#rgvc channel stats - 1999 (Complete)

Statistics generated from Friday 1 Jan 1999 to Friday 31 Dec 1999
During this 365-day reporting period a total of 1207 persons visited the channel #rgvc

Pink Hours 0-6 Green Hours 6-12 Blue Hours 12-18 Red Hours 18-24

Channel load by hours
5.5% 4.9% 3.5% 2.6% 2.3% 2.3% 3.1% 3.4% 3.1% 3.1% 3.3% 3.6% 3.5% 3.8% 4.1% 4.1% 4.4% 4.6% 5.1% 5.8% 5.8% 6.1% 6.2% 5.8%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Channel activity by weekdays
Monday 14% Tuesday 16% Wednesday 14% Thursday 15% Friday 15% Saturday 13% Sunday 13%

TOP 100 nicks
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 TedB 2860248052719723530 78392 "sick of typing up auction descriptions"
2 Drache 1285068671255716963 49237 "ccc: I was borrowing my step's for the longest time. then we got this
3 cd, 2 tape, turntable combo deal. I run a line from the headphone ..."
3 Mercster
1614373751159310624 45735 "I think wad has worn out his welcome"
4 Steempy 150201640013747718 40512 "$50 for half an hour, $100 for an hour, $150 for anal?"
5 Kevtris 14426663237615690 33155 "gasp: someone sent me a huge box of atari repair parts!"
6 MrNES 82138881062917208 32546 "I thought there was a guy's nick Atari 2600 that was Paul Smith"
7 Kalla 621106981045910394 32172 "chg: first of all, you care"
8 DrDemento 9627464634709215 26958 "Ted: yeah there aren't as many screwups :)"
9 Rubbertoe 42162713622213544 26695 "there are he-bombers in this game, yes?"
10 WizardWOR
35083577570512920 25710 "what the hell is all this -||llII-^B:#rgvc- A fantastic new IRC network
, CRAP??"
11 Fygar 5785456652358984 24570 "riff: there are plenty of hot chicks in their mid-30's"
12 Elimeno_P
1816814536114177 22168 "i just downloaded this hot air balloon for FS"
13 |tsr 10156111542945494 21059 "ted: oh, so they mostly care about drugs?"
14 ChgMonger
417884838918673 17590 "nes: not in pure dos..."
15 Mr_Jolly
562884293408 17523 "I have to say I liked cartmans swearing attack - a real st fighter 2
16 Mappy 2799386847755427 16869 "[WizardWOR] Hey! Turn off your butt!! - It's a Bug's Life coming April
22nd to video"
17 AlanD 2652307658063542 15076 "also found a Coleco Total Control 4 with all 4 carts today and a boxed
Pong Sports IV."
18 Eppy 1313102742728435 15047 "fucking cunt knocked a bigass mug of coffee over. floor is fucked
19 akmedsc 854432839225689 14793 "what the hell is sea treble fishing? :)"
20 JacksonC 66574567446406 14263 "man its only one of 3 or so US dates on this part of the tour, all of
the rest are japan, europe, or austriala"
21 Gaspode_T 554032415139 14145 "This review of American Pie is making me want to see it (supposedly
like Fast Times at Ridgemont High 99)"
22 Riff 1338328550854160 13868 "you press a spin down button, then hit the spin up button and it will
go down the first time you hit the up button"
23 Chuck_W
354639855534 13443 "This is my fact, it sucks. 8*)"
24 calamari 1335172134255786 12267 "mneko: that one power pad running game"
25 _Wad_ 325137617276092 11446 "I'll see you sluts later"
26 Sutekh 290699317855552 11236 "they're filming parts of X-Men near here"
27 LA^Eskimo
623511964783013 10922 "U need english class boy"
28 Marco_K
50035173 10421 "yeah, he'll probably disagree"
29 _Rocker_
256732284463 10258 "snap: would you trade an INTV for it?"
30 snap-l 689186931234477 10158 "If they fall, they turn into chicks."
31 mike_mjd 58648742148800 8408 "job - just dont try shagging that car boot"
32 tarm 57392651 8407 "oh,i got md phantasy star IV"
33 MrTube 93980917204925 8393 "whos religion is sex against?!?!"
34 Jobf 179934022277 7987 "yeah, loada bollocks"
35 Hidey 90742929753265 7576 "I swear to god, you are nuts."
36 Mickster
767206330431689 7562 "yeah, I wish I was a dwarf, so I could be in the LotR movie and have
it made"
37 Atarian 1255160119582379 7193 "[Fygar] <Tick> What does RGVC mean? <Photon> really
good video cames. <Tick> Ok thanks"
38 DWar 188419472120 6060 "he convince soem guy witha mohawk that he was a god =D"
39 Photon 202215807631326 5691 "Hehe, got a friend with a cable modem.. just downloaded the ISO
and burned it yesterday"
40 Steve2600 49916542934 5677 "everyone needs to see A Simple Plan"
41 sap1 79612753139 5591 "I thought there were all the same size"
42 gauze 33261549344 5354 "I'm waiting for the price to come down on the snes before I buy one"
43 manu_pkp 193114771415 4951 "got myself a Lame.com today .. it's uhmmm.... very.. uhmm.."
44 Mylar 131874111201554 4733 "Ted: I plan on buying them locally and selling them on ebay"
45 ccc 15012886 4572 "sap: these 4 things + cash?"
46 Rmonster 146617291188 4486 "indeed I did sir, they are marked as reserved on my trade list"
47 Otaku 13299032024 4297 "Eppy : glad i got lots of coffee in then, that way i won't have to go
