#rgvc Channel Stats For December, 1996
Statistics generated from Sunday 1.12.1996 to Tuesday 31.12.1996
During this 31-day reporting period a total of 270 persons visited the channel #rgvc

Daily IRCing activity































1.12 2.12 3.12 4.12 5.12 6.12 7.12 8.12 9.12 10.12 11.12 12.12 13.12 14.12 15.12 16.12 17.12 18.12 19.12 20.12 21.12 22.12 23.12 24.12 25.12 26.12 27.12 28.12 29.12 30.12 31.12

Pink Hours 00-06 Green Hours 06-12 Blue Hours 12-18 Red Hours 18-24

Channel load by hours
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Activity statistics (nicks sorted by number of lines written)

Nickname Number of Lines Random Quote
1 XStrobe 9563797573928720 18684 "lux: hehehe"
2 Steempy 442050953721094 10981 "Cool!"
3 |tsr 35564515431473 6023 ":)"
4 arton 35564515431473 5587 "that's slammin' hype i say"
5 kevtris 3310604 4034 "tedb: it doesn't make any sounds at all (i.e. a motor grinding."
6 riffraff 9701435300282 2987 "since that's done it should be wasy for me to wake up just before ..."
7 TedB 1714208613 2535 "mut; london blitz is ER"
8 InfoGoon 716577967 2383 "tcb: sure, do that, if you would."
9 luxmundi 6011275 1956 "War Gods sux"
10 Eppy 1154611 1952 "kev: snes controller cords are only two feet?"
11 Sutekh 809319495273 1896 "hey guys"
12 mike_mjd 627597548 1829 "alan - in this case, it might be good that i dont have a wife ..."
13 Fygar 627597548 1803 "what station?"
14 Arcadian 417375396489 1677 "[riffy] Normal folk dont spit up bullets when ya shoot em!"
15 Teflon 2741258 1643 "steemp: 3 unknown until now SMS games"
16 Deleto 1108262 1530 "but one for intelligent ppl"
17 rworne 1115266 1446 "sdc: With uck, I can pick up an N64 at the flea in Jan for $10..."
18 Gaspode_T 336314696 1346 "sounds like a shooter :)"
19 DrDemento 583692 1275 "mike: cool!"
20 Varan 775269 1209 "sdc: LOL"
21 SantaMick 282358269 1048 "Info: If it's really bad, get something from a dermatologist ..."
22 Holstine 829 1005 "but I may just wait 'til after the holidays now"
23 Lord13 703211 994 "wiz-o-war would rock!"
24 therion23 228412 893 "crap song"
25 crisis 225226323 853 "SLAYER OF DA HEATHEN CAMELZ AND SHIT"
26 Nug 380184 782 "Says that Gain Ground is (c) 1991 by SEga. Sounds about right, ..."
27 VaStFeAr 346415 761 "SEGAMAN! heeh"
28 RST38h 221364 741 "BOOO!"
29 Antman 479 687 "Nug : You heard "Industry Is Wack"... Tim Dog comes correct on ..."
30 Vectriff 286264 676 "tickle me emo phillips? :)"
31 s-kelly 574 662 "xs: On my multi-cart huh? :)"
32 Ross 324234 646 "ak: Hardly fooling!"
33 NickB___ 206317 594 "What about Babylon 5?"
34 TCB 250185 582 "Intel chips will drop alot lower aftre the 8th when Intel releases ..."
35 dunric 190219 552 "bill_A hrm: used to do that...I got some crap games because I ..."
36 PatEwing 272 550 "See you all later."
37 Danox 348 536 "exactly"
38 Tarm 353 510 "saurkraut?"
39 Bill_A 173 442 "hey kid"
40 Mushy 440 440 "Von Himmel durch de Hole"
41 Saltine 231206 437 "riff: what did you do on that game?"
42 MarcoK 288 435 "sure!"
43 Rubbertoe 215 435 "kewlness."
44 WeirdMan 272 411 "I can't! I gotta make a pac-man page"
45 RedWizard 231 396 "steempy: yeap I have 3 CV's also (1 don't work thou)"
46 Mneko 320 366 "Mike: You sure? I thought the Jag had 9 pin ports for joypads"
47 nibbler 360 "<wave>"
48 sharm 189 350 "Del: There's not much room at the MOMI for a big exhibition, ..."
49 taleson 254 346 "something was wrong with my other regular so I just though I ..."
50 Albertini 344 "Re Trix"
51 saurkraut 208 334 "You have a complete Ultima 4?"
52 Kalla 231 319 "mick: trying to work on take home final exam...it's a bitch"
53 Sick_Mick 310 "Svid gets rid of dot crawl and bleeding"
54 Ouphe 179 292 "hello, Marat"
55 Dodger 285 "kev: fully programmable so that you can "teach" it to play games ..."
56 FastEddie 236 282 "x: you there dude ?"
57 Drache 260 "Anyone care to start another FMV brawl?"
58 hcgamers 204 259 "Gaspode_T: What's that? Internet News?!"
59 NoWhereM 169 257 "Eppy: Was there a Supercharger with those games?"
60 PSX 250 "xtrix: What is TMBG?"
61 BrianM1 249 "gotta get going, ill be back later all"
62 DogZilla 193 242 "Sutekh: He sold about 300 machines a few weeks ago.. he sold ..."
63 Bus 234 "Steempy: Tried it once, decided I couldn't live without Sugar ..."
64 dnathan 223 "drd: yuk it up you bastard! :)"
65 veggier 207 223 "hey how did your oral examination go today, Ted?"
66 disruptor 221 "i guess so"
67 Rog 220 "sdc: hmmm, nah (I'm so lazy)"
68 TotallyHt 220 "I;m back!"
69 CACM 212 216 "X: Buy one from Snap\l"
70 AiO-BfLo 210 "hehe.. I'll be as close to heaven as possible in a few days"
71 D-FENS 209 209 "werd"
72 mis1 204 "mike you found 2 frogger IIs?"
73 wombat2 180 "fyg- what did you do to me?"
74 Acey 178 "I dont like being called "white""
75 MuTaNt 171 "damn...gotta jet...see you cats in a few..."
76 MindRape 170 "neways"
77 camster 169 "fyg: too bad, i'm curious if the game is original or not"
78 Potsy 168 "hey"
79 HPman 163 "some i think"
80 DngrMouse 152 "lux: don't suppose you're moving to some monastery and need to ..."
81 AMAZin 141 "g'night all"
82 Freder 141 "go see Cemetary Man... best B-movie of the century"
83 Sarlaac 132 "Bob Dobbs? hehehe..."
84 Kid-EZ 125 "Akmed !!: Do you know of any PSX game with more than 56 tracks ..."
85 Bogger 123 "I wanna Mario64 emuklator"
86 PSX_Boy 123 "did I hear PSX disks????"
87 YakMan 120 "moutwash , juke box, gasoleene"
88 Antman_ 118 "Crisis : Did you hear my question yesterday.. have you got the ..."
89 snap-l 115 "Hey Ak. Yeah... too long..."
90 MorbidGuy 113 "Anyone know how much Nintendo Game&Watches cost these days?"
91 kingpong 112 "strobe: You'd think so, but I think I've actually seen more 2600 ..."
92 Rog- 104 "hcgamers: yes, but the computers get more titles than the consoles ..."
93 Mimsy 103 "It's the Programable Playstation (this one is for C programmers)"
94 Tomalek 103 "I want to see a death match between Barbie collectors and Dukes ..."
95 Prince 102 "oh my god gyromite"
96 knapsack 101 "wanna eat potatos!"

