#rgvc statistics - 1996 (Complete)

Statistics generated from Thursday 22 Feb 1996 to Tuesday 31 Dec 1996
During this 314-day reporting period a total of 1868 persons visited the channel #rgvc

Pink Hours 0-6 Green Hours 6-12 Blue Hours 12-18 Red Hours 18-24

When do we actually talk here?
8.6% 9.6% 8.5% 6.4% 4.9% 3.3% 3.2% 2.9% 2.7% 2.4% 2.2% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 2.4% 2.5% 2.7% 2.8% 3.0% 3.4% 4.1% 4.9% 5.7% 7.4%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Weekly channel utilization
Monday 13% Tuesday 16% Wednesday 15% Thursday 14% Friday 14% Saturday 13% Sunday 15%

100 most talkative nicks
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Fygar 52559 "Alan: NYC is a bit too big for me to monopolize! :P"
2 riffraff 111505125640414775 37469 "yeah but 95% were coin op ports"
3 Steempy 12422945311652870 25910 "I'm getting the horn... :)"
4 Mercster
1015520825449518 22425 "Anyone have a Funvision cart? or carts?" "
5 TedB 1339324725043 21103 "did everyone have good hunting this holiday weekend?"
6 arton 4842264248848209 20577 "akmed: what one then?"
7 calamari 7172143522975941 16845 "skelly: no way that is an awesome squid pic"
8 akmedsc 3631155248606708 16751 "rub: were people at least stuffed under the stage during "Sick"? :P"
9 Sutekh 8276144928714035 16631 "lux; I know a lot of collectors who know and look for CTCW... and
ignore SO,"
10 khorton
110271624088 15803 "I programmed-up two EPROMs and popped them in; turned"
11 Rubbertoe 665413958804813 13742 "I guess I don't remember them by hearing them... it takes a few
12 Deleto 1160737732071636 13380 "all these weird dewds here today.."
13 XStrobe 6137136220223538 13059 "Steemp: :P I need a PSX to play it now."
14 DrDemento 458219504721 11394 "and he's releasing the binary into the public domain, and"
15 |tsr 50869634846 10977 "keita: hey, don't knock xonox, i like playing chuck-norris superkicks
in the colem"
16 Holstine 321754711769 10647 "tef: I don't think so...dogzilla says they are filming where he works"
17 _sdc_ 4258259717741850 10479 "(who are prolly just msging amongst themselves...) ;-)"
18 luxmundi 29235457619 9194 "Boy, do I *love* Nintendo."
19 SegaMan
8021739 8816 "RR: Yeah, that's exactly what I paid for mine! :) Jeff R?"
20 Conjurer 52024072712 8321 "Keita: Whens the next beta?"
21 therion23 1638264616021691 7577 "i want a Vanguard but i don't know what i need"
22 Gaspode_T 237214153443 7339 "Basic is cool for text games ;)"
23 mike_mjd 930123118613074 7144 "nib - what is worse is merc's package that shipped tuesday priority
still hasnt"
24 Teflon 15404938 6987 "del: i might need one if the trade i'm doing for it doesnt work out"
25 Eppy 37141282473 6677 "heh...last week i asked this kid at a thrift if they had any atari games
, and he"
26 NickB33 35784962296 6385 "unplug the joystick..."
27 Valis 26869671987 5667 "Dr: I'll start you off easy... On What's Happening, what concert (band
) was Rerun"
28 xTrix 670196512551423 5313 "rst: whan he wakes up, tell him i said 'hey'. :)"
29 dunric 155211392432 5135 "ant: nope, liked the name (Collapsed Lung) :)"
30 Riff 20186232442 5124 "how many messages ya gonna send? :)"
31 Arcadian 155878110251546 4910 "[InfoGoon] HIDE YOUR DAUGHTERS!!!!!!!!"
32 hack98 20722211 4689 "hey, Space invaders works now on the new VGBdos"
33 Danox 2044242482 4665 "he doesn't care too much"
34 AlanD 113214121954 4550 "riff: I wish. Last haul was fairly sad. Only found Frogger II :("
35 Jehu 136517671121 4292 "I'm talking to my roomie.. we're discussing annoying net habits"
36 freder 17061749424 4264 "wow... i love the elite music :)"
37 _Ross_ 2606509 4181 "Tux: Yeah - the only bit you know for sure is how the Z80 works.
You have to"
38 Nug 15355791683 4106 "arton: I need the new Kool Keith, and Ultra."
39 WeirdMan 14122279 4069 "Do Run Do is weird.... I wonder what Mr.Do!'s wild ride is like"
40 Saintmick
18386301293 3966 "Valis: I have a Game Doctor SF3, which is what the professor grew
out of,"
41 skeletor 17606651181 3876 "steemp>I have one for trade.... I rocks"
42 s-kelly 3201 3500 "Sega: Sucks to be you :)"
43 Saltine 12051317585 3295 "deleto: no startup screen - it is multiformat though,"
44 nibbler_
