#rgvc statistics - 1998 (Complete)

Statistics generated from Tuesday 31 Mar 1998 to Thursday 31 Dec 1998
During this 276-day reporting period a total of 996 persons visited the channel #rgvc

Pink Hours 0-6 Green Hours 6-12 Blue Hours 12-18 Red Hours 18-24

Channel load by hours
8.4% 8.3% 7.0% 5.1% 3.6% 2.9% 2.4% 1.9% 2.2% 2.3% 1.9% 1.8% 2.3% 2.8% 3.0% 3.1% 3.8% 4.2% 4.3% 4.7% 5.0% 5.3% 6.1% 7.5%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Channel activity by days of the week
Monday 14% Tuesday 16% Wednesday 17% Thursday 17% Friday 15% Saturday 10% Sunday 11%

TOP 100 nicks
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 TedB 84516726939922699 47275 "i got a boxed faster blaster today"
2 Fygar 171968236971411934 47080 "stroller: we should try again later tonight when I am not 'net multitasking"
3 Kevtris 220405686848895 32187 "yes, bankzilla is insatiable!"
4 Rubbertoe 1353458862049994 30320 "when you see all those pr0n movies "chicks with dicks" etc"
5 WizardWOR
14074895246810212 27649 "tho I do admire people who CAN wear them thingos"
6 Drache 81322093593210122 26279 "dead: Naw, you just have to look a couple places."
7 Mercster
1445761135080 25918 "I don't like sinatra........he doesn't sing that well, imo."
8 Kalla 6972182055359343 23670 "I may go for the Ph.D."
9 |tsr 1226316077835 21817 "the girls will line up single file to the moon and back"
10 Photon 829641769554435 17862 "grab two, while you're at it"
11 DrDemento 741232613299 14190 "Which is a really good thing that me and my ex-girlfriend didn't remain
together. She was dumb as a board."
12 Gaspode_T 451228614848 12337 "Once they really make a game that completely requires the 4MB...those
are going to be a different story :)"
13 AlanD 1489238731284911 11915 "ok I lied. I have 238. 250 or so if you count some PAL dupe boxes"
14 Sutekh 611570511421606 9568 "I hope the death of the N64 will put to rest that bigger number of
bitness means absolutely nothing in terms of how successul a system ..."
15 akmedsc 201984225003863 9224 "that CGI Donkey Kong show is supposedly on that Fox channel now"
16 wibble
178248862108 8816 "Booze hidden in the washing machine."
17 Chuck_W
188793620073885 8715 "All he does is copy what the last person posted and Novoize it."
18 tarm 17576139 7896 "thats why i dumped it on you ;)"
19 JacksonC 45208042256 7793 "Steve: Rubbertoe used to have it, it does what it was made for, browsing
the web on your tv but nothing more really"
20 Mappy 1893112016992740 7452 "[Fygar] <violet6> I might get a lollipop or two... SOMETHING
for my oral fixation..."
21 Riff 260854617032573 7430 "depends.. which part of the pole do you hit? :P"
22 Marco_K
15485590 7318 "it's just that my vision is bad for a couple of hours after each treatment"
23 Atarian 1739121217512593 7295 "[Teflon_] (Photon) hmm.. my sheets are dry but my pants are still
24 Sedated 188957615282637 6630 "but I got a deal at $15...some buyout of used shit..."
25 _Rocker_
42521653790 6409 "Thats what I used to use...Not anymore....I dont use emus as muc."
26 Eppy 20652519893085 6390 "now if i could only remember wtf i was going to fix with it"
27 Mylar 226134818691783 6261 "drache: there are probably 75 - 100 thrift stores with in a 1 hour drive
from where I live, I visit probably 20 per week, err... used to"
28 _Frogger_
5449064714 6255 "I also found a PAL Pacman too"
29 mike_mjd 225922281400 5993 "ted - i wasnt comparing, just stating fact."
30 luxmundi 144830191202 5669 "make sure you go thrifting on that date every year. =)"
31 Deleto 31227981475462 5047 "but then most of amsterdam has internet via cable now.."
32 snap-l 57020411872791 4752 "c64 was all disk based shit..."
33 Psquare 11204628902268 4740 "ma dildo, fous toi, s'il vous plait... "My dildo, please FUCK OFF"
34 SaintMick
6836352509889 4716 "Neo stuff in Cincinnati is very rare, probably because there are practic...
...ally no non-chain game shops"
35 Jobf 46216321671597 4362 "i can imagine - hit the thrifts???"
36 ChgMonger
22251429 4029 "why is it sometimes when i turn on my 2600jr or 7800 Frankenstein's
Monster, sometimes the picture is vertically misaligned?"
37 long-neck
11521202333 3877 "steve2600: tell him if he doesn't go to bed right now, dead tree corpses
with wires attached to them will come into his room and electrocute ..."
38 CNewman 10468821651 3583 "Turbografx CD Version"
39 Teflon 5242593 3252 "phoned muse last night, he was saying that woody emailed him after
spotting that richard had CTCW/SQ:WW/Music Machine on his 2600 ..."
40 Steve2600 8308991482 3229 "i am thinkin' i want to go to bed"
41 Raccoon 1556321430873 3180 "So.. what does everybody think of ebay nicknames?"
42 Rmonster 27613861051 3059 "Drache: your timing is perfect :)"
43 GBreadMan 7658241373 3059 "have 32 in 1 s ever been found in the US"
44 NEOGEOman 207559697 2853 "mrq: 149 US, I sell em used for $170 CDN ($130 US or so)"
45 AaronStJ 1868768 2745 "how does the app sound? like every other text2speech app?"
