SuperVision is probably the most well-known Taiwan piracy outfit - if only for the fact that they're among the only to put a company name on their releases. They have been in business since at least the days of the Atari 2600, making a few pirate X-in-1 titles for that old console as well. Their 2600 and Famicom carts have "SuperVision" molded into the cart plastic, making them a cut above quality-wise from other manufacturers. With these NES games they were also among the first companies to explore the art of USA piracy.

This is a generic label, used for any number of single and multicart releases. A sticker attached to the end label reveals the true identity of the cart. SuperVision's boxes are just as generic and have equally silly label art.

Most of the single-game carts released for the NES by Supervision are pirates of early games; mostly titles from Nintendo's original 24-40k library and games of equal age like City Connection. More recently a 76-in-1 was spotted sporting this same label.

As the box resembles those which came with other NES multis, it'd appear that SuperVision managed to import a fair number of pirates into the USA and Canada before quitting (or being stopped). In fact it's safe to say that SuperVision was the main motive for Nintendo's first famous anti-multicart notice in Nintendo Power. NOA never did manage to completely eradicate piracy, however...