They wrote less than 100 lines:
HoHoHols (94) Vrocket (88) Valis- (84) Godzilla (81) kingpin (78) Snotgrass (78) DarkWater (76)
btomlin (74) COCOMAN (74) sushiboy (72) disrupt0r (70) Nug2 (69) MMuzzy (67) sms_freak (62)
Kaboy (60) chameleon (59) PETscii (58) matthewp (56) Quud (54) XmikeX (54) mike_mj2 (52)
Mezmaron (49) MattV (48) brYan_r (46) sloppy (46) teevtee (44) dwong (43) Klite (42)
MadMaxx (41) jat (37) [cronic] (36) KeithW (36) PShifter (36) WaD (36) pancakes (35)
Lennier- (34) jehu (32) Questor (32) The_Shark (31) TurboMan (31) Catcher- (30) Huma (30)
sl0ppy (30) Carneiro (29) Lee_Steel (29) ]Magnus[ (27) miester (26) mrty2 (26) Steve (25)
Bossk (24) mis (24) scook (24) Speedster (24) skeeter (23) tabletop (22) ColecoMan (20)

There was also 120 nicks who mainly idled..

Five Random Topics

Changed by New Topic
RST38h "Nintendo: You can have sex with both Mario brothers"
riffraff "http://www.best.com/~riffraff/pplrgvc.cgi -- NEW people of"
Steempy "Classic video games and stuff.. 24/7"
kevtris "Classic Videogame Heaven, 24/7"
Fygar "#RGVC Unleashed! -- http://www.mindspring.com/~keita/rgvcu."

Big numbers:

XStrobe couldn't decide whether to stay or go, so he joined #rgvc 669 times during this reporting period..
Steempy described most carefully what was doing - 1091 descriptions alltogether.
[11:49] * Steempy bought his dad a 4CD Glenn Miller collection. :)
Channel cop was Arcadian who kicked out 61 persons.
[0:52] <JCarwash> boy, mp3s are totally ubiquitous
[1:06] *** JCarwash was kicked by Arcadian (excess idleness)
(Also kevtris tried to look cool and kicked out 20 individuals.)
mis1 didn't get it on the first time so he was kicked out 11 times...
[0:34] <mis1> re all
[1:32] *** mis1 was kicked by Arcadian (excess idleness)