46 DanB
12681047421 2736 "skeezix: Just go into an empty channel, you will see much more activity
then in #emulate ;)"
47 JAWA 2142329 2611 "hmmh...time for newsgroups..."
48 gauze 1155578751 2602 "some Japanese student has trying to sell us jewelery and like 'good
luck' charms and stuff at the Thai resturant last night. I can't believe ..."
49 _Wad_ 1742733 2507 "Rubber- It made me laugh... All I could think was 'duh' :)"
50 ccc 1841997 2497 "jaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
51 Antman 3006601249 2332 "I went to see it at the cinema on my own.. found it quite disturbing"
52 rworne 1489780 2315 "Steve: Saturn didn't bomb... at least in Japan"
53 MrTube 5836531004 2299 "hey anyone know where i can get a tempest coin-op machine"
54 Otaku 1419627 2260 "|tsr : i can assure you I have no intention of ever playing your flute
55 _Ross_ 174063 2176 "tarm: Honestly! My friends wanted to buy a vibrator, and I had to
wait outside ;)"
56 NickB33 1409652 2140 "why the hell don't they show her movies on cable anymore?"
57 `pip 741917 2091 "hey.. is there anyway to use the 32x on the nomad???"
58 skwerly
621365881 2090 "when i grow up i wanna be an idler just like dsk!"
59 johnX 2495721021 1929 "Dan: That's what I'm thinking about getting. I'm going to Barnes
and Noble tomorrow to check it out."
60 mimsy 931261561 1926 "Rub: The Marque was very big!"
61 Violet6 656717335 1843 "Hardy went to their warehouse.."
62 Kingpong 3361416 1770 "Mule actually never did too much for me. I just don't seem to get
around to getting out the systems to play anything good these days"
63 dskman 616441710 1769 "kev what server you playin quake on?"
64 Zaxxon 760760 1699 "do you have an older tv that you can fine tune?"
65 Danox 812860 1680 "I still have all my original players manual, dm's guide thing, and about
30 modules"
66 Big_Mo
895427 1645 "Oh gimme a break...2 megs for a WORD game?"
67 |Nate 348537727 1612 "spy hunter is a great game"
68 JackFlack 1316 1596 "merc:you still have Superchargers and 7800 pads"
69 evilspoon 425493616 1548 "at my expense they're fags"
70 DaWiz 226576561 1524 "and the auctioning person would cackle in evil delight"
71 MrMaddog 3471132 1504 "WHo knows where I can pick up a monitor cable for the 8-bit Atari?"
72 MrNES 522760 1488 "Buyrite doesn't have good service"
73 Dr_PSX
962180 1488 "None of the Activision gang of 4 did any drugs."
74 Tapeworm 927275 1445 "like all the yardlines in the fottage are pretty close to where youre
actually supposed to be"
75 Nug 908530 1445 "--and special thanks to Ralph Barbagallo III, for making the first one
to improve"
76 phifey 803487 1356 "i think if your at the point in your life when your having anal sex with
mannequins..the leakage is the least of your worries"
77 ttilmm 1010205 1315 "i like both girls...they actually wear dresses"
78 Draven1
548178468 1211 "Say: I agree with you completely. What can I say I've got over
1200 games plus Jamma. I buy tons not all just "good AAA reviewed ..."
79 mattusc 642168366 1206 "i'm looking for advertisements from the 70's and 80's"
80 Thantor 538181 1159 "gee, I need to get back into this VG thing again..."
81 dunric 633193 1158 "kev: Well, it does more than the 2600 does as far as speech...only
Open, Sesame and Quadrun do speech that I know of in 2600 carts"
82 Damitol 558504 1120 "hehe! I use free internet fax gateways"
83 San-D 231803 1070 "I will start tonight saving some wrappers"
84 riffraff 533258 1060 "drd: hehe no way.. it costs way more to upgrade it than to get a better
85 defecatn 649370 1056 "two 3d cards is not really worth it"
86 s-kelly 863 967 "Dan: Yeah I know...I told him he could get a minimum of $600 out
of you for it. :)"
87 RedWizard 58955 883 "hope you do get to see that "Hard Wired" proto.. think tis like a trade
show teaser.."
88 JGKsPSX 411257 883 "I just saw a Genny stick that looked like it only had two buttons..."
89 Bill_A 293321 835 "Ebay Item #22428780 Does anyone know what "unreleased/unnamed"
cart Kenny Brooks has for the 5200?"
90 BK2K 393288 803 "the roms had .V64 extension, which didnt work"
91 Potsy 384249 795 "chuck : try to find a nintendo power issue #1.. i think that's got the
2nd quest map?"
92 frodis 290344 784 "TedB: C'mon now. Dya think I'd tell? ;)"
93 NESMan 159401 729 "Anyone here wanna trade 2600 games for NES games? Message me
94 WeirdMan 176374 718 "Basically this will be one of my many misadventures that i've had
since i started this dumb hobby ;)"
95 cybrreapr 462226 715 "Wiz: It's and ISA card that gives you 6 serial ports, and 2 parallel
96 M00nbeam 232263 713 "luxmundi : Hanimex is from Australia"
97 frags 272 704 "No Quake III, it's Quake Arena now"
98 Yakman 173 703 "babylon 5 can suck my left nut..."
99 God-Zilla 526 677 "It's not really like any other game. It's unique. (Unlike the repetitive
crap of today!)"
100 Cyberpvnk 254 668 "Dammitol: YEP, ABSOLUTLY! ;)"

