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*Awesome--- From Taz
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday January 18th, 2002 at 13:13:00]

  • My Favorite Games: Yar's revenge, Asteroids, Space Invaders for the 800XL, and Super Breakout
  • How I Found your Site: Lycos
  • My Favorite System: The Atari VCS, of course!
  • What I Think of the Content: Excellent, it has totally changed for the better since before
  • Comments:
    This site is loaded!

*--- From David C. Serido
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday January 10th, 2002 at 14:44:48]

  • My Favorite Games: Arcade: Cloak & Dagger, Chiller/Crossbow, Quantum, Star Wars Podracer. Home: Space Dungeon, Command & Conquer, Centipede, Red Faction.
  • How I Found your Site: Lurking around the net with my Sony Web TV Plus..
  • My Favorite System: Of all time, had to be The Atari 5200 Super system.
  • What I Think of the Content: I like it. The more stories and history on the Atari culture the better.
  • Comments:

    To me in the beginning there was a mystery of this whole video game sub culture. Atari was truly a motivation for much of this with tricks and easter eggs and just plain flaws in both arcade and home systems games. Being young and watching movies like Wargames and Tron. It just seemed to grab my attention. Although these were the pop beginings of phreakers and hackers It did not totally consume me to go the computer side of it all. Atari has always had a sentimental value for me and some of the tricks I did try and worked in the past, have made video games, computers and electronics seem magical to me but that is my youth and Atari has a place there in my memories.

*Relief at finding Atari site.Home of the best games and systems to have adoned our world.--- From Mark Thomas
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday January th, 10:54:42 at 4]

  • My Favorite Games: Space invaders,Steel Talons Chips challenge and Desert Strike.
  • How I Found your Site: by chance
  • My Favorite System: 2600 and the Lynx
  • What I Think of the Content: Excellent
  • Comments:

*--- From water-cooled pc guy
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday January th, 17:56:21 at 3]

  • My Favorite Games: crimson skies, dig dug, yoe joe, r type
  • How I Found your Site: google
  • My Favorite System: CD32
  • What I Think of the Content: not bad
  • Comments:
    Like the site!

*My favorite games--- From Roy S. Sanders
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday January th, 08:30:25 at 3]

  • My Favorite Games: Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Ms. Pac-Man, Pole Position, Galaga, Galaxian, Centipede, Space Invaders, Dig Dug, Dig Dug 2 , etc.
  • How I Found your Site: friend
  • My Favorite System: Atari 2600
  • What I Think of the Content: Good
  • Comments:
    I really think that you should show pictures of the cartridges and I am so much interested in classic video games and also collecting. I have been playing Atari since the eighties.

*You guys helped me remember...--- From Mike
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Wednesday January th, 12:57:56 at 2]

  • My Favorite Games: Batman (NES original), all SMB's, anything done by Atari, Namco, Konami
  • How I Found your Site: surfing for nostalgic games
  • My Favorite System: Coin-ops and nintendo
  • What I Think of the Content: Great stuff... rare stuff from back in the day.
  • Comments:
    Thanks for helping me remember my childhood gaming experiences! Also, thanks for the .NSF files! They're awesome! Keep up the good work, guys... you rock!!

*--- From JOn
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday December 25th, 2001 at 19:29:28]

  • My Favorite Games: all of them except that stupid mary kate and ashley bullshit
  • How I Found your Site: search engine
  • My Favorite System: of course psone
  • What I Think of the Content: nice sight
  • Comments:
    hey i'd jusy like to say this page has a great interface. But what the hell is up with the jaguar dealy did atari purposly make it not popular. i thought it was supposed to have 64 bits. well atleast they tried.

*CYBERBALL (Are you the best?)--- From Ken
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Wednesday December 19th, 2001 at 10:37:08]

