![]() Every now and then, whenever I feel like it, I'll publically respond to your mail here. If you don't want to be considered for public ridiculing.. er.. responding, then mention so in the mail. Thanks! Reaction to the Earthbound Sale From: Dan Iglesia Subject kenny brooks Dude that is some serious fucked up shit. I've tried bidding in some of that guys auctions on ebay and bid� really high cause i really wanted a game...only to find that I didn't meet his reserve. If I end up� being the winner he doesn't even return e-mails regarding on whether he's still willing to sell it.� So this stuff involving Earthbound is just so typical of that scumbag.
From: John V. Matthews, III Subject Earthbound and whatnot Well, I read your rant on your main page and that first part had me in stitches.� Anyway, I understand how you feel about the whole thing, and I have to wonder how much of a videogame player good ol' Kenny Brooks is.� I can understand needing to buy a house and all, but I don't think he's ever come across as anything but arrogant on the ngs and the one time I emailed him about getting together and playing games (since I think he lives relatively near me) he didn't really act very friendly, IIRC.� Anyway, thanks for the late-night laugh.� As always, I enjoy coming to your page... And finally, from the buyer and current owner of the cart himself:
From: Andy DeRouin Subject NES Earthbound I'm the buyer of the "famed" Earthbound Prototype.� It's costing me plenty, but to me, it's worth it.� I will care for it well, believe me.� Feel free to send me any e-mail.� I hope, however, the e-mails won't be criticizing. It's not the high price it went for that I was annoyed about; it was the way that Mr. Brooks pimped out the cart for all the cash he could get out of it that irked me. I hope you enjoy the cart, Andy. An aside
From: Jason S Your thing on taking a shit was fucking hilarious. Why, thank you! I will be sure to include much more shit-related humor on my web page from now on. Look out for such new articles as "Shit", "Playing NES Games while Shitting", "Where do Video Game Characters Go to Take a Shit?" [btw - the answer to this question is obvious - the bathroom in The Last Ninja], and "Smearing Shit on your NES Games". Peroxide Mocha - official band of the NES
From: Corey Miles Subject Peroxide Mocha Hey... Great site... Just wanted to send you a link to my band's page Peroxide Mocha - http//www.olypen.com/cmiles/permo/ -kw OK, thanks for the link. I suppose. ... Oh, did you want me to do something with it? OK; I will make your band, Peroxide Mocha, the official band of the NES on two conditions:
'k? Total Intellivision freaks
[...] �� I was recently at the AMC Flea Market Mall (quite possibly the scarriest and least sanitary place on the planet) and I was anble to pick up a box of 25 assorted intellivision carts still in thier package, still shrinkwrapped, for $15 (I'm guessing they were the spoils of a store closeout whent the intelivision went bust). After taking the dupes for myself, I went to one of the NES contacts I've made since I started collecting, who also happens to be a total intelivision freak. I traded the 20 carts that were left and my collection of colordreams/wisdom tree for 1)action 52 (ugggg. I thought you were exaggerating!) 2)"this weird cart thing and these seven games that fit in it" as he described it. That "wierd cart thing" was, of course, the Aladdin Deck Enhancer Which I first read about oon your page) and those "seven games that fit in it" were it's ENTIRE LIBRARY! I sort of felt like I was ripping him off,but he seemed excited about his intelevision carts, and he was getting menace beach AND bible adventures, so I didn't feel too bad. Dizzy could take all of the Cheetahmen anyday. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who's a "total Intellivision freak" deserves what's coming to him gamewise. They can have their crappy sports games and unuseable 16-direction controller, man. :) I disagree about Dizzy winning against the Cheetahmen, though. For one simple reason: The Cheetahmen have weapons and Dizzy is an egg for chrissakes. You could open up Dizzy and kill him just by bonking him against the rim of a bowl once or twice. A public service message
From: Jagman Subject Tecmo 98!.... Did you know that this one person named "Sixman" Is totally updating the old Tecmo Super Bowl for the NES?� He is adding all updated stats, plays, helmets, colors, teams, etc.� I think that is awesome.� Because that is the best Football game ever made.�� The website is http//medt.com/~wrandall/ There isnt much there, but he has some pictures and things.� Also he left a few posts on the tecmo message board http//search.insidetheweb.com/excite-index/mbs.cgi/mb5589 I just think that is great. Mail... from the void
From: Henry Krinkle Subject What are the chances? Since i love your site so, i bothered to read EVERYTHING and that includes MOST of the viewer mail you have posted. I came across this one you titled "A little something from the ladies". You see, i went through reading it, not thinking the email was that interesting until i saw that comment of yours about Fabio and him being in a TV ad (Ok ok ok now I really think you should make that video collection of all the commercials, etc you have. I think that's a great idea, and i'd pay a pretty good amount for it. But yes yes, i know you're THINKING about it...). Actually, what really got my attention was when you said "Wanker isn't an AOL dirty word? I'm impressed!" (yeah, it is surprising isn't it, they have over 50 words that are banned) I thought, could it be? Could it be Wanker99 from AOL that sent this?? so i hurried up the scroll bar and read where it said who it was from! haha! i couldn't believe it! wanker99 was an old friend of mine i met on the net. I haven't talked to him in probably a year. I mean, i was never really that great of friends with him, but what are the chances?!?! Isn't that great!!?!? I sent him an EMAIL TOO!! And this was all through your site!!! Now i really know your site is the best NES site out there!! this is fucking fact! I can't believe this!! i'm going to throw a party!! Oh my god!!!!!@!!@#^%@^%#^%$^&*$ That is incredibly inbelieveable!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to throw a party over here too!!!!!!!! Is Wanker99 invited?????????!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?? i better watch out that he doesnt wank all over my room11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$%
From: Josh Dawson Subject question I AM NOT ABLE TO LISTEN TO THE AUTIO. I HAVE WEBTV IS THAT WHY? HE-MAN MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE Are you really He-Man, Master of the Universe? If so, then why are you using WebTV? I mean, it's hardly a very manly way to access the internet. I bet this is really the evil Skeletor impersonating He-Man in order to try and discover my dark secret! Well, you evil monger, you can't defeat me that easily! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! [jumps out window] Back to start.