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*--- From bill colleton
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Wednesday August 4th, 12:36:05 at 5]

  • My Favorite Games:
  • How I Found your Site: surfing for 2600 sites
  • My Favorite System: 2600/colecovision
  • What I Think of the Content: pretty neat
  • Comments:
    Hi, I just recently re-discovered all my old atari 2600
    game carts and along with that came a renewed interest
    in collecting these. I had the good fortune in freelancing
    reviews for a lot of the game companys and therefore aquired
    many ULTRA RARE games (rescue terra 1, Spinning fireball,
    Mysterious Thief,Pizza Chef, MAGIC CARD,Video LIFE,
    Condor attack, Aimmes & Aggies to name a few)
    if anyone has a "CRAZY CLIMBER OR RUBICKS CUBE" for sale
    -Bill -

*--- From Pawe� Dudek
[Mail Me][Sunday August th, 23:35:03 at 2]

  • My Favorite Games: M.U.L.E
  • How I Found your Site: By Yahoo
  • My Favorite System: 130 XE
  • What I Think of the Content:
  • Comments:
    Atari rz�dzi, Atari radzi, Atari nigdy was nie zdradzi! (Atari rules)

*--- From Happy
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday July 30th, 1998 at 19:47:02]

  • My Favorite Games: Pac-man River Raid
  • How I Found your Site: Metacrawler
  • My Favorite System: Atari 2600
  • What I Think of the Content: okay
  • Comments:
    I think your site is great and all but I think you should put up a link or somthign to get directions to some of the games and stuff cause some of the games i'm total lost on

*--- From Kevin Schaffner
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday July 30th, 1998 at 09:23:36]

  • My Favorite Games: adventure
  • How I Found your Site: game pro
  • My Favorite System: 2600
  • What I Think of the Content: great
  • Comments:
    great work guys..... this is very well arranged, easy to access and in terms that anyone can understand
    i would like to add that i like atari but i wish they would make a come back and eliminate all these other
    wanna be game systems.... ( .. )
    Jil\/l Vo0

*Atari Lives?--- From Troy Lindsay
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday July 28th, 1998 at 12:12:58]

  • My Favorite Games: Joust, Kaboom, Maze Craze, Spider-Man, any Star Wars game
  • How I Found your Site: Searching for 2600/5200 Star Wars and ROTJ
  • My Favorite System: 2600/5200
  • What I Think of the Content: Pages and Pages of Info!
  • Comments:
    Wow, I was just looking around for the Star Wars games mentioned above and parts for my Atari coin-op game and lo, there was sites dedicated to the old and venerable 2600 and 5200 systems! Being a collector of Star Wars I knew this stuff would eventually be hot again, but not so soon! Atari Lives! Amazing! I'm glad I kept my 2600 and 5200, including about 50 games w/boxes and instructions. FAQ site has been very helpful.

*--- From Cyndy
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday July 26th, 1998 at 09:14:35]

  • My Favorite Games:
  • How I Found your Site: search engine
  • My Favorite System: have none
  • What I Think of the Content: very very good
  • Comments:
    Very good content.

*--- From Tom
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday July 23rd, 1998 at 18:47:54]

  • My Favorite Games: Montezuma's Revenge (for classic systems)
  • How I Found your Site: Through John
  • My Favorite System: Whew, too tough to answer!!!
  • What I Think of the Content: Nice!!!!
  • Comments:
    Hi John, just talked with you on the phone recently and decided to pay a visit. Nice page, I'll have to explore it completely another time :) Hope you can help me find the game/games I'm looking for, have fun at the show!!!!!