PatEwing (656) dnathan (648) Toot_CRC (647) x22 (635) mneko (612) Saltine (609) DougJ (590)
Ringthane (568) MuTaNt (539) Benaresu (509) VaStFeAr (502) Eukanuba (485) Wembley (481) KithKanan (460)
LA^Eskimo (444) Crawphish (444) KCobain (442) CubBear (413) Odyssey2 (407) Deadbolt (405) Sherry21 (397)
tfn (390) Lee_Steel (376) Autolycus (375) jax (364) ferg (363) BigBuddha (358) Speak (352)
spazpol (343) mbrown (330) Garbage- (323) Varan (321) Tara-fr (310) Sir--Gala (306) Holstine (303)
R0B0T (288) TempesTB (279) P-Man (279) SKP (273) Asterick (265) _lupus_ (251) fuzylogic (247)
aclayton (240) DanAVC (237) Blitz-Man (234) Mezmaron (232) sap1 (230) marimacc (230) _sdc_ (229)
Bussell (216) man112 (213) AJK (212) FastEd (211) VGR (210) LisaD (207) AtariMan (204)
mnemotron (201) Stump (199) Fn[zero] (197) btomlin (195) infUsiOn (193) freder (193) defster (191)
Gr4ph0n (185) Metallik (185) Tomalek (177) nightwing (166) CVGRULE (166) SayoHu (157) AMAZin (155)
Gaz (153) Lambie (152) NeonGhost (140) _mystikal (137) Knarf (136) Alisson (136) sinistar (131)
Carnage6 (130) Vectrex (127) FnordChan (124) Bassman (124) ColecoMan (123) BoBBoB (123) stave77 (120)
SteLLaZin (118) piqu1655 (116) tweek (115) MacbthPSW (115) FenrisWf (114) misanthro (113) ltj (112)
Minotaur (108) CRiSiS (106) PhillyMJS (101) HeroZero (99) ^80sPuppy (99) FreePlay (97) CLU (96)
arton (96) DanM (92) AtariDude (90) Richardh (88) [Despair] (88) steveX (85) mcgwirefa (85)
kamal-k (85) XgoukenX (84) Gouki (83) RaveGuru (82) Yodaman (79) ToastyMan (79) Ianoid (78)
boingy (77) SigmaZ (76) `Hiro (75) ericg (74) Brian_M (73) Cougar82 (72) razgot (71)
Ice-X (71) DWar (71) TrakMan (70) torgo_x (68) JFrost (68) SegaMan (68) Num_Six (66)
KenW (66) orbitlock (64) Prince- (61) Mushroom (61) Cool128 (61) bologna (61) Jehu (61)
OctoPooki (60) TCB (60) imid (60) arcade (60) matthewp (58) meDweD (58) dEMoXi-aw (57)
_KUMA_ (57) mike4-- (56) savetz (55) MatSimpsk (55) Toshin (54) Paul-S (54) FyreWyrm (53)
evilkate (52) Oinc (51) graham (51) fluxion (51) DaveStein (51) TcDev (49) WaGnBrNr (48)
JustinC (48) `Hiro (48) Zarek (47) Steg (47) jerky_2 (46) hack98 (46) _mxs_ (46)
JBLars (45) OmegaCore (43) tortus (42) Monkster (40) dayeight (40) Brett_F (40) StrmKrw (37)
skars (37) GiDEoN (37) b1unt (37) JWC (36) baronvr (36) [zlilo] (35) JKinder (34)
Tails (33) Kid-EZ (33) indica311 (33) FunBun (33) CX2K (33) ZachM (32) Hayabusa (32)
FathrDeth (32) BuckSatan (30) AgentQ (30) Pat_O (29) willis (28) Watson_ (28) Pitfall (28)
pingpong (28) Nrtzmoron (28) greezy (28) elfy (28) PrezNate (27) linkv (27) gozar (27)
e-swift (27) [Phork] (27) Tides (26) CDK2 (26) Wmelon (25) Temo (25) skeezix (25)

