From: atarianna Re: Breakout, good 'ol days I noticed that Breakout was listed as a 1983 game. Well, I remember playing it in the free game room in CHQ on Borregas back in the late 70s, where it was located with other freeplay games. (An 8-player Tank game used to play by itself--starting with Revelie and ending with Taps.) Those were the days! (Hey, Eugene J., have you finally acquired an adult face?) From: Jonn Nebbe Re: Atari 5200 Mighty fine site
Atari Rocks! From: Robert Coleman Re: Interested in tank designs for Origin's "Omega" game RCCOD@AOL.COM I am looking for previous archives or Atari ST users of the Origin game "Omega". You designed a tank with artificial intelligence and created a playing field to have it roam around on to attack other tanks. I am specifically looking for the files related to tank AI language. Thanks From: Jason Smalley Playing da Jaguar is da best ting to do during a snowy, cold Minnesota winter. Ya know. From: Bill Foster Re: the screen shots I loved the gallery of the classic video games, especially the screen shots. I can't belive how many video games I missed out on back in the good 'ol days. Yes, MACH 3 was actually in a music video called "Jet Fighter" by three- o'clock From: Jason S Re: Atari Jaguar Modem? Ive heard something about an atari jaguar modem. Is there really such an item? If so email me pleease and tell me where I can find it! I would be very grateful. From: Patrick Wallace Re: AGH http:// Very nice. I'm impressed. From: Alan Sharkis Re: Your page or http:// To John Hardie:
John, this is one of the best-designed pages I've seen! I hope Mark Glicksman uses it as inspiration fow what he's going to use for LIAUG and/or NEAR*US.
I hope to see you at the next OHAUG meeting and the next joint OHAUG-LIAUG meetings. From: sam Re: Atari pirate carts "If he smells the poison gas he will get dizzy
and fall down" - Tonky Kon. Ace! The whole site
is cool. From: Paul Allen Panks Re: Cool page :) Hey, nice page :) I wish I could do frames, but alas I am not very web-minded. :(
I like the pictures you scanned in and especially the morphing pics of consoles! It looks a bit
grainy on the macintosh, but it kicks some serious rear-end on the IBM. :)
Come visit my prehistoric page sometime. :) Its not as visual as your page, but its cyberspace. :)
Have a nice day!
Paul Allen Panks
--Who still thinks Playdough is the neatest thing.
From: Daniel J Stevans Re: 2600 carts and just browsing..... Nice place!
:-D an From: PAC PACLCC@AOL.COM http:// Very Nice! So much ATARI stuff and such little time to look at it all! Please keep up the excellent job and I am SOOOO glad people still love ATARI! Tootles! From: Stephane Dubuc Re: this site I'm at a cafe http:// This is the first time I search the internet, and I came to this site first. My old 2600 back home didn't work, so now that I'm in the "big city" (Vancouver, Canada) I took the opportunity to track down a new system. It even had the original box and it's an older model than the one I've got.
Enough about me; amazing site, man. Re: AGH http:// Glad to see the classics aren't dead! From: William Augustine http:// Lets get that trade going. :) |