to the shop to pick some more up until the world comes back on-line ..."
48 Sedated 6148106232208 4255 "yeah but I sold starting collectors carts worth $3-10 for like $1 each."
49 Cyberpvnk 11921926611 4095 "cool, when you will send it out? when cash arrive or earlier?"
50 JAWA 14682507 4083 "my name isn't Jari tho >:)"
51 NEOGEOman 13154341817 3780 "you're so crushed we kicked yer l4m3 ass outta the club."
52 Teflon 13331899 3502 "nah theres an article on /.org, core are taking people who do lara
nude pictures to court"
53 shawnm 14851426 3403 "I think the contacts for the buttons need to be cleaned... the 4th one
doesn't seem to be working"
54 MCaptRob 922577919969 3387 "Compute, collect anything else? Seems a waste of shipping for a buck
fifty game."
55 Nug 16161544 3366 "I want a super small desktop case to make a DVD player out of it."
56 doppel 40810371224 3000 "i thought he would never shut up"
57 Raccoon 1420263820 2878 "is this a test-run for your next project, an all relay PC?"
58 Hax 45110651019 2853 "Steempy: you running linux? I think with your cpu I would"
59 BIOS-
1311992 2839 "Oh, this is a story about a guy named al who lived in a sewer with
his hamster pal, but the sanitatation workers really didnt approve..."
60 DaWiz 8821277627 2820 "hey, i'm not with those chixx anymore"
61 AaronStJ 10112871500 2805 "Since VIE went bust, people are treating the game as PD, but I wonder
who actually does own it"
62 d_winter 7451850126 2748 "Then, the parents of my father became "polish" (don't know how to
say from Poland)"
63 Dr_PSX 7994921130 2706 "Any CGE 99 reports yet folks?"
64 mneko 1969 2606 "MrNES: Oh, then that's cool. DOS rules!"
65 Zerothis 1539211095 2527 "I've heard of so many people discovering emultors and it leads to
buy the real stuff"
66 Quizzle 6415951256 2492 "darn, I got banned from mp3-80's"
67 GBreadMan 3339241149 2480 "no bots to tell us the seen script :9"
68 johnX 7331318 2376 "BeOS Central is a good site too. Lots of news. www.beoscentral.com"
69 luxmundi 8631194 2366 "yeah, I remember those days, masturbating to Lady in Wading" hehe"
70 FordPrefc 6681080490 2238 "they're mad if they think a TE is worth 400 bucks, EVEN if NEW"
71 San-D 540972256 2033 "I didn´t think you would have people living around"
72 P-man 973875 1996 "your mother of course..." :)"
73 MrMaddog 1714 1918 "Amazin: Ah, it's a name of an old hymn song "Amazing Grace"
74 CNewman
666817 1886 "Im going to work at a bagle place"
75 _Skywise_ 3941416 1863 "I wrote a qbasic program that started emitting really high pitched
tones, beyond human hearing, and would dip down, just perceptible..."
76 Deleto 4201052 1849 "zax: ask my man akmed over here, he's met Norman too"
77 _Frogger_
269862 1785 "I got a Plustek scanner.. if you care to know"
78 dskman 473528 1702 "maybe we can persuade aol to start uaing cdrw's"
79 venom 334721 1696 "why does bootleg sucks?"
80 Ringthane 534718 1672 "693644 days 1 hour 14 minutes 23 seconds until the year 2000.. haha...
81 MuTaNt 1354 1666 "i made a cool autoplay for all my emulators..."
82 Antman 766516 1602 "Job : That Cassius album is wicked."
83 DanB
584756 1587 "I just went and saw the movie "Limbo" the other day, pretty good
film with a very odd ending"
84 Psquare 476840 1516 "Merc: oh.. just seemed like I cooked more :-)"
85 WeirdMan 691624 1514 "I didn't know Monster Rancher 2 was out till i saw it at the mall the
other day =P"
86 _Fungus_ 99889 1507 "ahh well your in luck there kev"
87 mimsy 731547 1473 "Well it's all the skipping that happens with a PSX game. Normal Players
don't do this as often (only when seeking)"
88 rworne 106859 1322 "OK, I got a cool scan off the box showing it playing a PSX game of
all things..."
89 Lee_Steel 453233 1321 "i'd like to see a parody of Novak :P"
90 JackFlack 846393 1289 "i am makeing a Vic 2 video card"
91 dnathan 918 1209 "i got rollins band "do it" for 1.99 today"
92 fuzylogic 847 1191 "Mike: You collect TI carts?"
93 NickB33 561378 1182 "who the hell slaps people in the groin?" "
94 Kingpong 1074 1180 "Has anyone ever figured out why the people in Waterworld were so
dirty, yet were surrounded by water (and you didn't see much dirt ..."
95 long-neck
137 1134 "not much, i was at the flea market saturday but no finds"
96 Zaxxon 524 1109 "drache: no sir, I spent all my cash on this new computer and its giving
me nothing but trouble :-/"
97 AMAZin 343 1085 "snap: ah man, speccy are common on england... are you in US or
england ?"
98 `pip 690 1060 "different strokes for different folks. i'm not going to argue what is
99 AliLocke
334 1036 "Hmm does being 20 make me a kid?"
100 penfan 258 1033 "Get the Guns and Roses pinball one... that will draw "older teens"