7327831434 3072 "ross: i'm looking at it this way.. when you consider the volume of
45 Bussell 14381014614 3068 "Does anyone know if there were any PC Dos/Win ports of thrust?"
46 CRiSiS 7478411286 3011 "someone wanted rockstar??"
47 Albertini 7891204704 2972 "Fygar: How's your WEB page's doing?"
48 Antman 2027941612 2967 "matthewP : HI! Mind if I DCC ya? I need your help... :)"
49 rworne 2358474 2966 "vast: hehehe He coulda picked a better one to "time warp"
50 knapsack 16510441455 2928 "riff: da-te? what you got a date? way to go!!!! ;)"
51 AMAZin 8355801322 2841 "Wro sritched mg kegtops ???"
52 Bogger
1342905 2721 "do ppl have trouble findin TG16 Military madneess???"
53 PacMania
9672671375 2639 "Fygar: what happened to hack98?"
54 Varan 1673594 2449 "welp i'm gonna jet again, bbl probably"
55 VaStFeAr 1178661104 2348 "sdc--- know where I can get rarity lists for all the systems?"
56 Dodger 1127172558 2289 "Crisis: I don't have many, I like a lot of my games(that's why I buy
em :) Mega"
57 Lee_Steel 8971052 2285 "Fygar> nope i will look now though :)"
58 dnathan 8861125 2276 "riff: yes, there are. Custer gets revenge on Native Americans by
raping them!"
59 snoop- 9151031 2226 "his web sitre was nothing more than a permanent home for his price
guide ads and"
60 Lord13 1241 2052 "Atari arcade classic was releasesd TODAY!"
61 BlakFlag 893952 1928 "Anyone here have Zenji for the Coleco or any other system for sale?"
62 DngrMouse 528796 1853 "t23: so you get paid by the word, eh? >=)"
63 paranoid 1103140 1843 "shark: What web page have you set up? I checked out a few 64 pages"
64 catcher 1525 1828 "My PSX stuff is moving slow tho...."
65 sharm 435785 1822 "what time is it there then?"
66 matthewp 805882 1815 "that's loosing it's fun with so bloody many collectors.. especially the"
67 Prince- 1352 1776 "the hockey game by sony is cool"
68 Morbid
664703 1717 "Beamrider's crap, isn't it?"
69 Dinsdale 785727 1709 "kei: 1 last thing: what's wrong with the classic mode?"
70 Kujo 1089586 1692 "riffy, he's kind of spiffy! oupy, well, sounds like poopy..."
71 camster 435454 1627 "hey, i see that anti-euro talk! :)"
72 ZeroByte 605933 1580 "I mean, when I was 8, I spent every penny of my weekly allowance
at Chuck E."
73 Mezmaron 946555 1580 "You could get the AWESOME Ford Maverick for about $200!"
74 TCB 835437 1517 "I had A LOT of Funco store credit"
75 MMuzzy 1114 1510 "cacm: gonna go for it eh?"
76 Kalla 281962 1481 "sar: You never did tell me how you liked ID4"
77 AtarianX 770512 1432 "Hoopla, snoop, again"
78 HPMan 111435 1402 "ohh loops and so forth"
79 saurkraut
509586 1371 "I am Duncan McCleod of the Clan McCleod. I will make a Scottish
Lad of you"
80 RST38h 314720 1308 "Maybe to shoot the president. Why else would anyone go to DC?"
81 Atari2600 632461 1285 "Kalla: I would buy it that is a excellent find. Any Channel F stuff is
hard to"
82 DogZilla 997106 1256 "long live the underdogs!! Fascist scum!!"
83 Ouphe
735510 1252 "king: Did you burn the EPROM youself?"
84 MarcoK
857 1193 "hol: I tried, but it crashed on my yesterday... I'll try again..."
85 SayoHu 974 1183 "I hate best offer things :) Hmm maybe I'll email and see what the
current offer"
86 Bill_A 249 1170 "Ouphe: Do you have a trade list there?"
87 Yakman 221 1165 "how much should it go for?"
88 mimsy 579 1161 "luxmundi: I use 2600 Cartridge Holders with a dust cover"
89 NoWhereM 57 1148 "Fygar: If you don't have enough room after the move you can send
the extra junk"
90 gridlok
387 989 "it's king of fighers i think"
91 Richardh 847 910 "5<kev> the 2600 version has cool music"
92 tarm 602 903 "Tef:you weren't the person on the mailing list who wanted the c&vg
ad were you?"
93 mis1 46 881 "arton: are you selling or trading your psx"
94 Potsy 564 875 "well, snappys are good for free"
95 Violet6 454 844 "Happy Mass Murder of Turkeys Day....."
96 FastEddie
458 794 "rw: now thats what I call bulk buy"
97 sloppy
139 790 "Does anyone know where I can find Apple II GS games?"
98 AIO 180 759 "Akihabara isn't as cool any more, but it's still good."
99 mneko 404 731 "Guess there's a hidden paddle option in "Tempest 2000" for the Jag
, but no"
100 pasty
341 730 "ig: my notepad doesn't show any carriage returns"

