I have to look here for a class! I'm really not interested.--- From Brittney
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday April th, 11:41:02 at 4]
- My Favorite Games:
- How I Found your Site:
- My Favorite System:
- What I Think of the Content:
- Comments:
--- From harmik khoronian
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday April th, 18:22:42 at 2]
- My Favorite Games: space dungeon
- How I Found your Site:
- My Favorite System: 5200
- What I Think of the Content: good
- Comments:
--- From Marvin
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday March 31st, 2002 at 18:32:57]
- My Favorite Games: Zork
- How I Found your Site: Search
- My Favorite System: 2600
- What I Think of the Content: Ok
- Comments:
from a french fan ....--- From Bad lieutenant
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Wednesday March 27th, 2002 at 15:23:25]
- My Favorite Games: defender
- How I Found your Site: voila
- My Favorite System: atari 2600
- What I Think of the Content: ok !
- Comments:
- great...the best ATARI site where I found everything.
--- From The "Skipper's"
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday March 26th, 2002 at 14:20:08]
- My Favorite Games: I have over 60 still in the boxes with directions. I love them all.
- How I Found your Site: I was lost.
- My Favorite System: 27 year old Atari
- What I Think of the Content: I thought I was the only one out there till now!
- Comments:
- I dont think our 4 Atari's are going to die. I suspect they will out live us.
--- From mark birtles
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday March 26th, 2002 at 10:00:16]
- My Favorite Games: mgs 2 gta 3
- How I Found your Site:
- My Favorite System: psx 2
- What I Think of the Content:
- Comments:
Wow....--- From JimmyBoy
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Monday March 18th, 2002 at 19:21:46]
- My Favorite Games: E.T. and Pong
- How I Found your Site: typed in atari
- My Favorite System: Atari 2600
- What I Think of the Content: it's ok
- Comments:
- I've found every ATARI 2600 game and the best emulator, it is really cool!! It's only about 50Meg...that's over 500 games! Wanna get them too? Email me, and I'll give ya the link...it's not some shitty warz site, it's on Angelfire, so you'll have some pop-ups...one last note...ATARI RULES!!!
ibidinc Games--- From Michael Feldman
[Mail Me][Saturday March 16th, 2002 at 08:37:56]
- My Favorite Games:
- How I Found your Site: Google
- My Favorite System:
- What I Think of the Content:
- Comments:
- I was the Director of technology (aka chief programmer) for ibidinc, the company responsible for the Atari 7800 Choplifter, Kareteka and SureShot games.
I love pac-man--- From steve
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday March th, 16:01:49 at 8]
- My Favorite Games: pac-man, asteroids, e.t., dig-dug, cristal castel, milliped,pong, and all other atari games
- How I Found your Site: friend
- My Favorite System: atari 2600, and atari 7800
- What I Think of the Content: it's cool
- Comments:
- i love atari, and i especially love all pac-man games(pac-man, J.R.pac-man, Mrs.pac-man etc)
Load Runner--- From Chris
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday March th, 15:56:02 at 5]
- My Favorite Games: Load Runner
- How I Found your Site: Atari Search
- My Favorite System: 130XE 1060Modem
- What I Think of the Content: Excellent
- Comments:
looking for a certen game--- From Lou
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Monday March th, 19:39:45 at 4]
- My Favorite Games:
- How I Found your Site: brozsing
- My Favorite System: atari
- What I Think of the Content: i like
- Comments:
- I'm Looking for a old atari I don't know the name
of it! It was diaomnd somthing? it was like a maze that you collect diaomnds and try not to let things fall on your head, or get traped. if any one know's the name or knows how to get it e-mail me at= FreakLouIII@aol.com Thanks, Lou
games for xp--- From sheri du bose
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday February 22nd, 2002 at 14:17:21]
- My Favorite Games: temptest,asteroids, shark attacks
- How I Found your Site: yahoo search
- My Favorite System:
- What I Think of the Content: okay, hard to find QA
- Comments:
- have windows xp would love to down load these games to play with our children. can you help me or is there one in the making?
Classic--- From Adam Page
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Wednesday February 20th, 2002 at 13:29:46]
- My Favorite Games: All American Cross Country Road Race
- How I Found your Site: Jeevsey
- My Favorite System: Atari of course!!
- What I Think of the Content: great
- Comments:
- What a class site! Always wondered what happened to Atari. My parents bought me a 65XE in around 1985-6 it was briliant. Remember the games included in the package? "Chop Suey", "Tennis", "Asteroids" etc etc.
I remember one time, and this is no shit, I bought a game called "Spooky Castle". Halfway through the game it all froze (not uncommon!!) and it went back to the Atari start up screen (that you get when you turn it on). there was text all down the screen saying "trace addresses". Thinking I had stumbled across some "War Games"esque situation i typed my own address in but nothing happened. Just thought I would share that with you, spooky!
--- From Colley
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Monday February 18th, 2002 at 15:59:21]
- My Favorite Games: FF3,Supermetriod,Gorf,GTA3,pac-man,Venture,to many to list
- How I Found your Site: In Collection Classic Video Games book
- My Favorite System: everyone
- What I Think of the Content: Awesome
- Comments:
- I'm a collector of all video games and systems,if have any for sale e-mail me.
--- From Kahula Jim Jhao
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday February th, 13:59:05 at 8]
- My Favorite Games: civilization
- How I Found your Site: by accident
- My Favorite System: Apple G4 & Pent IV
- What I Think of the Content: Nice looking site
- Comments:
- My atari employee no. i believe was 1212, I started when we were in los gatos, ca. I first work with atari when it was sysergy. I entered the company when there were 40 people , left 4 years later when we grew to 8000 .