They just didn't make it to the Top 100
JJWalker (1003) Sinistarr (979) RedWizard (965) marimacc (940) Damitol (890) Sherry21 (842) Tara-fr (840)
Big_Mo (819) Tapeworm (807) kermie (798) DNClassic (788) FrknAtari (777) chronox (734) Toot_CRC (714)
|Nate (664) JBLars (662) ferg (615) Socko^ (611) phatkat (596) Danox (543) NEcr0 (535)
mnemotron (502) johnST (500) lenndog (476) Loomis (468) VaStFeAr (466) nach0king (448) NES-God (420)
HeroZero (414) Decimal (410) skwerly (404) optica (391) NES-God (388) AJK (381) nonesno (362)
LisaD (361) ^noMad^ (352) Tex-Murph (346) |Exidy| (342) phifey (341) FastEd (327) FyreWyrm (326)
Crawphish (324) Mark_M (318) ttilmm (315) _Ross_ (312) Cougar82 (307) NEcr0 (301) A_Bum (300)
Sinibomb (295) Geddon01 (295) Bill_A (294) fwd-to-ab (287) BK2K (274) mattusc (272) ucis (262)
QQMAN (261) M00nbeam (261) Acey (261) _sdc_ (261) Deadbolt (257) Agripino (247) TravisH (245)
DrKimble (242) evilspoon (240) spman (234) Holstine (233) s-kelly (225) corbae (225) gamme (223)
BabyTugs (221) Wendy_O_K (212) freder (201) paintpot (200) Steve_T (200) thor- (198) SKP (192)
Dogi (192) kendrick (186) Narnia777 (179) liquidx (178) mattx (170) Eukanuba (169) TermX (165)
KathUK^^ (165) Asterick (164) Pragmatis (161) jgkspsx (153) fuzzylogi (152) jawax (145) Kiddcade (143)
Lindril (142) fflip (141) cronne (139) JohnCook (136) Knarf (135) IMPO (135) rygar2049 (127)
linkv (124) CubBear (124) jax (123) NesGuy (122) Yakman (121) God-Zilla (120) chochi (120)
Duglis (117) nintendow (111) Thecollec (110) Dirk_Pitt (109) bulbasaur (107) mark6 (106) Happypup (106)
mangalore (104) Saltine (103) Wounded (102) PhillyMJS (101) Vagismus (100) Scotch (100) Garbage- (98)
ReveS (96) Gorefesto (94) Tomalek (93) riffraff (93) stridr (92) Gr4ph0n (91) demigod99 (91)
Prince- (90) KithKanan (90) HughJanus (88) BUDDAHTIE (87) Try-Ace (86) JesEJames (86) HitManX (85)
Racer{X} (83) Ashley18f (83) grahamP (82) Mezmaron (81) _slinky_ (81) Packman (80) Energy_ (76)
jawax (75) Gama (75) G_man (75) Phil_Dub (74) lyrics (72) BiggBoss (72) Bahamut_X (72)
_dW (72) Kid-EZ (71) TCB (70) Gama (70) frodis (70) fell (70) actraiser (68)
StreeTuFF (67) kuntSHIT (67) falch (66) unbsj (64) Vectrexer (63) VGR (62) stave77 (62)
DigitPres (62) crenshaw (62) AlphaMale (62) Terminal- (60) steveX (60) entropy- (60) BenT[Clu] (60)
Albertini (59) TheDM (59) Sliver`` (59) fezzik (59) lyrics (58) ShadOwRYe (55) MickoZ (55)
MarieCele (53) Mission-2 (52) graywolf (52) stonepony (51) Sir--Gala (50) _Wise_ (50) [cutter] (50)
StarAntis (49) northkey (49) xylo (48) Psy-Q (48) Grond (48) DarKSIDEr (46) pantheon (45)
Brandon_ (44) tweek (43) insatiabl (43) g04 (43) Wembley (42) DanAVC (41) Philippe_ (40)
Shion (39) Rog (39) man114 (39) X-Omega (38) scary1 (38) frags (38) firefoxx (38)