PatEwing (715) Tomalek (686) TimG (680) Sarlaac (636) Mushroom (623) stez (609) D-FENS (609)
Rog (606) Hiisi (559) RedWizard (543) MuTaNt (534) Kid-EZ (518) ColecoMan (512) _Wad_ (501)
Steve_T (497) btr9p (487) lagwalker (478) SpooNMan (470) mnail (455) COCOMAN (444) long-neck (410)
JeffLodoe (409) h0tr0d (395) NetJunkie (388) Wembley (381) VGR (373) boxelder (364) Ponch (363)
Dogberry (359) MrMaddog (356) Warmgent (351) defecatn (349) Jotunheim (345) Acey (345) Lennier (325)
snap-l (319) CubBear (316) frenzer (314) MindRape (311) Kirby_ (309) XmikeX (305) Yari (283)
starling (283) Brian_M (263) hcgamers (259) Drache (258) emul8 (257) CDK2 (251) KeithW (249)
PSX (246) jax (245) Xeno (243) bob2dam (239) Viking (232) teevtee (227) num_six (224)
TotallyHt (220) Shark_Inc (214) Shivan (211) Dr_PSX (202) NEC3D (193) MadMaxx (193) Pitfall (185)
disruptor (185) ferg (181) Bullwnkl (181) Super7800 (177) Agripino (175) BigJohn (171) Watson (170)
gormadoc (169) FuQnKewl (169) jat (167) miester (163) melisa (161) cheesegod (155) Snider (150)
PureDth (145) bobpony (143) Zaph32 (140) MattBrady (138) btomlin (136) _Fungus_ (135) Paulino (134)
Gutsman (134) `Silencer (133) Photon (130) Miaow (130) Kingpong (129) DJoey (129) East (125)
MattV (122) Hamster (119) Ghoull (118) karl (117) ZachD (116) Nagra (115) savetz (109)
Coleco (107) Arken (105) Snotgrass (104) King_Asmo (104) Blick (102) ReNo (100) Questor (100)
dirtbag (99) CudaBert (95) God-Zilla (94) JCarwash (94) Carneiro (94) Rei (93) Pusherman (90)
PaulSmith (90) Aleashia (90) plumage (89) Metallik (89) Vrocket (88) ircgod (88) ^Shifty9^ (88)
Shame (87) loki79 (87) TronVsMCP (82) Charlatan (82) snapsnare (81) RussPerry (81) kingpin (81)
Godzilla (81) JulieB (80) inubus (80) Beest (79) Implant (78) H20Cooled (76) chongo (73)
TheBishop (71) jawax (71) steve_b (70) Zube (69) Harvest (69) RobsWorld (65) colin (65)
ljr (64) TheLurker (63) old_timer (62) Kaboy (60) Jewelie (60) _Riddler_ (59) Xbones (58)
mharvey (58) ScantifY (56) Vinnie (55) ThErMaL (55) nravid (55) Quud (54) spiral (51)
Light74 (51) Tonic-Bom (50) Retrogeek (50) Dave (50) ambient (50) Adrian (50) Meteor (49)
Dr_Spock (49) aschrock (48) Nexus_230 (47) GrayMattr (47) simon17 (46) G (45) borg (44)
alchemic (44) MAXXUM (43) gamebo (43) dwong (43) Tim (42) Plugs (42) Klite (42)
Drice (42) Megamania (42) Bryan (42) PammyK (40) Chambers (39) PotatoNO (37) Sights (36)
PShifter (36) Hambone (36) reofan (35) WilliamL (34) VmprHntrD (34) Vgcman (34) Orion1 (34)
Zylyx (33) ]Magnus[ (33) jap5r (32) colin_p (32) z0s0 (31) Feclatrr (31) Stumble (30)
seta (30) Mark_Dole (30) KiCkAsS (30) Huma (30) SlaveSuz (29) ThK (28) Ministryy (28)

