#rgvc Channel Stats For June, 1997
Statistics generated from Thursday 12.6.1997 to Monday 30.6.1997
During this 19-day reporting period a total of 201 persons visited the channel #rgvc

Daily IRCing activity



















12.6 13.6 14.6 15.6 16.6 17.6 18.6 19.6 20.6 21.6 22.6 23.6 24.6 25.6 26.6 27.6 28.6 29.6 30.6

Pink Hours 00-06 Green Hours 06-12 Blue Hours 12-18 Red Hours 18-24

Channel load by hours
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Activity statistics (nicks sorted by number of lines written)

Nickname Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Steempy 103510339151302 4285 "Yo, FE!"
2 Xstrobe 1328682764772 3546 "tsr: You sit on him, I'll kick 'im. ;)"
3 AkmedSC 3381701013945 2466 "thanx man..."
4 InfoGoon 655127835500 2117 "12? christ."
5 |tsr 49732234940 1703 "gas: i once read "ponpoko shacho" but that absolutely nothing ..."
6 Fygar 635862110 1628 "marco: ok, I thought your life would end when you finish with ..."
7 sdc 476526334227 1563 "rog: there's a classics meeting outside of atlanta on sunday. ..."
8 SaintMick 304326571280 1481 "no thrifts or fleas for me until July 4 weekend"
9 Kalla 153281415583 1432 "do I want the 3.2 gig quantum scsi brick, or the 3.6 gig quantum ..."
10 Gaspode_T 562370336 1268 "hey mick"
11 Mimsy 519217188208 1132 "I heard Nolan said that it was too complicated (Computer Space)"
12 Jerky 107329595 1031 "How much does an NES run nowadays?"
13 TedB 38911137735 912 "<snicker>"
14 AlanD 24118472230 844 "bwolk: Not much for the Jag-CD even tho I own one. Very few games ..."
15 bwolk 288537 835 "hi deadhead"
16 arton 304210243 759 "i mean, i would never buy anytihng that blows goats..."
17 Arcadian 189121206210 726 "[PacMania] GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!"
18 Flynn 544123 667 ":D"
19 skwerly 75288285 648 "bwolk: time to get your own checking account. :)"
20 kevtris 5183178 628 "flyn: that's how I felt about it too."
21 Wiz-o-WOR 418175 593 "mimsy: whats with the info line? :)"
22 mike_mjd 249166117 532 "hello again sdc"
23 Holstine 17228456 512 "mike: the Lakers got 2 good 2nd rounders...DeJuan Wheat and an ..."
24 Sutekh 251898825 453 "Fyg: do what I do... bring a car bettery inside a gym bag with ..."
25 MarcoK 154294 448 "Carl: okay, I will"
26 sharm 1111929336 432 "sdc: Heh heh"
27 luxmundi 55363 418 "sharm: OIC. =)"
28 ColecoMan 143240 383 "DrD: Gave you a Namco Pac-man for NES ??"
29 Chuck_W 8862232 382 "What it is, was, what it's compatable with, etc..."
30 cybrreapr 222424787 380 "Yeah...I'm high bidder :)"
31 DrDemento 121114131 366 "CM: OOOOH exciting :)"
32 ttilmm 26142 316 "drd: if you can't do it, you really should see a doctor"
33 TermX 297 314 "Fygar: oh damn heh i only got 1 heheh "
34 tarm 34272 306 "marco:is she...nice?"
35 Eppy 1307271 284 "ross: LOL!"
36 riffraff 11512528 280 "I live!"
37 BlackFlag 17891 269 "I loved Moon Patrol on my Apple II"
38 Albertini 407412033 267 "Or at least believe."
39 kinshiro 7735141 253 "how did electronicon go? or is it not finished?"
40 calamari 1486228 246 "hehehe wonder if thats my fault"
41 rworne 231 238 "Ak: Checkers"
42 DanB 130107 237 "xTrix: When are you leaving for Philly?"
43 NickB 16671 237 "Didn't he mention somethig that was exactly like Super Mario ..."
44 marimacc 66167 233 "sdc: sorry, I'm just too sick to travel....I did invite everyone ..."
45 Antman 95124 219 "Thursday morning"
46 MauriceM 1234638 217 "Heheheh"
47 Lee_Steel 408171 192 "holy's pissed"
48 Potsy 67108 190 "i just came back from some engineering program at a college... ..."
49 PacMania 12462 189 "ROTFL!"
50 Saltine 29765427 186 "xstrobe: you have any XonoX single ender boxes?"
51 YakMan 259467 186 "hey"
52 Calli 170 185 "Not that I'm happy about that, ya understand "
53 MrDo 12354 177 "In this tape, he talks with designers of Atari games (Fulop, ..."
54 NickB33 55108 172 "it also nicks off a little bit of getnet's mail."
55 Deleto 146 146 "sis you pick it up ?"
56 Acey 9047 137 "whoa 28 hours"
57 Ross 6348 135 "'ello!"
58 MrMaddog 134 134 "oth = Both"
59 Riff 333764 134 "don't kill the spiders :/"
60 I8A4RE 130 130 "i have just about every version"
61 Photon 8232 130 "Ah.. nope, not really.. Only played once."
62 [_pong_] 5155 123 "Probably just RED and BLUE"
63 camster 344246 122 "fyg: you think you can do better?"
64 Hikaru 8322 118 "As in FFVI"
65 s-kelly 93 110 "term: Awww come on. I'll be your friend. :)"
66 DaWiz 5049 104 "gameplay = 1"
67 Rubbertoe 2762 101 "fyg: the first two are from the new site... and the seoncd are ..."

They wrote less than 100 lines:
Bus (94) PatEwing (93) 69 (90) AiO (90) Tony5 (88) vgr (86) Violet6 (84)
dskman (82) dnathan (78) Ryouko (78) Tomalek (78) Opus4 (77) ArdTelnet (74) pong (74)
Arden2 (73) omid (70) Teflon (69) Legacy (68) Nug (62) AiO-BfLo (61) crisis- (61)
Leo (58) pez2 (55) num_six (53) Bussell (49) StrmKrw (45) TV_Boy (45) dskman1 (42)
FastEddie (40) Ringthane (40) Batmantis (39) Arden (34) GH (34) Rog (33) AgentQ (32)
AkumaX (32) miester (29) StarBrand (29) Stimpster (26) VaStFeAr (24) Sarlaac (23) tcb7 (23)
snap-l (22) AtaRIBoY (21) Klaxx (21) a-vegan (19) AirwalkBo (19) crisis (19) Bab264 (17)

There was also 89 nicks who mainly idled..

Five Random Topics

Changed by New Topic
Xstrobe "RGVC-Teenie Beanie Babies are a government conspiracy!"
Fygar "Quake Sucks, Tamagotchi Sucks, YOU suck!"
DanB "49 hrs to the Event you've all been waiting for! Electronicon! June"
arton "hello. i am in australia. bye."
AkmedSC "witness true evil : http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/667"

Big numbers:

Xstrobe couldn't decide whether to stay or go, so he joined #rgvc 64 times during this reporting period..
Xstrobe described most carefully what was doing - 366 descriptions alltogether.
[6:04] * Xstrobe doesn't need a Lynx anymore, was just pissed off all to hell about the broken one.
cybrreapr didn't get it on the first time so he was kicked out 14 times...
[18:16] <cybrreapr> Off topic, but I think this can really help out. I tried to flash upgrade my
[18:17] *** cybrreapr was kicked by Arcadian (flood)
(Runner-Up: calamari - Kicked out 8 times.)