KILLER SYSTEMS--- From deathtollrising
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Wednesday June 10th, 1998 at 09:30:41]
- My Favorite Games: frogger, q-bert, haunted house, you name it!!!
- How I Found your Site: exploration
- My Favorite System: 2600
- What I Think of the Content: sweet!!!!!!!
- Comments:
- glad to stumble across this. brings back a lot
of old memories. thanks, and keep the info coming.
ATARI KICKS!!--- From Kasey Genin
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Wednesday June th, 05:59:16 at 3]
- My Favorite Games: Love 'em all
- How I Found your Site: Surfin' Round
- My Favorite System: 2600
- What I Think of the Content: IT KICKS!
- Comments:
- I Have recently been addicted to the atari 2600 thanx to my friend! :)
I finally found a place!! whoever is looking for a place to buy ataris or any other old systems this is the place: htttp:// THis site kicks!!
--- From david l bowman
[Mail Me][Tuesday June th, 17:44:52 at 2]
- My Favorite Games:
- How I Found your Site: infoseek search for "pac-man"
- My Favorite System: I don't know.
- What I Think of the Content:
- Comments:
funky vibe club--- From James Johnston
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday June th, 03:00:17 at 2]
- My Favorite Games: Alternate reality
- How I Found your Site: Generel searching.
- My Favorite System: Atari 800XL
- What I Think of the Content: AMAZING!
- Comments:
- Nice site! Presented with style and pinache, youve obviously got a lot of heart in this project.
Need tickets to Atari 98--- From Richard Biggs
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Monday June th, 18:39:30 at 1]
- My Favorite Games: Myst & Pinball games
- How I Found your Site: World of Atari 98 flyer
- My Favorite System: Jaguar
- What I Think of the Content: Very good
- Comments:
- I am a retailer in Silver Spring, Md. I sell Amiga software and Atari games. I also sell new and used movies. I need a ticket to World of Atari 98 in August!
--- From Jonny Hall 'EOL'
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Monday June th, 08:07:49 at 1]
- My Favorite Games: Too many to mention!
- How I Found your Site: Random surfing...
- My Favorite System: Atari XE (If you call it a system!!)
- What I Think of the Content: Pretty Good
- Comments:
- A long time Atari fan, forced to use PCs and Macs, surfed in, and found your site!! Your site is full of interesting stuff, and it brings back a few memories. Time to try a bit of emulation...
--- From Jason Walters
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday May 31st, 1998 at 22:26:04]
- My Favorite Games: missile command
- How I Found your Site: world of atari link
- My Favorite System: atari 2600, jaguar
- What I Think of the Content: great
- Comments:
great sight. long live atari
--- From David Burk
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday May 31st, 1998 at 09:36:38]
- My Favorite Games: A Boy And His Blob (NES game)
- How I Found your Site: some search engine thingie
- My Favorite System: 7800
- What I Think of the Content: cool
- Comments:
- I don't really remember our Atari system,since my dad sold it to get our Nintendo, but i do remeber playing my friend's old Atari way back in the day. This page has brought back alot of memories of being at my friend's house and playing Joust all day long. Jeez that would have been 10 years ago, when I was only a wee little 5 year old.
--- From The Maverick
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday May 24th, 1998 at 09:24:20]
- My Favorite Games: Food Fight, Asteroids, Motor Psycho, Pole Position II, Wizard of Wor (5200)
- How I Found your Site: long time visitor
- My Favorite System: 7800
- What I Think of the Content: top notch!
- Comments:
- I collect and play the classic Atari systems as well as having
become hooked on the Jaguar. I also experiement with custom controller conversions for classic systems (i.e. my 5200 jag pad project.) Other classic systems I am interested in are the Vectrex and Channel F.
--- From The man
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Saturday May 23rd, 1998 at 16:40:11]
- My Favorite Games: Laser Blast, Crystal Castles
- How I Found your Site: Search Engine
- My Favorite System: 2600
- What I Think of the Content: Good
- Comments:
- Go to Ultramania and click hobbies for pages on classic computers
I found games here--- From Tim Hiedly
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Wednesday May 20th, 1998 at 23:33:50]
- My Favorite Games: good ol' numba *4*
- How I Found your Site: random contetious
- My Favorite System: Atari 2600
- What I Think of the Content: good
- Comments:
- Come get some!
--- From Steven Crummy
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Wednesday May 20th, 1998 at 01:00:41]
- My Favorite Games: Chopper Command was the best!
- How I Found your Site: I haven't really looked yet, but it's good so far, eh?
- My Favorite System: Atari 2600
- What I Think of the Content: ditto
- Comments:
Atari rules--- From Johan
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday May 19th, 1998 at 03:48:37]
- My Favorite Games: Doom
- How I Found your Site: I search in
- My Favorite System: Jaguar 64
- What I Think of the Content: the best
- Comments:
- Atari
we need more good games now! Please give us that I know that you can!
Cool--- From Matthew Potter
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Monday May 18th, 1998 at 15:50:07]
- My Favorite Games: Anything for 2600, even now a-days!
- How I Found your Site: Sega Sages
- My Favorite System: Jaguar
- What I Think of the Content: Really really interesting!
- Comments:
- This site means a whole hell of alot to me. I grew up
with the ATARI 2600 Jr. system. I can still remeber opening it for the first time at 3 yrs old. Any ways, I remember wondering what ever happend to ATARI, and then seeing it on TV 6 years later with the "Elevator Commercial". I suddenly went YEEEESSSS!!!! There still in buisiness. I told my mom and dad please get me a Jaguar for christmas!" I never got one, but was able to play the system once in my lifetime at a goodguys. I said to my self, damn ATARI's got it good now baby, then months later ATARI was wiped from existance. I felt cheated, I felt betrayed. When I read a essay written by some-one on the internet, it answered a few questions to be asked like, "Where the hell is that where-house in Santa Clara with all the nextgen ATARI products?" This site has answered alot of questions about ATARI's downfall and I appreciate it.
--- From Atari's fan
[Mail Me][Sunday May 17th, 1998 at 14:23:19]
- My Favorite Games: Almost all
- How I Found your Site: I kept looking 'til I found it
- My Favorite System: Atari 7800
- What I Think of the Content: It's da bomb!!!
- Comments:
- This website is cool. Anyone is lucky to have stumbled upon it like I did. It's my favorite sight since atari is my favorite system.
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