Remaining 693 nicks didn't talk that much...

Time of day stats
(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1Kevtris - 22040
Fygar - 8236
Fygar - 9714
TedB - 22699
2Fygar - 17196
TedB - 6726
TedB - 9399
Fygar - 11934
3Mercster - 14457
tarm - 6139
Rubbertoe - 6204
WizardWOR - 10212
4WizardWOR - 14074
Clogger - 5590
Mercster - 6113
Drache - 10122
5Rubbertoe - 13534
Mr_Jolly - 4886
Drache - 5932
Rubbertoe - 9994
6|tsr - 12263
Photon - 4176
Kalla - 5535
Kalla - 9343
7TedB - 8451
Deleto - 2798
DrDemento - 3261
Kevtris - 8895
8Photon - 8296
Teflon - 2593
AlanD - 3128
|tsr - 7835
9Drache - 8132
AlanD - 2387
luxmundi - 3019
Mercster - 5080
10DrDemento - 7412
mike_mjd - 2259
Gaspode_T - 2861
AlanD - 4911

Five random topics
Changed by New topic
Marco_K  (8 Dec 1998 8:16)
"rec.games.video.guys that piss in the shower..."
SaintMick  (18 Dec 1998 11:34)
"Santa and his 3 'ho's"
Mercster  (22 Dec 1998 14:33)
"Hell Yes! We Love Breasts! Hell Yes! We Love Breasts!"
MistleToe  (24 Dec 1998 11:28)
"Merry Christmas.......EVE. Ho Ho Hum... :-/"
kalla  (28 Dec 1998 23:10)
"got SCSI?"
Total number of topics during the reporting period: 858

Big Numbers
Photon couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined #rgvc 1007 times during this reporting period..
The most active quit message writers
 Nick  amount  Random Quote 
1. Drache  200  (off to read, then sleep.)
 2. akmedsc  198  (pick up the bass kick up the bass)
  3. Gaspode_T  132  (bbl)
   4. NEOGEOman  106  (too tired to say gnitezzzzzzzzzzzzz)
    5. Rubbertoe  105  (Who will walk me down to church when Im 60 years of age...)
Drache really wanted others to know what he was doing - 2551 descriptions alltogether.
 [1:56] * Drache wishes he had a hatchet...it would be kool....scare the people at the bus station...smash open the machines...get quarters.. yes!!
The evil guard of #rgvc was Atarian who got this reputation after kicking out 474 persons.
  [0:11] <Zarek> BARF. Whos page is that? Hopefully noone anyone knows, right?
[4:04] *** Zarek was kicked by Atarian (excess idleness)

Also Mappy tried to look cool and kicked out 350 persons..