*Teenage rules!--- From Tinker of Teenage
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday July 23rd, 1998 at 02:39:10]

  • My Favorite Games: Too many
  • How I Found your Site: I need more...
  • My Favorite System: Jaguar/Lynx/STE
  • What I Think of the Content: See above.
  • Comments:
    No comments, just some news.
    Teenage (a Dutch Atari-crew) is currently developing their latest game: Crackman. It wil be a Pacman-clone with some extra's. It is supposed to run on the STE (Sterio-sound, hardware scrolling, blitterchip-sprites, etc.)
    If you want more info or a "pre-beta-testversion of the game try to contact me.
    Niels Kleine (Tinker of Teenage)
    Lekstraat 24
    9673 BG Winschoten
    The Netherlands

*Trying to order a ATARI 7800 w/ cart's for it and the 2600--- From Gregory P. Prinzi
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday July 19th, 1998 at 18:16:24]

  • My Favorite Games: Moom Patrol, Centipede, Milipede, Defender
  • How I Found your Site: NetSurf of AOL
  • My Favorite System: 7800
  • What I Think of the Content: Excellent..Not much information on the 7800 and ordering forms
  • Comments:
    AWESOME...I thought ATARI was a thing of the past..
    Please keep me informed on any new development of ATARI products.

*Games Based on Retro Toys--- From Mark Nelson
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Saturday July 18th, 1998 at 19:51:20]

  • My Favorite Games: Star Raiders, Rescue on Fractalus, Astro Warriors
  • How I Found your Site: A lucky chance
  • My Favorite System: Atari 800
  • What I Think of the Content: One HELL of a Site!
  • Comments:
    Yeah, those are my games...
    Anyway. I have a game design based on a Retro Toy product (the Rubik's Cube). It is a totally complete game spec. Unfortunately, I don't have any connections in the game industry who can help me build the game in a "Retro" style.
    I can handle all the graphics, I just need a programmer with a Retro gaming mentality. Or, if someone can point me to a game company with the proper mindset.
    BTW, this is not some corny attempt to make an onscreen CUBE. This design is totally from LEFT FIELD, like Tempest or Qix...
    I'll be waiting.

[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday July 17th, 1998 at 21:07:01]

  • My Favorite Games: missle command
  • How I Found your Site: yahoo
  • My Favorite System: ATARI 2600
  • What I Think of the Content: awesome
  • Comments:
    I first got a 2600 back in 1983, and I loved it back then! But around 1990, I gave it away!!! In 1997, a friend got me interested in atari again, and now I have more games than ever! (117) I also collect intellivision, coleco, commodore, texas instruments, and any other cartridge based systems I can find! Thank you for keeping the atari flame alive for the future. And remember, LOW-TECH FOR LIFE BABY!!

[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday July 17th, 1998 at 10:27:42]

  • My Favorite Games: PACMAN
  • How I Found your Site: LOOKING AROUND FOR PACMAN
  • My Favorite System: ATARI 2600
  • What I Think of the Content:
  • Comments:

*--- From Joe Zavala
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday July 14th, 1998 at 10:27:44]

  • My Favorite Games: Last Star Fighter, Rescue on Fractulus, but with so many who can really name one!!
  • How I Found your Site: Surfing for Atari info
  • My Favorite System: My T816 megger XE!! And ole faithful (My 800)
  • What I Think of the Content: Great!!!!
  • Comments:
    I was looking for T816 info. Any I found your site. Never knew it existed!! Looks great..

*Your SIte Rocks!--- From John Dziurlaj
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday July th, 17:18:18 at 9]

  • My Favorite Games: PitFall II, Megamania, Pac-Man, PAc Man Jr. And Jungle Hunt!!
  • How I Found your Site: Link From Bigdaddy's
  • My Favorite System: Atari Best System "2600"
  • What I Think of the Content: It's Great, Because I'm A Collecter
  • Comments:
    Your Site Is Just Great. Why Don't You Make A Site About Other Systems Like C-64/128. Anyway Thank You For All Your Hard Work On The Site!

*Rediscovering Atari--- From Ty Webb
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday July th, 12:28:20 at 7]

  • My Favorite Games: dig dug, asteroids, missile command, i actually still like space indaders
  • How I Found your Site: Yahoo
  • My Favorite System: 2600
  • What I Think of the Content: The graphics are cool. I'd like to order new games still in the boxes. Maybe there could be a button to buy new ones?
  • Comments:
    I forgot the sound of space invaders and I think I like it the best just because the sound of them moving brings back the memories of playing and everyone sitting around watching and getting excited as they came down to crush you!

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