Game Player's GameTape for Nintendo Cartridges
(Vol.1, No. 1-8)
Length: ~35-40 minutes
From: Signal/ABC Video, 1988-89

Vol.1, No.2
Vol.1, No.3
Vol.1, No.4
Vol.1, No.5 (Konami special)
Vol.1, No.6 (Ultra special)
Vol.1, No.7
Vol.1, No.8

Ad copy: "The GameTape series provides detailed hints, tips, and clues to help you master each NIntendo game on the tape. You'll see firsthand how to use your weapons, what tactics best defend you, and what to avoid... You'll refer back to it again and again as you work your way through each clever, complex game."

The truth: An anonymous announcer drones on and on while one of the "expert GamePlayers" plays through a game, sometimes using the slow-motion feature on the NES Advantage. Some experts they are! And they did this for eight tapes!! Believe me, it took a lot of endurance to sit through them all. These tapes really just aren't suited for fun viewing at all. In fact, what with these videos and the quality of their mags at the time, I'm constantly amazed that Game Player's survives today. The most entertaining part of these videos are the NES commercials interspersed (which greatly helped in my own quest for NES ads).

