many people have helped out on this site since it began two years ago... i'm not gonna thank all of 'em but oh well..

first of all, i should tabulate the three people responsible for inspiring me to create a site; martin nielsen for his site as it was back then and scott+bryan for thinking me a dork for liking NES games.

wc gibson supplied lots of scans to this web page. so did robert worne and randy stoller and ted brunner. they're all k-rad in my book.

other people that helped me out at the beginning ('n still do) were adam lamontagne, chris pepin, and so on.

meanwhile, people mail me stuff.. a lot of stuff.. stuff that i squirrel away and then use on my web page. faqs, and codes, and manuals, and scans of stuff. if it wasn't for all these people whose names i don't feel like typing each and every one of, this site would be a bunch tinier.

mike etler, creator of the NES rarity list, runs a couple of video game stores in new jersey. he holds collector's meetings every now and then; check his page for details. a cooler guy to shoot the crap about the nes with would be hard to find. he contributes a bunch of stuff to my site too.

keita iida contributes a ton of stuff to my site. he was there when the famicom swept across japan, so his viewpoint (and contacts) have helped me a ton. he has his own web page about atari video game systems.

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