Sore butt award goes to Sedated for being kicked out 329 times..
  [23:54] <Sedated> last faces of death I saw...like 4 years ago, Ill never watch one again
[8:18] *** Sedated was kicked by Atarian (excess idleness)

Runner-up: Raccoon - got 54 kicks.

Fygar knew what to say and said "chicks" for 111 times.

|tsr knew what to say and said "sex" for 120 times.

kevtris knew what to say and said "roms" for 129 times.

Loudest one was Alisson with yell percentage of 33%!

Second loudest on the block: Colecoman - 32% with high volume!

Atarian gave most ops - actually 3610 of them.
Mappy behaved badly and got deopped 12 times..
GiGaShOcK had many things uncertain - 38% of lines contained a question.

..and silver medal goes to vgr - with question ratio of 37%.

Conversation killer award goes to Fygar whose final comment caused 4 conversations to end suddenly.
Following sample line ended 5-minute conversation and was followed by 8 minutes of silence:
 <Fygar> talk about a backward society :)
TedB spoke most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row for 344 times..

Runner-up auto-chatter: Rubbertoe - spoke 231 times with himself..

Fygar had sticky Shift button - wrote 328 lines in CAPS.
Channel activity peak: 32 persons were active on 8 Apr 1998 8:00 - 9:00

Active users during this 60-minute period were (in order of appearance):
 tarm, skwerly, Fygar, Photon, DanB, Taxi, LightCycl, UniBombr, Bussell, Marco_K, MyCock, luxmundi, Deleto, vga2000, DKnight, Colecoman, sharmie, riffraff, paul-s, long-neck, hack98, Wembley, Sedated, mappee, newbie, covert-, Mapppy, Arcadian, Xg0ukenX, Atarian, Mappy, mike_mjd
FnordChan wrote longest lines - average of 97 letters per line.

Channel average on #rgvc was 38 letters.

Total count of net splits: 266. In average that is 6.75 splits per week

Most splits per day: 8 splits on 14 Jul 1998

Longest net split occured on 17 May 1998 21:43 and lasted for 26 h 48 min (10 people dropped in this split)

Most people (18) dropped on 31 May 1998 23:52. This split lasted for 1 min.

List of persons with most nicknames (Still haven't found the best one, WizardWOR..)
WizardWOR - 83 NicksWizardWOR(87%), MryWizmas(1.7%), WizEBound(1.1%), WizRPGs(1.1%), WizBoF3(0.9%), WoWMame(0.6%), WizBoF1-3(0.6%), WizZonkz(0.4%), WizMovie(0.4%), WizCompil(0.4%), DisneyWiz(0.4%), WizSagaFr(0.3%), Wiz-0-WOR(0.3%), Wiz-o-WOR(0.2%), WizWOR(0.2%), WizScanzz(0.2%), WizReboot(0.2%), WizCodes(0.2%), WizBoFfed...
Kalla - 73 Nickskalla(76%), evilkalla(12%), kalla_afk(5.3%), badkalla(3.2%), ultrakal(0.6%), kalla_out(0.4%), unrealkal(0.4%), badkalbad(0.3%), badbadkal(0.3%), kal_ptd(0.2%), kalgetjob(0.2%), kalla_lab(0.2%), kalthesis(0.1%), bigbadkal(0.1%), LordKalla(0.1%), kal_clean(0.1%), kalla_run(0.1%), kal_soda(0.1%), kalshower(0.1%), kalla_ptd(0.1%), kallafk...
Mercster - 52 NicksMercster(60%), MercWerc(33%), MercSleep(1.3%), Mercster3(1.2%), InfoMerc(0.7%), InfoWork(0.6%), InfoGoon(0.5%), MercFlea(0.4%), MercWork(0.3%), MercTR2(0.3%), MercClean(0.2%), MercWank(0.2%), MercBUSY(0.2%), InfoElmo(0.1%), MercTax(0.1%), MercWeary(0.1%), MercDead(0.1%), Mercster1(0.1%), ShowrMerc(0.1%), MercGone...
Fygar - 43 NicksFygar(86%), Pooka(7.8%), Fygar_afk(4.3%), AtariHQ(1.3%), _5200_(0.2%), EvilFygar(0.2%), Pooooooka(0.1%), Fyg(0.1%), Fy_NoDivx(0.1%), Fygarito(0.1%), |Fygar(0.1%), Fygar98(0.1%), |AGH(0.0%), Pooka-(0.0%), Fygar-(0.0%), Pookah(0.0%), FygSnack(0.0%), Fyg_work(0.0%), FygarAFK(0.0%), Fygarr(0.0%), Pooka_(0.0%), Fygar___...
NEOGEOman - 41 NicksNEOGEOman(55%), Lawrence(13%), Z-NEO(7.1%), NEO_afk(5.6%), NEO_(5.3%), _NEO_(4.7%), NEO(4.3%), LRTti]NEO(1.0%), NEOzzz(0.6%), NEOafk(0.6%), NEOZEOman(0.6%), N30-l33t(0.5%), _NEO2_(0.3%), NEOelman(0.3%), NEO_brb(0.2%), NEO2(0.1%), NOEGOEman(0.1%), NOGEEOman(0.1%), not_neo(0.1%), NEO_here(0.0%), LRTti...