There was also 904 nicks who mainly idled...

Time of day stats
(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1Mercster - 16143
TedB - 24805
TedB - 27197
TedB - 23530
2Steempy - 15020
Steempy - 16400
Drache - 12557
MrNES - 17208
3Kevtris - 14426
Kalla - 10698
Mercster - 11593
Drache - 16963
4Drache - 12850
Mr_Jolly - 8429
MrNES - 10629
Kevtris - 15690
5|tsr - 10156
Mercster - 7375
Kalla - 10459
Compute - 14177
6DrDemento - 9627
Drache - 6867
Rubbertoe - 6222
Rubbertoe - 13544
7JacksonC - 6657
Clogger - 5173
AlanD - 5806
WizardWOR - 12920
8LA^Eskimo - 6235
mike_mjd - 4874
WizardWOR - 5705
Mercster - 10624
9Fygar - 5785
DrDemento - 4646
Compute - 5361
Kalla - 10394
10tarm - 5739
Fygar - 4566
Fygar - 5235
DrDemento - 9215

Five random topics
Changed by New topic
WizardWOR  (4 Nov 1999 9:15)
"From a CZ-J faq: 2.5 Why did the author write this faq in the fist place?"
Photon  (26 Nov 1999 12:19)
"Mappy != Mappy"
WizardWOR  (1 Dec 1999 23:26)
"Old games don't die, they just get made for the 2600"
WizardWOR  (7 Dec 1999 11:04)
"MrNES Scores at Halftime with Cheerleader. Film at 11."
Rubbertoe  (11 Dec 1999 9:33)
"Nothin' says lovin' like changin' an old topic!"
Total number of topics during the reporting period: 919

Big Numbers
kalla couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined in 1404 times during this reporting period..
Most custom quit messages
 Nick  percentage  Random Quote 
1. ucis  56.0 %  (lull of sleep)
 2. Drache  43.8 %  (fuck me fuck me fuck me, I've gotta go relax or my brain's gonna explode)
  3. Jobf  42.6 %  (boo-yakka boo!!!)
   4. MuTaNt  42.5 %  (I beat him in the real world.....so he brought me down here!)
    5. doppel  42.4 %  (from the ashes, the phoenix will rise...http://doppelganger.i.am)
TedB really wanted others to know what was doing - 3136 descriptions alltogether.
 [13:44] * TedB wont comment
The evil guard was Mappy who got this reputation after kicking out 657 persons.
  [15:39] <splagged> no game
[16:29] *** splagged was kicked by Mappy (banned: nes98 fuckhead)

Also Atarian tried to look cool and kicked out 365 persons..

Sore butt award goes to Sedated for being kicked out 129 times..
  [18:31] <Sedated> hm $15 for thin ice + docs = cheap
[0:25] *** Sedated was kicked by Photon (Photon)

Runner-up: spman - got kicked 72 times.

