KLAX by Tengen

OBJECT OF THE GAME/GAME DESCRIPTION: This hot new tic-tac-tile game has you 
scrambling to catch colored tiles as they tumble down a conveyor belt. Arrange 
the tiles in same-colored stacks of three or more to score big points! Sound 
easy?  Well it is until the tiles come tumbling at you faster and faster and 
faster! You'll lose your mind trying to catch them all while figuring out where 
to stack them before you run out of room!! KLAX, the fun, fast, totally mind 
boggling arcade puzzle that makes you move fast - and think faster!

Original Game Design- Mark Stephen Pierce and Dave S. Akers
Programming- Dave O'Riva
Graphics- Greg Williams
Music- LX Rudis and Dave O'Riva
Special Thanks to- Mike Alexander
Manual and Packaging Artwork- Louis Saekow Design

Use UP and DOWN on the control pad to move the block cursor between 3 options: 
START, OPTIONS and STUFF. Press the A Button to select the one you want.

START- Starts the game.
OPTIONS- A list of your options.
STUFF- You're on your own here...

After you start the game, watch a demonstration!

Move the hand to the wave you want to start at, then press the A Button (use 
LEFT and RIGHT on the control pad to move the hand).

Another player can press START now for simultaneous play.

This screen is for your information only.

WAVE- The current wave number.
GET...- Shows what you need to get to finish the wave (see HOW TO COMPLETE A 
WAVE section).
HINT- A helpful hint...

Press the A Button to start this wave.

This screen lets you check out the options that are available. For a complete 
description of these options see the OPTIONS MENU section.

Moving around this screen is the same as on the TITLE SCREEN.

DROP METER- To help you learn the game, you can turn the drop meter off for 
WAVE 1. This way, you can choose only the colors you want and experiment with 
the game at your own pace.

DIFFICULTY- Choose easy, medium or hard. This setting changes the rate at which 
the blocks advance and affects ramping.

RAMPING- If ramping is turned ON, the game will get more and more difficult 
the longer you play.

SOUND FX- This setting turns sound effects ON and OFF, and serves as a volume 

MUSIC- Allows you to listen to music during the game. Note that you cannot have 
both sound effects and music at the same time. The AUTO SELECT will change the 
tune you hear at the start of each wave or you can select one tune to hear for 
the whole game. Use the A Button to scroll through the various tunes.

Yes, Blob Ball. Look on the STUFF MENU and you'll see it. Blob Ball is simply 
the stupidest game to come along in a decade! Lucky you. Just for fun, try 
out-thinking this blob and keep it from killing itself! It doesn't even know 
what a pattern is... oh, and in case you're wondering, Blob Ball has no 
relationship whatsoever to the rest of KLAX, it's just sort of there...

Controller: Use the A Button to flip tiles from your paddle into the bin.
Control Pad: 
UP- Throw back the top tile on your paddle.
RIGHT- Move your paddle right.
DOWN- Accelerate tiles on the conveyor.
LEFT- Move your paddle left.

NOTE: Press all four buttons at the same time (SELECT, START, B Button, A Button) 
to restart the game. For one player operation, either controller may be used.

A KLAX is three or more tiles of the same color in a row:
	       XX                                       XX   
Diagonal     XX      Horizontal  XX XX XX    Vertical   XX
	   XX                                           XX

You play KLAX by moving your paddle left and right and using it to put tiles 
in the "bin." Your paddle can move to one of 5 positions on the screen.

As tiles move down the conveyor, use your paddle to catch them.

Press the A Button to flip the top tile on your paddle off into the bin below. 
You can press UP on the Control Pad to throw the top tile on your paddle half 
way up the conveyor.

Also, you can press DOWN on the control pad to accelerate the tiles on the 
conveyor. Use this feature with caution.

There are up to 8 total colors in the game, plus the wild tile. (The wild tile 
is a flashing block that will substitute for any color.)

Drop Meter
If you do not catch a tile with your paddle, it will drop to its death and your 
drop meter will increase. You have a limited number of drops before your game 
is over. When all the lights are ON, your game is over!

