AGH Coin-Op Museum
Assorted arcade cabinet pics of some of the memorable and rare
classic coin-op games.
Top Ten Favorite Coin-Ops
Ok, now that we have the Atari console games top 10 up and running,
we felt that coin-ops deserved its own section as well. Send in your
list of faves and we'll put 'em up!
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Frequently Asked Questions for the coin-op collecting USENET
Conversion FAQ
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A guide to converting your arcade games.
Buying From An Operator FAQ
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Solutions and tips on how to buy coin-op games and parts from
an operator.
Don't remember what a particular game is like? Let us get you
The Fall and Rise of Laserdisc Arcade Games
The biggest fad during the classic era was unquestionably the laserdisc
videogame. No other trend, before or since, has so dramatically risen
and crashed in such a short time.
Atari Promotional Flyers Museum
A newly-created section of the AGH Coin-Op Museum. Contains pictures
of just about every Coin-Op game that has ever been released by Atari!
We recently paid a visit to the traveling museum exibit that is
showcasing some of the most historic arcade games. Don't miss out!
Auction FAQ
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A terrific guide on how to go about purchasing coin-op games at
an auction.