ChgMonger knew the right words and said "atari" for 284 times...

COMPUTE knew the right words and said "5200" for 440 times...

Fygar knew the right words and said "chicks" for 70 times...

Drache knew the right words and said "d00d" for 125 times...

Loudest one was JJWalker with yell percentage of 34%!

Second loudest on the block: DNClassic - 26% with high volume!

Mappy gave most ops - actually 3894 of them!
Mappy behaved badly and got deopped 25 times..
paintpot had many things uncertain - 42% of lines contained a question.

..and silver medal goes to Thecollec - with question ratio of 38%.

Conversation killer award goes to TedB whose final comment caused 7 conversations to end suddenly.
Following sample line ended 5-minute conversation and was followed by 14 minutes of silence:
 [19:39] <TedB> just the one that used to be out there
TedB spoke most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row for 494 times..

Runner-up self-chatter: Mercster - spoke 404 times with himself..

Mercster had sticky Shift button - wrote 1687 lines in CAPS!
 [08:53] <MercSleep> EVERYONE: PLEASE go to #rgvc2 now!
Channel activity peak: 21 persons were active on 11 Feb 1999 0:40 - 1:00

Active users during this 20-minute period were (in order of appearance):
 skwerly, Gaspode_T, _Skywise_, McMick, Sutekh, TedB, BK2k, _Riff_, kevtris, akmed, Eppy, Drache, DrDemento, Atarian, LA^Eskimo, Otaku, Mappy, WizardWOR, Mercster, dnathan, snap-l
kingpong wrote longest lines - average of 93 letters per line.

Average line length on #rgvc was 36 letters.

1776 net splits were detected during the reporting period. In average this is 34.1 splits per week

Most splits in a day: 11 splits on 11 Jun 1999

The longest net split occured on 12 Nov 1999 12:23 and lasted for 21 h 20 min! (9 people dropped in this split)

Most people (21) dropped on 3 Dec 1999 19:41. (Duration of this split was 6 min)

List of persons with most nicknames (Still haven't found the best one, MrNES..)
MrNES - 112 NicksMrNES(94%), CyberJosh(1.3%), pancakes(1.2%), pan2kakes(0.7%), MrSNES(0.4%), MrNES2(0.3%), andvari(0.2%), Xenogears(0.1%), MisterNES(0.1%), MrCHRONO(0.1%), Mr_f00d(0.1%), Mr_phone(0.1%), MrDigiPen(0.1%), MrNESsnes(0.0%), Mr31337(0.0%), MrNES|out(0.0%), MrN_xeno(0.0%), MrNES_afk(0.0%), mrnesAT(0.0%), MrMagus...
WizardWOR - 54 NicksWizardWOR(95%), Murrlin(2.8%), Wiz-o-WOR(0.4%), WizZonkz(0.2%), Wiz_afk(0.2%), WizMatrix(0.1%), wiz0wor(0.1%), Wize2kWOR(0.1%), Wizwiz(0.1%), Wiz_snooz(0.1%), WizSupper(0.1%), WizSnooze(0.1%), Wiz_Nap(0.1%), WizardWWW(0.1%), Wiz_lunch(0.1%), WizFdRun(0.0%), WizPapal(0.0%), WizPMagic(0.0%), Wizwor(0.0%), MurrViper...
NEOGEOman - 51 NicksNEOGEOman(77%), NEOwork(7.0%), NEOafk(6.0%), Vombatus(3.0%), NEO_AFK(1.3%), _NEO2_(1.0%), NEOdammit(0.6%), Nolan(0.6%), NEOhere(0.6%), NGman(0.5%), NEOgone(0.4%), NEOatWORK(0.3%), NEO_q3(0.2%), NEOhome(0.2%), neogoemon(0.2%), NEOgaming(0.2%), NEOworkz(0.2%), NEOquake(0.1%), NeoGamer(0.1%), NEOdricas...
Mr_Jolly - 45 NicksMr_Jolly(63%), Wibble(28%), wibble_(2.9%), JollyBoy(2.7%), MrJolly(1.0%), wib_away(0.3%), mrJaudit(0.3%), MrJ_Food(0.2%), MrJ_AWAY(0.2%), mr_jaway(0.1%), MrJ-Away(0.1%), mrJ_Fudd(0.1%), wib_lunch(0.1%), MrJAWAY(0.0%), Mr_Jshop(0.0%), Mr_Jpost(0.0%), Mr_Jolley(0.0%), MrJ_Shop(0.0%), Mr_Juggs(0.0%), Mr_JFudd(0.0%),...
Kalla - 44 Nickskalla(49%), evilkalla(46%), badkalla(1.5%), kalla_afk(0.6%), badbadkal(0.3%), goodkalla(0.2%), evil_work(0.2%), evilboy(0.2%), kalla_out(0.2%), totalevil(0.2%), kalclean(0.1%), kal_out(0.1%), kal_ugh(0.1%), kal_work(0.0%), kal_meet(0.0%), kal_cray(0.0%), sadkalla(0.0%), kalla_af(0.0%), kal_suck(0.0%), kalla_fgd(0.0%), kalgarden...

