Spiffdaddys Spiffypage--- From derek
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Saturday December 25th, 1999 at 20:39:52]
- My Favorite Games: coolboarders3 and teken2
- How I Found your Site: yahoo
- My Favorite System: playstation
- What I Think of the Content: better than everybody elses atari crud
- Comments:
- cool site .does anybody out there have anatari system for sale?if you do email me. also if you know how to figure out what kind of atari you have(jaguar,5200,7800,lynx,etc.)please email me that info to thanx
Classic Video Game Sales (atari, intv, coleco)and more.--- From Chris Cravins
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday December 17th, 1999 at 02:00:43]
- My Favorite Games: Adventure, Qberts Cubes, Pitfall
- How I Found your Site: I visit all the time.
- My Favorite System: Atari 2600
- What I Think of the Content: fanstastic reviews
- Comments:
- http://www.atarifun.com
We sell Atari, Intellivision, Coleco, TI994a, C-64, Vic-20, Odyssey2, and many more. Check us out. We have over 3000 quantity of over 8 titles for the Atari 5200. See ya there. Atari Fun.Com Chris Cravins
future primative--- From tom fugelsang
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday December 16th, 1999 at 15:56:39]
- My Favorite Games: yar's revenge (#1), pitfall 2, adventure. i would say this planet sucks, but i never tried it.
- How I Found your Site: hilarious, informative, entertaining
- My Favorite System: the 2600
- What I Think of the Content: amazing! who could ask for more about this stuff?!?!
- Comments:
- you have provided hours of distrcting entertainment from my boring job. the reviews of 7800 games were hilarious. and the unreleased gear was incredible. i love the artwork and the whole site is just plain dope! props.
--- From Johnny
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Monday December 13th, 1999 at 15:28:37]
- My Favorite Games: Time Pilot, Mr. Do!, Spy Hunter, Star Wars
- How I Found your Site: link
- My Favorite System: Colecovision/Atari 2600
- What I Think of the Content: Stellar
- Comments:
- Great site - rock on retro gamers!
VideoGames make the world go round--- From Cyberman Centurian jazzoniangamer JEG Jason G wuz here
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday December 12th, 1999 at 12:27:16]
- My Favorite Games: Gyruss, Defender, Robotron 2084, Kangaroo, Pac Man, Joust and Moon patrol
- How I Found your Site: The electrical meter man told me.
- My Favorite System: Atari 5200
- What I Think of the Content: Its perfect for any level gamer even if they have never got their hands on the one and only Atari systems
- Comments:
- Even though I did not mention it my favorite game system can also be the 2600.
Great site.--- From Dustin Sams
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday December 10th, 1999 at 10:20:05]
- My Favorite Games: asteroids
- How I Found your Site: link
- My Favorite System: 2600
- What I Think of the Content: great stuff.
- Comments:
- Just got my third system and I let my Youth group
play on them. Lots of fun. d
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday December th, 20:39:54 at 9]
- My Favorite Games: Pac-Man, Star Wars, Missle Command, Tempest...and all the rest
- How I Found your Site: Link from another classic site
- My Favorite System: ATARI 2600, 5200
- What I Think of the Content: EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!
- Comments:
- I love the content you have provided here! Please visit my website to see more great images of these super video games!!!
Great site!--- From Junito
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday December th, 16:13:51 at 9]
- My Favorite Games: Pitfall II Lost Caverns
- How I Found your Site: By searching on Infoseek
- My Favorite System: Atari 2600
- What I Think of the Content: Fantastic!
- Comments:
- Great Web Site!
I have been looking for something like this for a long time. It's very informative! History, Game library, News, Chat, and more! Keep it up! :-) Great links! Junito
Atari (still) rules!--- From Delton Perrodin
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Wednesday December th, 15:16:18 at 8]
- My Favorite Games: Space Invaders, Waialae Country Club (golf), John Madden Football, Dig Dug
- How I Found your Site: Linked from eBay seller
- My Favorite System: Super Nintendo
- What I Think of the Content: Outstanding!
- Comments:
- I dusted off my old Atari 2600 system for Thanksgiving and my nieces and nephews loved it! Alright, so did I. It was so much fun reliving old favorites like Warlords, Circus Atari, etc. Great site! I have bookmarked it for future reference and enjoyment.
sorry about the link--- From Ben Shack
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday December th, 17:46:17 at 7]
- My Favorite Games: see previous entry
- How I Found your Site: net search
- My Favorite System: 2600
- What I Think of the Content: very comprehensive!
- Comments:
- Sorry. I didn't know this guestbook wouldn't handle HTML. Click the link above for the link to my 5200 game auction.
--- From Ben Shack
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday December th, 17:43:53 at 7]
- My Favorite Games: Pitfall, Kaboom, Midnight Magic, and Frostbite
- How I Found your Site: net search
- My Favorite System: 2600
- What I Think of the Content: very well !!!
- Comments:
- Very well done Atari page. The most comprehensive I've ever seen of its kind! I have an atari game on auction at the link below for the 5200. Check it out!
Super Breakout for Atari 5200
Thank You!--- From Mark Mena
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday December th, 12:17:34 at 7]
- My Favorite Games: Anything Arcade
- How I Found your Site: friend
- My Favorite System: Atari 5200
- What I Think of the Content: EXCELLENT
- Comments:
- A Very Excellent Site! Not only nice pictures, but very good content too!
seeking parts--- From buddy
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Monday December th, 19:31:56 at 6]
- My Favorite Games: asteroids
- How I Found your Site: atari 5200 search
- My Favorite System: 5200
- What I Think of the Content: very informative
- Comments:
- i was looking for a tv antenna switch box and came across your site, i really enjoyed browsing through. it was very informative
--- From Cloudmann
[Mail Me][Monday December th, 11:37:55 at 6]
- My Favorite Games: Ballblazer, Double Dragon, Fatal Run
- How I Found your Site: Surfing
- My Favorite System: Atari 7800/2600
- What I Think of the Content: Rocks!
- Comments:
- Cool site. Need more pics of the 7800 titles, though.
--- From TASHA
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday December th, 20:30:02 at 3]
- My Favorite Games: fun ones
- How I Found your Site: surfing
- My Favorite System: playstation
- What I Think of the Content: ?
- Comments: