| Nickname |
Number of Lines |
Random Quote |
1 |
kalla |
7450 |
"I don't let things get out of hand" |
2 |
Drache |
7107 |
"gas" |
3 |
TedB |
6460 |
"strap the dynamite on yoda and kick him off the ledge" |
4 |
Rubbertoe |
6350 |
"hahah" |
5 |
Kevtris |
3477 |
"I still can't believe that this dr. demento CD has shitty audio ..." |
6 |
Gaspode_T |
3301 |
"fyg: what do you think of that n64 emulator?" |
7 |
DrDemento |
3160 |
"I mean if they're going to raise it, raise it to 35" |
8 |
|tsr |
2901 |
"just as a sort of info service for would be collectors" |
9 |
WizardWOR |
2723 |
"dunno" |
10 |
Fygar |
1802 |
"kkg: women are quirky and men make the best cars and videogames ..." |
11 |
akmed |
1783 |
"UntitledFrame-7.htm i believe" |
12 |
Atarian |
1734 |
"[mick_afk] If it walks like a duck, and quack likes a duck, kill ..." |
13 |
Riff |
1698 |
"how the hell would I know? :P" |
14 |
Mercster |
1697 |
"space stuff doesn't do it for me." |
15 |
johnX |
1693 |
"Ha ha ha" |
16 |
Mappy |
1684 |
"[AlanD] Capt'n! The spellchecker kinna take this abuse!" |
17 |
snap-l |
1643 |
" Price of my amazing new logo - $4,000,000/yr " |
18 |
Eppy |
1353 |
"...to figure out who in the house had made a call to that number ..." |
19 |
1339 |
"?? ? ? ?? ??? ? ?? ??" |
20 |
LA^Eskimo |
1209 |
"Hmmm 16 cm is how many inches?" |
21 |
Photon |
1201 |
"whee" |
22 |
mickster |
1200 |
"!" |
23 |
wibble |
1187 |
"Theres one 150 yards from Britmeet 2" |
24 |
Sedated |
1120 |
"1st.. I can sell to highest bidder if I want anyhow" |
25 |
JacksonC |
1072 |
"since I went to win98 mp3's and wav's and ra slows my computer ..." |
26 |
Marco_K |
1027 |
"yeah" |
27 |
ChgMonger |
992 |
"rub: (read: almost no nuns, and the one we had was actually really ..." |
28 |
Sutekh |
979 |
"those Sega AV plugs.... it' slike 10 pins..... it's a waste of ..." |
29 |
AlanD |
957 |
"snap: what is the name of the rom you need?" |
30 |
AaronStJ |
919 |
"2 pubic hairs, and $00004.00000000" |
- kalla was awarded "The #rgvc Jumpman Trophy" for joining and leaving, joining and leaving .. for 185 times..
- Rubbertoe really wanted others to know what was doing - 637 descriptions alltogether.
- Sample:
- [15:21] * Rubbertoe envies the folks in alabammy now
- Sedated wasn't ranked very high on this channel - 38 kicks this time.
- Sample:
- [23:44] <Sedated> dont blame me, photon
- [9:17] *** Sedated was kicked by Atarian (banned: request)
- (Runner-Up: AJK - Kicked out 10 times.)
- Rubbertoe knew the right words and said ":)" for 826 times...
- Rubbertoe knew the right words and said "pr0n" for 60 times...
- WizardWOR kept it loud and shouted 390 times which is 14% of WizardWOR's total linecount.
- (Second loudest on the block: Atarian - 356 lines with exclamations!)
- Drache had many things uncertain - 1021 lines containing a question.
- (Drache's biggest rival in this section was TedB who asked something for 957 times..)