Long term statistics - three month sections
2 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 9
10 - 12
1 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 9
10 - 12
1 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 9
10 - 12
1 - 3
4 - 6
7 - 9
10 - 12
*** Total number of lines: 3,207,484 ***

Top week: 2/1997 (13
Jan-19 Jan 1997) - 32720 lines

Top 10 smiley using guys on #rgvc
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Steempy

"Everyone's sending stuff to either Ian in London, or to Ohio.. I'm not going to have
to buy anything to fill my suitcases. :)"
2 _WaD_

"ted- yes? :)"
3 Rubbertoe

4 Drache

"drd: I know, but it had to be mentioned. ;)"
5 snap-l

"I'm IRCing from a IIci. :)"

"ive had ppl ask me if i was 17 when i was 21 :)"
7 DrDemento

"yeahyeahyeah :)"

"[AtariHQ] <snap-l> I'm upset with my 15"... <snap-l> Pooka: I have a
17" now. :)"
9 Fygar

"hopefully, this time his system won't be a loser :)"
10 TedB

"i think i could resist at that price ;)"

#rgvc's short line writers
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 TedB

2 Drache

3 kalla

4 WizardWOR

5 Mercster

"a LOT"

7 Steempy

8 Rubbertoe


10 kevtris


Top 10 quoting people
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Mappy

"[TedB] <Sedated> I went thriftin in my shorts... <TedB> sed; so what
did you find in yo"
2 Atarian

"[evilkalla] groovy"
3 JJWalker

"[Rubbertoe] http://www.infinet.com/~rbatina/webcam/index.html <---- returning
4 TedB

"<yawn> naptime"
5 WizardWOR

"<Elimeno_P> they nad my keyboard"
6 kalla

"<akmedsc> did you pick it up and hurl it?"

"<toral-> that's one sad ass person"

"<gag> AOL </gag>"
9 Drache

"<Drache> gas: Pi is great with whip cream and a lots of baby oil. Those lonely
, single, horny math teachers LOVE it when you recite it to them over and over..."
10 Rubbertoe

"<kevtris> aar: well you can take the pot apart and clean it internally"

Most used words (Min. 7 letters)
Count Word Last used by At
7326 "Something" COMPUTE 31 Dec 1999 23:46
5783 "everyone" MuTaNt_ 31 Dec 1999 23:18
5127 "actually" AlanD 31 Dec 1999 17:42
5055 "someone" COMPUTE 31 Dec 1999 23:55
4675 "probably" JacksonC 31 Dec 1999 22:31
4379 "thought" MrMaddog 31 Dec 1999 22:36
4374 "anything" calamari 31 Dec 1999 22:59
4284 "getting" MrNES 31 Dec 1999 23:47
4256 "Because" MrNES 31 Dec 1999 23:11
3578 "remember" TedB 31 Dec 1999 15:30

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
8309 "never" MrNES 31 Dec 1999 23:41
8079 "Drache" MrNES 31 Dec 1999 23:44
7265 "where" MrNES 31 Dec 1999 23:50
5418 "kalla" Steempy 31 Dec 1999 20:59
4160 "tedb" Mappy 31 Dec 1999 23:07

Most mentioned URL's:
Count Word Last used by At
514 "http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAP..." Chuck_W 31 Dec 1999 14:46
211 "game.com" Rubbertoe 23 Dec 1999 19:30
188 "www.classicgaming.com/colecofaq" skahater 17 Nov 1999 9:10
187 "http://www.wantree.com.au/~coleman" Steempy 9 Dec 1999 5:43
145 "http://zap.to/peijoonit" Mappy 1 Dec 1999 13:10