2818 |
2051 |
1933 |
2559 |
4013 |
3489 |
1645 |
3401 |
3545 |
3287 |
2725 |
3863 |
2756 |
2895 |
3628 |
2488 |
4110 |
3240 |
4460 |
3040 |
3521 |
1994 |
3936 |
3233 |
2450 |
4289 |
2859 |
1860 |
2632 |
4570 |
1 Apr |
2 Apr |
3 Apr |
4 Apr |
5 Apr |
6 Apr |
7 Apr |
8 Apr |
9 Apr |
10 Apr |
11 Apr |
12 Apr |
13 Apr |
14 Apr |
15 Apr |
16 Apr |
17 Apr |
18 Apr |
19 Apr |
20 Apr |
21 Apr |
22 Apr |
23 Apr |
24 Apr |
25 Apr |
26 Apr |
27 Apr |
28 Apr |
29 Apr |
30 Apr |
Hours 0-6 | Hours 6-12 | Hours 12-18 | Hours 18-24 |
3.5% |
2.9% |
2.3% |
2.3% |
3.8% |
4.6% |
4.7% |
3.4% |
4.1% |
3.9% |
2.9% |
3.4% |
3.5% |
3.1% |
4.0% |
4.3% |
5.8% |
6.0% |
5.1% |
4.5% |
5.4% |
6.2% |
5.9% |
4.4% |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Nick | Number of Lines | Random Quote | |
1 | Steempy | 9743 | "People like that shouldn't breed ;)" |
2 | TedB | 6340 | "pittsburgh didnt lay down in any of those games with the cubs" |
3 | DaemoN_ | 6102 | "Sutekh: interested in this game?" |
4 | Mercster | 6033 | "guy d/l'd this "get your tits out so I can have a wank" song" |
5 | kevtris | 4427 | "once you burn it, do a file compare on it" |
6 | pancakes | 4217 | "some hot, horny bitches... Thanks for your vote, Big Not Gay Al" |
7 | Rubbertoe | 4071 | "alan: just wanted to see if you had any word on a Mario Kart 64... ..." |
8 | Intv-sama | 3362 | "That impressive or depressive?" |
9 | JacksonC | 3211 | "just video tape your booth and re-enact some of it thats good enough" |
10 | Sutekh | 2827 | "merc: I should give you my *correct* fucking address.... Im lucky ..." |
11 | evilkalla | 2416 | "<kalla> it's the least you can do" |
12 | NeoGman | 2311 | "My stupid parents don't watch South Park! They're don't know what ..." |
13 | Compute | 2104 | "drd: I don't think you want to know" |
14 | Riparian | 2096 | "hehehe nice stick. *not*" |
15 | drtarm | 1889 | "fy: wheres the SC/SG list?" |
16 | opivy10 | 1662 | "you get the chicken in a cage" |
17 | MrNES | 1593 | "i finally got around to beating the forest offline on PSO" |
18 | mike_mjd | 1359 | "I'm hunting rabbits!" |
19 | AlanD | 1310 | "never tried it myself" |
20 | Antman | 1221 | "Brainstorm is good till the wack ending" |
21 | CrossBow | 1093 | "and my 7800 can dump carts now also.... :-)" |
22 | manu_pkp | 1065 | "But got me an Amiga500 !" |
23 | HolmesA8 | 1040 | "but I cant seem to play entombed properly" |
24 | Stt | 968 | "bizarre is quite strange term itself, it can be understood very many ..." |
25 | CrunchyT | 948 | "I'm telling you dude - the coolest fucking thing someone could come ..." |
26 | Murrlin | 880 | "another one claimed by the evil RL monster" |
27 | snap-l | 872 | "Riddles are Abound Tonight." |
28 | calamari | 770 | "not those kind of mods!" |
29 | NE146 | 766 | "... and when it woud actually start, of course the flap buttons wouldn't ..." |
30 | Eppy | 712 | "everybody knows intellivision fans can't read" |
_Riff_ (624) | badkalla (619) | Clogger (587) | ccc---wrk (556) | Jobf (552) | Drache (544) |
wgungfu (526) | tarm (506) | tetsujin (434) | Sinistarr (402) | MR_Jolly (389) | Hidey (372) |
DrDemento (372) | +Mimsy (369) | BuckyB (349) | Fygar (347) | VGB (346) | Otaku (316) |
FygarVM (310) | dskman (299) | GrahamP (276) | MrMaddog (254) | DanHibiki (230) | godzillan (214) |
`Compute (207) | spud_ (194) | __DaemoN (188) | Riff (169) | MorbidGuy (166) | Agripino (160) |
JAWA (151) | crumbum (149) | GDG_Surfe (138) | SleepyToe (135) | ^pip^ (134) | spud (127) |
Pooka (125) | ToeNASCAR (122) | killerkal (112) | RedWizard (109) | wolfman- (102) | SAN-D (101) |
Wolfman (92) | HeBeGB (90) | Deleto (84) | penfan (83) | _DaemoN (79) | pancake (77) |
FuckISPs (76) | Chuplayer (76) | Lee_Steel (74) | MrBIOS (73) | OpieAnt (71) | NES_Guy (70) |
Elektro (70) | EatSushi (69) | Sedated (64) | spud_work (63) | sci_ (62) | G0dzi11a (58) |
Changed by | New topic | |
"[21:47] <opivy10> wtf, my parents are movng to guam" | |
">"<DN|AWAY> river raid fucking rules :D" | |
"Spy Planes and Bad Mullets -- Film at 11" | |
"Collective Soul = wack Yes = wiggedy wack Mindless Self Indulgence = fresh" | |
"Kalla got his groove on! *sounds of porn music playing*" |
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140369 |
200466 |
149289 |
163353 |
158759 |
187323 |
148725 |
146107 |
126714 |
196269 |
146045 |
165652 |
5 - 6 1999 |
7 - 8 1999 |
9 - 10 1999 |
11 - 12 1999 |
1 - 2 2000 |
3 - 4 2000 |
5 - 6 2000 |
7 - 8 2000 |
9 - 10 2000 |
11 - 12 2000 |
1 - 2 2001 |
3 - 4 2001 |