  • My Favorite Games:
  • How I Found your Site:
  • My Favorite System:
  • What I Think of the Content:
  • Comments:
    Do you think you are the best at Tournament Cyberball 2072 ? The 2002
    National Cyberball League Tournament is being held in Lincoln Nebraska
    at the Gateway Bowling Center on May 3-5 (Cinco de Mayo). Join the
    Cyberball League ( http://www.tournamentcyberball2072.com ) today and
    be a part of it. Prove you are the best on the field. The efforts of
    this group are supported by John Salwitz, Cyberball's creator. Here
    are some players we are looking for:
    1. David T. Cole
    2. david J.
    3. Brandon Fish
    4. Michael Shaver
    5. Ho Yoon
    6. Patrick Nguyen
    7. Douglas A Krone
    8. Big Droo
    9. Jess Askey
    10. Michael King
    11. David James Isham
    12. Fasil Bekele
    13. Christopher Cruz
    14. Thomas S Kunka
    15. Sonny Tran
    16. Robert A Jung
    17. Mark Wood
    18. Paul Powers
    19. Dan Cervelli
    20. Paul D Fly
    21. Johne Tsau
    23. Isao Takeda
    24. J Strachman
    25. Michael Moore
    26. Jason Adahlin
    27. Scott Bradburn
    28. Kerry Go
    29. David J. Warner
    30. George Wu
    31. James Patrick Thrower
    32. Marcus Trevino
    33. Steve Kim
    34. Vincent Polite
    35. Tony Shaq
    36. Thomas F Guevin
    37. Aaron B Perkins
    38. S Mitla
    39. Rick ? rick0409@aol.com riolson@pecorp.com
    40. ? akanothing51@cs.com
    41. Richard Walter
    42. Brian Goss
    43. Erik Fortune
    44. Mark Edward Bradley
    45. Darren Wexler
    46. Steve Hathaway
    47. Michael Humpherys
    48. Victor "The Blood Hound" Mercieca
    49. Kevin "The Hit-Man" Filson
    50. Paul Cranston Green
    51. Bernard Dy
    52. David R Watters
    53. Ed Rotberg
    54. Terry O. Greenlaw
    55. Greg Wilson
    56. Michael H.
    57. RD ?
    58. James Taylor
    59. C&M Watts
    60. John Hartnup
    61. Lee Roberts
    62. Michael Fuller
    63. Jeff Sullivan
    64. Mark Harris
    65. Phil Barney
    66. William Sammons
    67. Kris ?
    68. Toe Blake
    69. David James Isham

*--- From Jason
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday December 11th, 2001 at 14:21:50]

  • My Favorite Games: pac-man, frogger, donkey kong
  • How I Found your Site: retrorewind.com
  • My Favorite System: Atari 2600
  • What I Think of the Content: Very cool!
  • Comments:
    Very cool site...brings me back to the 80's! Check out my site to send yourself back to the fifties:

*hi freaks--- From Genjin
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Monday December 10th, 2001 at 02:06:27]

  • My Favorite Games: Akumajou Dracula X, R-Type, Out Run, Xevious, Aleste (serie), Gradius (serie), Gate of Thunder, GFD Sapphire, Seirei Senshi Spriggan, makaimura (serie)....e.c.t
  • How I Found your Site: by surfin
  • My Favorite System: NEC PC Engine
  • What I Think of the Content: nice & detailed content
  • Comments:
    nice and good listed page about the company
    which invent our lovely games:)
    greetings from switzerland..genjin;)

*Caught the Mountain Wompus--- From Lee
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Monday November 12th, 2001 at 13:44:20]

  • My Favorite Games: M.U.L.E., Archon, Robotron 2084, Tempest, Gravitar
  • How I Found your Site: Google
  • My Favorite System: my PC
  • What I Think of the Content: the best Atari site I've seen
  • Comments:
    I would just like to wish Atari a long, prosperous future in gaming. I'm a long time fan, and I'm glad Atari continues to morph with the times and create great games.
    I look forward to seeing more from Atari for a long time to come.

*--- From Gary slaughter
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday November th, 17:17:11 at 8]

  • My Favorite Games: kaboom,circus atari,fast food,centipede,frogger,&on,&on,&on...ALL OF THEM!!!
  • How I Found your Site: looking for titles list
  • My Favorite System: obviously the 2600
  • What I Think of the Content: need a list of titles
  • Comments:

*quix--- From peter mills
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday November th, 15:52:23 at 2]

  • My Favorite Games:
  • How I Found your Site: google
  • My Favorite System:
  • What I Think of the Content:
  • Comments:

*please can i play a game now on the pc--- From AMISAM
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday October 30th, 2001 at 09:51:46]

  • My Favorite Games: tomorow never dies,supermario
  • How I Found your Site: www.games.com
  • My Favorite System: N64
  • What I Think of the Content: do it like an seacret agent
  • Comments:
    I whod like to play on the pc now please

*Wow!!!--- From Summer Wyman
[Mail Me][Wednesday October 24th, 2001 at 20:45:57]

  • My Favorite Games: all of them
  • How I Found your Site: Yahoo search enjine.
  • My Favorite System: Atari
  • What I Think of the Content: Good
  • Comments:

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