There are 5 different types of Waves in KLAX.

Type of Wave- "You must get xx* KLAXs."
What to Do- Get the number of KLAXs specified. KLAXs are three or more tiles 
of the same color in a row.

Type of Wave- "You must get xx* Diagonals."
What to Do- Only Diagonal KLAXs count towards finishing the Wave. You can still 
get other types of KLAXs, though (and you might need them to survive!).

Type of Wave- "You must catch xx* Tiles."
What to Do- That many tiles must be caught on the paddle to finish the Wave.

Type of Wave- "You must get xxxx* points."
What to Do- You need to get this many points to finish the Wave. See the 
sections that describe Basic and Wild Tile KLAX configurations for how many 
points each type of KLAX scores.

Type of Wave- "You must get xx* Horizontals."
What to Do- Only Horizontal KLAXs count towards finishing the Wave. You can 
still get all types of KLAXs, though.

*x's represent a number based on current Wave.

3 Tiles = 1 KLAX    4 Tiles = 2 KLAXs     5 Tiles = 3 KLAXs

		XX                  XX
XX              XX                  XX
XX              XX                  XX
XX  50 points   XX  10,000 points   XX  15,000 points

XX XX XX  1,000 points  XX XX XX XX  5,000 points  XX XX XX XX XX  10,000 points

				    XX                       XX
      XX                         XX                       XX
   XX                         XX                       XX
XX     5,000 points        XX    10,000 points      XX   20,000 points

      XX                                      XX
   XX    XX                                XX XX XX
XX          XX   2 X 10,000 points      XX    XX    XX     3 X 10,050 points

XX                     XX    XX             XX XX XX            XX XX XX XX
XX XX                     XX                   XX               XX   
XX    XX               XX    XX                XX               XX    
2 X 5,050 points    2 X 10,000 points   2 X 1,050 points     2 X 5,050 points

XX XX XX XX XX         XX          XX               XX          XX
      XX                  XX    XX                     XX    XX
      XX                     XX                           XX
2 X 10,050 points               XX                     XX    XX 
				   XX               XX          XX
			  2 X 25,000 points       2 X 40,000 points

 XX        XX          XX          XX                      YY
   XX    XX               XX    XX                   PP GG    BB PP   
      XX               XX XX XX XX XX                PP GG    BB PP
   XX XX XX               XX XX XX                   YY YY    YY YY
 XX   XX   XX          XX    XX    XX                PP GG YY BB PP
3 X 40,050 points      4 X 50,050 points             PP GG YY BB PP
						   Big Points on Wave 1

These KLAXs can be done easily by using a wild tile. (WW = Wild Tile)

WW YY YY              PP WW PP PP        WW BB BB BB   
BB PP                 YY    BB           YY PP
BB    PP           YY          BB        YY    PP
3 X 6,050 points    3 X 15,000 points    3 X 10,050 points

WW YY YY YY YY            YY WW YY YY                 PP WW PP
PP BB                        PP                       YY    BB
PP    BB                     PP                    YY          BB
3 X 15,050 points         2 X 5,050 points        3 X 11,050 points

   PP    BB
YY YY WW YY YY            BB BB WW BB BB 
   BB    PP                  YY    PP
BB          PP            YY          PP
3 X 30,000 points        3 X 20,000 points

NOTE: Some of these wild tile configurations take a lot of practice. Once you 
get the pattern down, you can do it with ease.

XX = tile (any color)
WW = Wild Tile
PP = Pink Tile
BB = Blue Tile
YY = Yellow Tile
GG = Green Tile

I tried to make the configurations as straight as possible. If there is a tile 
underneath another that is leaning a little to the left or right, imagine that 
it is directly underneath the other tile and all will be well. Also, I put 
spaces in between the double letters representing tiles to make it easier to 
read. There is no breathing room in KLAX whatsoever. So, go on, enjoy another 
quality game brought to you by the nice folks at ATARI, without whom........