There was also 1565 nicks who mainly idled...

Five random topics
Changed by New topic
calamari  (11 Nov 1996 23:47)
"auction in #auction -- 2600,chf. etc :)"
luxmundi  (15 Dec 1996 0:26)
"Steempy ain't an op no more =)"
Steempy  (28 Dec 1996 3:00)
"rec.games.video.classic... Atari to... Genesis??!?"
Steempy  (31 Dec 1996 8:27)
"Happy New Year! Our resolution is more wiener talk ..."
Steempy  (31 Dec 1996 10:49)
"rec.games.video.classic - talking all bollocks all the"
Total number of topics during the reporting period: 531

Big Numbers
Conjurer couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined #rgvc 964 times during this reporting period..
The most active quit message writers
 Nick  amount  Random Quote 
1. Rubbertoe  302  (We're living in a powder keg and givin' off sparks...)
 2. therion23  140  (yes, i WILL get drunk tonight, and yes, i WILL have hangovers tomorrow)
  3. riffraff  133  (http://www.best.com/~riffraff/)
   4. Dodger  120  (TBBL)
    5. Mickster  120  (<Eppy> cala: ok, bigshot. can you integrate a chicken?)
Fygar really wanted others to know what was doing - 5852 descriptions alltogether.
 * Fygar is sending out the invitations for the trivia contest
The evil guard of #rgvc was Arcadian who got this reputation after kicking out 237 persons.
  [19:26] <PaulSmith> Bye all! Catch ya in 2 weeks. Mail me, but don't expect a reply any time
[13:39] *** PaulSmith was kicked by Arcadian (banned)

Also riffraff tried to look cool and kicked out 139 persons..

Sore butt award goes to slop for being kicked out 47 times..
  [0:28] <slopman> coc; ?!?!
[0:28] *** slopman was kicked by InfoGoon (InfoGoon)

Runner-up: calamari - got 37 kicks.

Fygar knew those right words and said "rare" for 364 times...

riffraff knew those right words and said "#classic" for 35 times...

