the focus is on "quality".
Amazing title graphic eh? Oh well.. The special feature this time around involves the strangest company to ever make NES games - Active Enterprises. Headquartered in the Bahamas, hopelessly railing against Nintendo in their newsletter, and trying to sell Action 52 to rental store owners for $200, Active was a company with far more wild dreams than actual talent. They eventually disappeared in 1993, just as mysteriously as they came and leaving behind unpaid debts that left Cheetahmen II unrevealed until later. Like all video game companies, though, Active did have a booth at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the main event for video games until E3 began. Here was where they tried to convince wholesale dealers and the press to look at their product... and that is exactly what they tried to do with the folder of information presented here. Lots of companies at a CES passed out fliers and pamphlets advertising their games, but Active outdid itself and gave out a nice, glossy folder embossed with the Action 52 box art. Inside is a business card listing, of course, an address from the Bahamas. Within the pockets are over ten pages, outlining Active's business plan, new products, and general illusions of grandeur. You're just a click away from viewing the insides of Active's press guide...