Emulators--- From Steve Moss
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday March 19th, 1998 at 20:01:01]
- My Favorite Games: Goldeneye 007
- How I Found your Site: Yahoo search
- My Favorite System: Nintendo 64
- What I Think of the Content: Good
- Comments:
- I like the 5200 emulator, but I would really like games that worked wih it
Hi there !--- From Fredrik Berg
[Mail Me][Monday March 16th, 1998 at 11:00:47]
- My Favorite Games: AvP, Highlander and Cannon Fodder
- How I Found your Site: Through Jaguar Interactive
- My Favorite System: Da Black Cat
- What I Think of the Content: Very Nice structure and intersting content.
- Comments:
- I'm getting happy everytime I see an Atari-related page.
These days it's only Sony And N64. I guess most kids don't even know about older systems. But for those of us a little older it's nice to se that something is left from the past. Intellivision, G7000 and of coures the masters ATARI! Ah, those were the days. Keep up the good work.
good stuff!!!!!!--- From tracey dee
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday March 15th, 1998 at 18:46:44]
- My Favorite Games: backgammon
- How I Found your Site: totally by accident
- My Favorite System: can't say i tried any
- What I Think of the Content: interesting
- Comments:
- i truly liked the little caterpillar thing at the start. that's about all i can say as i didn't have too much time to look around, sorry.
--- From Nick Langdon
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday March 15th, 1998 at 10:33:23]
- My Favorite Games: Arkanoid!
- How I Found your Site: Through a link
- My Favorite System:
- What I Think of the Content: Great page
- Comments:
- Congratulations, this is a great bunch of information and
thanks for your support of Atari. Looking forward to Las Vegas, and possibly another SAC EXPO. Regrards -Nick Langdon SAC Expo Coordinator
--- From Emperor Palpatine
[Mail Me][Saturday March 14th, 1998 at 21:01:09]
- My Favorite Games: Keystone Kapers, Enduro, Phoenix... I could go on for days!
- How I Found your Site: Yahoo!
- My Favorite System: PSX now... but it's hooked up right next to my fully functioning 2600. :)
- What I Think of the Content: Love it!
- Comments:
- Thanks for keeping the torch lit. To hell with Generation X. Cheers!
--- From George Flora
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Saturday March 14th, 1998 at 00:55:54]
- My Favorite Games:
- How I Found your Site:
- My Favorite System:
- What I Think of the Content:
- Comments:
- Having had an origional PONG and ending with the last 1200XL I was a diehard fan and the SysOp of STARNET for three wonderful years. I will be back here. I intend to build a HARDWARE museum of Atari stuff!
This Site Is Cool!!!--- From Alex Codeglia
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday March 13th, 1998 at 20:16:35]
- My Favorite Games: Galaxian, Deadly Duck
- How I Found your Site: I searched for Atari
- My Favorite System: Atari 2600
- What I Think of the Content: Very well organized.
- Comments:
- Very well organized. Takes long to load (I think it's because
you have so much information). Thanks for supporting Atari. Overall:it's a great site!
--- From Tony Barnes
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday March 12th, 1998 at 12:35:55]
- My Favorite Games: Jumpman, Mr.Do & Gyruss.
- How I Found your Site: Searched for "Atari"
- My Favorite System: Currently; Playstation. All time? Atari of course!
- What I Think of the Content: Nicely put together
- Comments:
- I long for the good old days, when making games was fun
and not business. :(
Nostalgia--- From mike knowles
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Wednesday March 11th, 1998 at 13:04:11]
- My Favorite Games: Asteriods, Donkey Kong
- How I Found your Site: A flash back to my Elementary school days.
- My Favorite System: 7800
- What I Think of the Content: Well organized
- Comments:
- These days aren't classics. They're still fun to play.
--- From Robert Barnett
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday March 8th, 10:45:48 at 8]
- My Favorite Games: Trevor McFur, Alien vs. Predator, Tempest 2000
- How I Found your Site: Atari Comp. #8
- My Favorite System: Jaguar, Lynx
- What I Think of the Content: Great!
- Comments:
- You Main page looks Great, but it's slow in loading.
--- From John Wesley
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday March 3rd, 21:05:27 at 3]
- My Favorite Games: Tapper, Pole Position
- How I Found your Site: Yahoo
- My Favorite System: Atari 8-bit
- What I Think of the Content: Great
- Comments:
Great site keep up the good work!
--- From Mark Brown
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday March 3rd, 03:43:14 at 3]
- My Favorite Games: Phantasy Star
- How I Found your Site: Browsing
- My Favorite System: Atari 7800
- What I Think of the Content: Great
- Comments:
- The page is great but it has one small flaw... Do you think you could put up some 7800 screenshots? Other than that, the site rulez. Keep up the great work
--- From Mike Daniels
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Monday March 2nd, 10:44:35 at 2]
- My Favorite Games: Dig Dug,
- How I Found your Site: Search engine
- My Favorite System: Sega
- What I Think of the Content: I think that it is great.
- Comments:
- I really like the screen shot section, there are alot of games listed there that I haven't played in years.
--- From Ratko Jovicic
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday March 1st, 15:55:53 at 1]
- My Favorite Games: Too many to list...
- How I Found your Site: Can't remember...probably from some link from other WWW pages related to ATARI.
- My Favorite System: ATARI Jaguar.
- What I Think of the Content: Great!
- Comments:
- Thanks for supporting ATARI products!
Superb site!--- From Brian
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday February 26th, 1998 at 20:34:09]
- My Favorite Games: Too many for this space.
- How I Found your Site: By accident, how else?
- My Favorite System: ATARI 2600!!!!!
- What I Think of the Content: Excellent!!!
- Comments:
- Excellent site!! Thanks to AGH I found Best Electronics, and was able to pick up a new 2600 and much more!! (Just when you think banners suck, huh?!?!!) Keep up the good work...love seeing new things and the news updates.
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