Long term statistics - two month sections
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
11 - 12
1 - 2
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
11 - 12
1 - 2
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
11 - 12
*** Total number of lines: 2,246,822 ***
Estimated number of lines for current section: 150662 lines

The busiest month on #rgvc has been 1/1997 with line count of 131738

#rgvc's cool guys
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Fygar

"wib: cool.. make sure to exercise your neck before you do"
2 Drache

3 kevtris

4 WizardWOR

"drach: cool"
5 Mercster

"sut: cool.......doing what?"
6 AlanD

"Gas; Cool think I'll go for those then. What did you think of Blast Corps?"
7 DrDemento

"Fyg: hehe cool :)"
8 TedB

"that is cool"
9 JacksonC

"there was a web site that had a comercial for yars' revenge in quicktime, it was
10 Gaspode_T

"My video game scans page is updated with scans of the Fire Emblem instruction
card art, Benkei Gaiden scans, and the non-video game scans page has sea monkeys ..."

TOP 10 greeting people
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Fygar

"hey MercSter"
2 kevtris

"hey w-o-w"
3 AlanD

"Hi Ps"
4 Drache

"heya ted..You have even more time to gabble than me. hehe"
5 JacksonC

"hey what was the arcade machine they were playing that went all crazy ?"
6 WizardWOR

"hi merc"
7 }Frogger{

"hi wiz"
8 mike_mjd

"hey job"
9 TedB

"hey wiz"
10 Photon

"hey alan"

Most frequently repeated words at #rgvc:
Count Word Last used by At
5558 "something" |tsr 31 Dec 1998 22:07
3611 "someone" Rubbertoe 31 Dec 1998 21:55
3449 "Actually" Rubbertoe 31 Dec 1998 21:15
3134 "because" |tsr 31 Dec 1998 22:35
3108 "probably" Drache 31 Dec 1998 22:17
3097 "Thought" Rubbertoe 31 Dec 1998 22:08
2952 "getting" Drache 31 Dec 1998 22:21
2929 "anything" kingpong 31 Dec 1998 22:20
2418 "remember" Ringthane 31 Dec 1998 21:51
2370 "another" johnX 31 Dec 1998 22:16

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
18285 "all" |tsr 31 Dec 1998 22:32
7087 "fyg" Drache 31 Dec 1998 16:17
5247 "Fygar" Mappy 31 Dec 1998 22:11
4281 "kalla" Atarian 31 Dec 1998 22:10
4107 "Drache" Mappy 31 Dec 1998 22:11

Most mentioned URL's:
Count Word Last used by At
229 "http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAP..." Ringthane 31 Dec 1998 21:46
212 "game.com" Sedated 30 Dec 1998 23:56
200 "http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValle..." Atarian 31 Dec 1998 19:42
69 "www.videogamedepot.com" Gaspode_T 29 Dec 1998 2:27
57 "http://www.infinet.com/~rbatina/webcam" Mappy 31 Dec 1998 22:10