Batman The Jaders always appear in the same spots -- remember these. Fire three missiles at those spots to destroy Jaders. Q: How do I do the wall-jump thingy? A: Jump against the wall, and as you touch it, quickly press your B button. You will grab the wall for a second. Quickly jump again. Q: How do I kill off the electrocutioner in 3-4? A: As soon as the stage starts, jump onto one of the top platforms in the room. when the Electrocutioner attacks, punch him to drain his energy. If your timing is right, the Electrocutioner will become confused and run into the wall. He will not turn around and is then vulnerable to any attack. Q: What about the container alarms in 4-4? A: Enter the room completely powered-up. Wall-jump to the center platform, and face left. Kneel down, and punch the first Container Alarm as quickly as you can until it is destroyed. Drop down to the middle of the screen, and onto the ledge on the left. Throw the dirk at the other Container Alarm until it is destroyed. Q: How's about the firebug? A: Well, the firebug raises his arms just before he throws his fireballs at you. Jump over them and fire the batarang at him (the batarang hits him twice per hit, and you need to conserve your weapon energy for the upcoming battle with the Joker). When he runs toward you, run towards him and jump; you should be able to jump safely over him and shoot him from behind. Q: How do I kill the Joker? A: As before, you can expect the lightning-attack when the Joker raises his arm. Avoid it, jump over the bullets, and batarang the joker to death. You can also try crouching right where the tip of his gun is at the floor and punching away at him, thus avoiding both the bullets and the lightning.