REX--- From ��X
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Saturday October 11th, 1997 at 18:03:04]
- My Favorite Games: killer instinct
- How I Found your Site: serach
- My Favorite System: n64 =(
- What I Think of the Content: mm yummy
- Comments:
--- From Tim Thomas
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday October 10th, 1997 at 21:11:45]
- My Favorite Games: pengo, solaris, midnight mutants.
- How I Found your Site: from a friend
- My Favorite System: all Atari systems from the 2600 & up
- What I Think of the Content: I like it, but wish you could have info on the Atari stuff.
- Comments:
- I would like if you could information on the
Atari Pong System, and the Atari Stuntcycle.
--- From Jeff Lanter
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday October 10th, 1997 at 20:22:17]
- My Favorite Games: Warlords, Adventure, Video Cube, Tempest 2000
- How I Found your Site: Yahoo Search
- My Favorite System: Raw power: Jaguar; Sentimentality: 2600
- What I Think of the Content: Outstanding
enlightening and entertaining
- Comments:
- I really enjoyed your site. Your content is excellent, relavent,
well organized, and attractively presented. You are providing a very useful and helpful service to classic Atari fanatics like myself. Many thanks, and please keep up the good work!
--- From Scott Kruse
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday October 10th, 1997 at 16:27:15]
- My Favorite Games: Adventure, Pacman
- How I Found your Site: Yahoo
- My Favorite System: 2600 & 5200
- What I Think of the Content: Really interesting
- Comments:
- I grew up with Atari and would like my kids to do
the same. I am happy to see the new Jaguar games comming out..
--- From Patrick McFadden
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Friday October 10th, 1997 at 14:02:58]
- My Favorite Games: gravitar (2600) pole position
- How I Found your Site: search engine
- My Favorite System: computers 400/800/1200xl
- What I Think of the Content: so far, so good
- Comments:
- Interesting, I just got here, and I am very pleased this is here.
I am in search of many things Atari, and I hope I will find what I am looking for.
Awesome!--- From Larry R.
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday October th, 22:38:55 at 9]
- My Favorite Games: Defender, Asteroids & Space Invaders
- How I Found your Site: Link from another Page
- My Favorite System: 2600 & 7800
- What I Think of the Content: Perfect
- Comments:
- Your site is real nice & has a great order.
It's great to see a comprehensive & well organized Atari Page that lists alot of info. on all the Atari systems. It's great to know that their is a large & growing community of Atarians still left. I hope more people start remembering the roots of video games and start reading pages like yours. Keep up the great work & Long live Atari!!!! The Fuji is alive & well! From sir.real
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday October th, 13:11:19 at 9]
- My Favorite Games: millipede, missile command, combat, adventure, warlords, pitfall
- How I Found your Site: surf'n
- My Favorite System: atari 2600; simplicity is bliss
- What I Think of the Content: bitch'n
- Comments:
- . . . help me . . . i am trapped in a space/time worm-hole
and i still am playing the obselete atari consoles realizing that i am falling far behind in the video game culuture of this age . . . technology has deserted me . . . but, damn it, it still is a hell of a lot "funner" to play "combat" with a joystick with one button than a frick'n ["watch your language" - "I did" - "oh ya"] formulatedly cool seen-this -too-many-times-before fighting game with at least 6 buttons and too many damm combos and "secret" moves . . . feel the same? . . . e-mail me and bitch and moan about where video games are and where they should be . . . reassure me that i am not alone . . . join me and we will start a sub-culture of retro-gamers . . . e-mail me just because i am bored and never get any mail . . . surrealational rationalization, baby . . .
--- From Seth Wenchel
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday October th, 10:58:17 at 9]
- My Favorite Games: yar's revenge, berzerk, missile command
- How I Found your Site: infoseek
- My Favorite System: 2600
- What I Think of the Content: looks great
- Comments:
--- From Scott
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Thursday October th, 08:45:34 at 9]
- My Favorite Games: rpg
- How I Found your Site: hotbot
- My Favorite System: Jag
- What I Think of the Content: bitchin
- Comments:
- Keep up the good work make atari #1 again
--- From Jennifer Dixon
[Mail Me][Wednesday October th, 09:49:36 at 8]
- My Favorite Games:
- How I Found your Site:
- My Favorite System:
- What I Think of the Content:
- Comments:
- I just want to say that I still play my Atari more
than any other game machine. Nice site!
--- From Michael Faiaz
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday September 30th, 1997 at 16:28:44]
- My Favorite Games: Asteroids, Defender
- How I Found your Site: Very nice!
- My Favorite System: 7800
- What I Think of the Content: Very good!
- Comments:
- Very well done! Just one question, did the
company you refer to on you home page (for Atari Game Headquarters) used to be B & C Computervisions? Mike
--- From Charles Rizzo
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Tuesday September 30th, 1997 at 00:00:00]
- My Favorite Games: Super Breakout
- How I Found your Site: Yahoo
- My Favorite System: Atari computers
- What I Think of the Content: Liked it very much!
- Comments:
New Site is Super!--- From David Ferguson
[Mail Me | Visit My Homepage][Sunday September 28th, 1997 at 17:33:59]
- My Favorite Games: Centipede on the 5200
- How I Found your Site: Alta Vista search
- My Favorite System: Atari 5200
- What I Think of the Content: Super!
- Comments:
- Your new site is really great! I am very impressed with the
new look. Very professional. Keep up the good work. And keep the ATARI flame burning.
--- From Stephan Tatum
[Mail Me][Sunday September 28th, 1997 at 04:46:02]
- My Favorite Games: Kaboom, Tempest 2000
- How I Found your Site: Some link page
- My Favorite System: Jaguar
- What I Think of the Content: Terrific
- Comments:
- I have been a longtime Atari fan and your site
has resurrected my appreciation for the many contributions they have made to video games and computers. May their spirit live on forever.
Atari rules!--- From Joe Smucklaus
[Mail Me][Sunday September 28th, 1997 at 04:40:49]
- My Favorite Games: Defender
- How I Found your Site: Yahoo
- My Favorite System: Atari 5200
- What I Think of the Content: Top Notch
- Comments:
- Man, am I happy to have found you dudes!
I never knew that Atari and classic games had such a large following. Wish I had access to the net long ago. I've checked out a bunch of sites but Atari Gaming HQ is far and away the top dog.. I mean, everyone else basically uses recycled material but you've shown the committment to put out fresh and new stuff every so often. Keep it going!
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