Fygar knew those right words and said "trade" for 317 times...

Mercster knew those right words and said "flea" for 147 times...

Loudest one was emul8 with yell percentage of 85%!

Second loudest on the block: AMAzin - 44% with high volume!

RGVC gave most ops - actually 3200 of them.
emul8 behaved badly and got deopped 19 times..
Shivan had many things uncertain - 43% of lines contained a question.

..and silver medal goes to Kirby_ - with question ratio of 37%.

riffraff spoke most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row for 160 times..

Runner-up auto-chatter: Deleto - spoke 110 times with himself..

Steempy had sticky Shift button - wrote 774 lines in CAPS.
 [8:24] <Steempy> WAAAAAAAKE UP!
Channel activity peak: 46 persons were active on 17 Mar 1996 21:00 - 22:00

Active users during this 60-minute period were (in order of appearance):
 Keita, calamari, num_six, DrDemento, mike_mjd, snoop-, riffraff, hack98, arton, AlanD, therion23, Nug, Lee_Steel, Danox, pammyk, Mercster, Conjurer, Rei, Zube, DngrMouse, Sutekh, catcher, MattBrady, paranoid, JeffLodoe, kevtris, jehu, h0trod, David_T, bussell, Holstine, AMAzin, emul8, Deleto, predator_, AntMan_, around, knapsack, jeffryj...
kingpong wrote longest lines - average of 65 letters per line.

Average line length on #rgvc was 37 letters.

638 net splits were detected during the reporting period. In average this is 14.2 splits per week

Most splits per day: 11 splits on 14 Mar 1996

Longest net split occured on 15 May 1996 0:35 and lasted for 16 h 15 min (7 people dropped in this split)

Most people (16) dropped on 19 Jun 1996 0:43. This split lasted for 2 min.

List of persons with most nicknames (They just couldn't find the right one..)
Fygar - 72 NicksKeita(48%), Fygar(33%), A5200God(12%), Pooka(1.3%), Fyg_sick(1.0%), Keita-(1.0%), _1776_(0.8%), Fygar_sic(0.5%), Pooka-(0.5%), Fygar-(0.2%), Fygar_afk(0.2%), BeatMEatM(0.2%), Nomo(0.2%), SHAQ-LA(0.1%), P_Henry(0.1%), Fygar97(0.1%), FARTman(0.0%), RedCoat(0.0%), AGOD(0.0%), Digarpoop(0.0%), ][(0.0%), Keita_-(0.0%...
arton - 33 Nicksarton(93%), aarrttonn(2.1%), artoon(0.9%), arton_6(0.8%), arton_2(0.5%), arton_4(0.5%), arton_5(0.4%), arton_3(0.4%), arton_1(0.2%), k-arton(0.2%), arto_n(0.1%), awayton(0.1%), art-tron(0.1%), aarton(0.1%), aartton(0.0%), Pac-Man(0.0%), farton(0.0%), artbot(0.0%), arton_mad(0.0%), aartonn(0.0%), artonnnnn(0.0%), arton_x(0.0%...
knapsack - 32 Nicksknapsack(70%), knap(17%), Mister_T(4.6%), knapsac(2.0%), Dolomite(1.2%), knappy(1.2%), knapsa(0.8%), knapp(0.6%), knaps(0.5%), knapy(0.3%), Grossman(0.3%), knapsack_(0.3%), knapsacky(0.3%), Chucky(0.2%), Knap-God(0.2%), knaps1(0.1%), knapsac_k(0.1%), kna_p(0.1%), krap(0.1%), k-nap(0.1%), knapsacy(0.1%), knap-e...
Steempy - 26 NicksSteempy(98%), Steemp(0.5%), StmpClaus(0.5%), Steempy_(0.3%), Steempor(0.1%), Stmp_here(0.1%), Steempy1(0.1%), S_notafk(0.0%), Steemp_(0.0%), Stumpy__(0.0%), Sting(0.0%), CatSteemp(0.0%), StimpHoHo(0.0%), Shopkeep(0.0%), Sucker(0.0%), Steempey(0.0%), Sterculiu(0.0%), Steempo(0.0%), StempChan(0.0%), Stmp_afk...
akmedsc - 25 NicksAkmedSC(67%), AkmedSC64(17%), EvilASC64(6.2%), ASC-64(5.0%), AkHumbug(1.7%), AkmedSOHC(0.6%), Ak-2(0.6%), Ak2(0.3%), Rev_Bob_D(0.3%), AkClone(0.3%), EvilAk(0.3%), EvilA-K(0.2%), AkFkdUp(0.2%), ASC_Mail(0.1%), AkBiteMe(0.1%), A-BOT-SC(0.1%), AkHappy(0.1%), PacMan(0.0%), Aksc(0.0%), Akmed(0.0%), A0lHaKk3R...

