courtesy of Dan Boris. New to version 0.77 include an improved speed limiter and brighter colors.
    - We also recommend that you download Regal Beagle 2000, a front end program for VSS (and V7800) by Todd Lawrence.

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