2902 |
3207 |
1721 |
2189 |
4597 |
4219 |
4006 |
3353 |
3248 |
2008 |
3107 |
2732 |
2349 |
2066 |
2383 |
2124 |
2160 |
2688 |
3974 |
3204 |
3024 |
3478 |
3066 |
2501 |
1646 |
2662 |
2777 |
2857 |
2322 |
2981 |
1 Jun |
2 Jun |
3 Jun |
4 Jun |
5 Jun |
6 Jun |
7 Jun |
8 Jun |
9 Jun |
10 Jun |
11 Jun |
12 Jun |
13 Jun |
14 Jun |
15 Jun |
16 Jun |
17 Jun |
18 Jun |
19 Jun |
20 Jun |
21 Jun |
22 Jun |
23 Jun |
24 Jun |
25 Jun |
26 Jun |
27 Jun |
28 Jun |
29 Jun |
30 Jun |
Hours 0-6 | Hours 6-12 | Hours 12-18 | Hours 18-24 |
5% |
4% |
3% |
2% |
1% |
1% |
3% |
2% |
2% |
2% |
3% |
3% |
5% |
4% |
6% |
6% |
5% |
5% |
6% |
7% |
10% |
7% |
4% |
5% |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Nick | Number of Lines | Random Quote | |
1 | TedB | 6366 | "cuz u couldnt steal it over the internet?" |
2 | Mercster | 4966 | "sdc: I know the guy that started the "graffix" company" |
3 | COMPUTE | 4379 | "i coulda sworn it was beta category had lots of pr0n last time ..." |
4 | evilkalla | 4033 | "install that carb yourself !!!" |
5 | Steempy | 3232 | "You cr@z33 w@r3z kids go and find me some PSX weird shit..." |
6 | }Frogger{ | 3068 | "mcs.net is always fucked :P" |
7 | MrNES | 2714 | "st: I know I Hate you" |
8 | SaraAB | 2440 | "loic did you get the pics from yesterday.." |
9 | JacksonC | 2328 | "they really must think its magic if it knows what phone its supos..." |
10 | Drache | 2099 | "cal: are you gonna complain about the color scheme as well?" |
11 | Hidey | 2097 | "Hyde: I might be able to. >:)" |
12 | |tsr | 2095 | "mg: why don't you code a lot this summer and get skilzl" |
13 | kevtris | 2002 | "I don't even know x86 asm" |
14 | Riff-Raff | 1976 | "apparently I deleted the wrong set of NAT entries" |
15 | Loic | 1937 | "Intv-sama; did you order for an intellicart?" |
16 | BIOS- | 1763 | "cuz it simply kicks arse" |
17 | calamari | 1575 | "you never have to wonder about the subject being discussed ..." |
18 | Pavol_38 | 1471 | "Loic: I'm amazed that there are no French Kirby's Adventures ..." |
19 | ZombieFUK | 1466 | "my mother and father are dead" |
20 | Intv-sama | 1390 | "You want your chips? Get your ass inside and get 'em!" |
21 | mike_mjd | 1309 | "been trying to figure out how to order an ebivision game" |
22 | Rubbertoe | 1284 | "(I'm kinda just letting someone test my ftp, actually :)" |
23 | DrDemento | 1232 | "Some dude was in there buying a package of balloons" |
24 | Fygar | 1228 | "you're just here at the wrong time, dude.. move to the USA!" |
25 | Sinistarr | 1195 | "Remembered last Sunday for some reason..." |
26 | manu_pkp | 1190 | "do you know what gas costs in .fi ?" |
27 | Hydebee | 1157 | "I love Blaster Master!" |
28 | MorbidGuy | 1019 | "otaku: I mean, the nomad, game.com, and even the lynx prove ..." |
29 | MrMaddog | 1001 | "MrNES: You are aware that this channel is about playing games ..." |
Atarian (956) | Krypton85 (950) | snap-l (926) | Otaku (911) | Zerothis (872) | Gaspode_T (819) |
WeirdMan (758) | Marco_K (748) | Deleto (674) | Eppy (651) | _sdc_- (615) | HolmesA8 (552) |
longneck (518) | Jobf (431) | pancakez (403) | kalla (402) | TedB- (371) | Damitrol (365) |
g0dzi11a (355) | AlanD (315) | Larcen (310) | Murrlin (292) | Antman (285) | doppel^_^ (275) |
JJWalker (266) | Segamech (254) | Sutekh (241) | NEOGEOman (239) | Zilla (233) | Cyberpvnk (213) |
d_winter (204) | BIOS` (200) | NickB22 (198) | godzi11a (191) | Mappy (188) | Damitron (186) |
Carnage6 (179) | P-man (175) | MickoZ (174) | tarm (170) | sap1 (157) | phatkat (151) |
Sedated (119) | mick (118) | Kid-EZ (116) | gauze (110) | tribe_ (107) | fuzylogic (100) |
mcbeef (99) | skahater (98) | JAWA (97) | covert- (96) | BuckyB (93) | HaX` (90) |
nuuska (87) | _nug_ (85) | FygarVM (85) | Mr_Jolly (82) | _Ace_ (81) | Lee_Steel (81) |
Changed by | New topic | |
"(mr) Nes.............sucksssssssssssss......." | |
"quit murdering my cousins!" | |
"Holland beat France 3 - 2, and, btw there is too much NES in this world" | |
"Latest #rgvc Mascot! http://home.dal.net/anti-porn/" | |
"Goat Porno: http://www.yahooligans.com/downloader/pictures/animals___nature/mamm" |
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| ||||||||||||||
87754 |
52615 |
104442 |
96024 |
72033 |
77256 |
77079 |
86274 |
90990 |
67769 |
109475 |
77848 |
63174 |
85551 |
5 1999 |
6 1999 |
7 1999 |
8 1999 |
9 1999 |
10 1999 |
11 1999 |
12 1999 |
1 2000 |
2 2000 |
3 2000 |
4 2000 |
5 2000 |
6 2000 |