Monthly statistics
Total number of lines: 677,800
Estimated number of lines for current section: 117327 lines

The most active day so far has been Sunday 3 Mar 1996 with line count of 6766

#rgvc's cool guys
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Keita

"sean: That's sounds cool... but who's your friend?"
2 riffraff

"gyruss: cool nick! :)"
3 Steempy

"Autogreets are cool!!!"
4 arton

"8,1 this is cooler, cala..."
5 Mercster

"Cool. I didn't know"
6 calamari

"fygar: cool :-)"
7 TedB

"mick; cool"
8 SegaMan

"That's cool... And weak. :)"
9 Xstrobe

"Goon: Isn't that a cool handheld?"
10 Holstine

"cool deal"

Top 10 link advertisers
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Arcadian

"[Conjurer] Dave's Video Game Classics -> http://www.csun.edu/~hbbuse08/class...
2 Keita

3 riffraff

"yeah, someone at best.com helped me out"
4 Deleto

"http://www.auburn.edu/~gibsowc/sq/sq.html that one"
5 AkmedSC

"hmm..could someone finger akmedsc@tir.com and LMK if it lists my IP at all?"
6 arton

"fuck! gotta restart again..brb"
7 Mercster

"dan: no, hes lamer@idiot.com :)"
8 |tsr

9 calamari

10 luxmundi

"cham: I have to look at what I have. e-mail me (luxmundi@pipeline.com) and I'll"

#rgvc's short line writers
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 Keita

2 Steempy

3 Rubbertoe

4 riffraff

5 calamari

6 Deleto

7 Conjurer

8 Holstine

9 Mercster

10 |tsr


Most frequently repeated words at #rgvc:
Count Word Last used by At
3534 "thought" YakMan 31 Dec 1996 15:34
3182 "actually" calamari 31 Dec 1996 12:17
3026 "getting" CRiSiS 31 Dec 1996 14:24
2955 "anything" mike_mjd 31 Dec 1996 11:14
2766 "probably" Sutekh 31 Dec 1996 13:47
2594 "version" arton 31 Dec 1996 12:27
2447 "everyone" arton 31 Dec 1996 16:00
1895 "already" arton 31 Dec 1996 16:13
1703 "looking" Keita 31 Dec 1996 13:38
1687 "classic" Steempy 31 Dec 1996 12:36

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
130783 "the" arton 31 Dec 1996 16:14
73994 "you" _sdc_ 31 Dec 1996 16:13
52683 "that" arton 31 Dec 1996 16:10
52188 "and" arton 31 Dec 1996 16:13
46136 "for" _sdc_ 31 Dec 1996 16:00

Most mentioned URL's:
Count Word Last used by At
218 "http://www.mindspring.com/~keita/a..." Arcadian 31 Dec 1996 15:16
103 "http://www.gamepen.com/gamewire/..." Albertini 28 Dec 1996 20:08
88 "http://www.primenet.com/~rworne/" Arcadian 31 Dec 1996 2:14
64 "http://www.xnet.com/~skelly/" Arcadian 27 Dec 1996 4:04
52 "http://www.iquest.net/~khorton/inde..." Arcadian 30 Dec 1996 21:20