| Nickname |
Number of Lines |
Random Quote |
1 |
XStrobe |
18684 |
"lux: hehehe" |
2 |
Steempy |
10981 |
"Cool!" |
3 |
|tsr |
6023 |
":)" |
4 |
arton |
5587 |
"that's slammin' hype i say" |
5 |
kevtris |
4034 |
"tedb: it doesn't make any sounds at all (i.e. a motor grinding." |
6 |
riffraff |
2987 |
"since that's done it should be wasy for me to wake up just before ..." |
7 |
TedB |
2535 |
"mut; london blitz is ER" |
8 |
InfoGoon |
2383 |
"tcb: sure, do that, if you would." |
9 |
luxmundi |
1956 |
"War Gods sux" |
10 |
Eppy |
1952 |
"kev: snes controller cords are only two feet?" |
11 |
Sutekh |
1896 |
"hey guys" |
12 |
mike_mjd |
1829 |
"alan - in this case, it might be good that i dont have a wife ..." |
13 |
Fygar |
1803 |
"what station?" |
14 |
Arcadian |
1677 |
"[riffy] Normal folk dont spit up bullets when ya shoot em!" |
15 |
Teflon |
1643 |
"steemp: 3 unknown until now SMS games" |
16 |
Deleto |
1530 |
"but one for intelligent ppl" |
17 |
rworne |
1446 |
"sdc: With uck, I can pick up an N64 at the flea in Jan for $10..." |
18 |
Gaspode_T |
1346 |
"sounds like a shooter :)" |
19 |
DrDemento |
1275 |
"mike: cool!" |
20 |
Varan |
1209 |
"sdc: LOL" |
21 |
SantaMick |
1048 |
"Info: If it's really bad, get something from a dermatologist ..." |
22 |
Holstine |
1005 |
"but I may just wait 'til after the holidays now" |
23 |
Lord13 |
994 |
"wiz-o-war would rock!" |
24 |
therion23 |
893 |
"crap song" |
25 |
crisis |
853 |
26 |
Nug |
782 |
"Says that Gain Ground is (c) 1991 by SEga. Sounds about right, ..." |
27 |
VaStFeAr |
761 |
"SEGAMAN! heeh" |
28 |
RST38h |
741 |
"BOOO!" |
29 |
Antman |
687 |
"Nug : You heard "Industry Is Wack"... Tim Dog comes correct on ..." |
30 |
Vectriff |
676 |
"tickle me emo phillips? :)" |
31 |
s-kelly |
662 |
"xs: On my multi-cart huh? :)" |
32 |
Ross |
646 |
"ak: Hardly fooling!" |
33 |
NickB___ |
594 |
"What about Babylon 5?" |
34 |
582 |
"Intel chips will drop alot lower aftre the 8th when Intel releases ..." |
35 |
dunric |
552 |
"bill_A hrm: used to do that...I got some crap games because I ..." |
36 |
PatEwing |
550 |
"See you all later." |
37 |
Danox |
536 |
"exactly" |
38 |
Tarm |
510 |
"saurkraut?" |
39 |
Bill_A |
442 |
"hey kid" |
40 |
Mushy |
440 |
"Von Himmel durch de Hole" |
41 |
Saltine |
437 |
"riff: what did you do on that game?" |
42 |
MarcoK |
435 |
"sure!" |
43 |
Rubbertoe |
435 |
"kewlness." |
44 |
WeirdMan |
411 |
"I can't! I gotta make a pac-man page" |
45 |
RedWizard |
396 |
"steempy: yeap I have 3 CV's also (1 don't work thou)" |
46 |
Mneko |
366 |
"Mike: You sure? I thought the Jag had 9 pin ports for joypads" |
47 |
nibbler |
360 |
"<wave>" |
48 |
sharm |
350 |
"Del: There's not much room at the MOMI for a big exhibition, ..." |
49 |
taleson |
346 |
"something was wrong with my other regular so I just though I ..." |
50 |
Albertini |
344 |
"Re Trix" |
51 |
saurkraut |
334 |
"You have a complete Ultima 4?" |
52 |
Kalla |
319 |
"mick: trying to work on take home final exam...it's a bitch" |
53 |
Sick_Mick |
310 |
"Svid gets rid of dot crawl and bleeding" |
54 |
Ouphe |
292 |
"hello, Marat" |
55 |
Dodger |
285 |
"kev: fully programmable so that you can "teach" it to play games ..." |
56 |
FastEddie |
282 |
"x: you there dude ?" |
57 |
Drache |
260 |
"Anyone care to start another FMV brawl?" |
58 |
hcgamers |
259 |
"Gaspode_T: What's that? Internet News?!" |
59 |
NoWhereM |
257 |
"Eppy: Was there a Supercharger with those games?" |
60 |
250 |
"xtrix: What is TMBG?" |
61 |
BrianM1 |
249 |
"gotta get going, ill be back later all" |
62 |
DogZilla |
242 |
"Sutekh: He sold about 300 machines a few weeks ago.. he sold ..." |
63 |
Bus |
234 |
"Steempy: Tried it once, decided I couldn't live without Sugar ..." |
64 |
dnathan |
223 |
"drd: yuk it up you bastard! :)" |
65 |
veggier |
223 |
"hey how did your oral examination go today, Ted?" |
66 |
disruptor |
221 |
"i guess so" |
67 |
Rog |
220 |
"sdc: hmmm, nah (I'm so lazy)" |
68 |
TotallyHt |
220 |
"I;m back!" |
69 |
216 |
"X: Buy one from Snap\l" |
70 |
AiO-BfLo |
210 |
"hehe.. I'll be as close to heaven as possible in a few days" |
71 |
209 |
"werd" |
72 |
mis1 |
204 |
"mike you found 2 frogger IIs?" |
73 |
wombat2 |
180 |
"fyg- what did you do to me?" |
74 |
Acey |
178 |
"I dont like being called "white"" |
75 |
MuTaNt |
171 |
"damn...gotta jet...see you cats in a few..." |
76 |
MindRape |
170 |
"neways" |
77 |
camster |
169 |
"fyg: too bad, i'm curious if the game is original or not" |
78 |
Potsy |
168 |
"hey" |
79 |
HPman |
163 |
"some i think" |
80 |
DngrMouse |
152 |
"lux: don't suppose you're moving to some monastery and need to ..." |
81 |
AMAZin |
141 |
"g'night all" |
82 |
Freder |
141 |
"go see Cemetary Man... best B-movie of the century" |
83 |
Sarlaac |
132 |
"Bob Dobbs? hehehe..." |
84 |
Kid-EZ |
125 |
"Akmed !!: Do you know of any PSX game with more than 56 tracks ..." |
85 |
Bogger |
123 |
"I wanna Mario64 emuklator" |
86 |
PSX_Boy |
123 |
"did I hear PSX disks????" |
87 |
YakMan |
120 |
"moutwash , juke box, gasoleene" |
88 |
Antman_ |
118 |
"Crisis : Did you hear my question yesterday.. have you got the ..." |
89 |
snap-l |
115 |
"Hey Ak. Yeah... too long..." |
90 |
MorbidGuy |
113 |
"Anyone know how much Nintendo Game&Watches cost these days?" |
91 |
kingpong |
112 |
"strobe: You'd think so, but I think I've actually seen more 2600 ..." |
92 |
Rog- |
104 |
"hcgamers: yes, but the computers get more titles than the consoles ..." |
93 |
Mimsy |
103 |
"It's the Programable Playstation (this one is for C programmers)" |
94 |
Tomalek |
103 |
"I want to see a death match between Barbie collectors and Dukes ..." |
95 |
Prince |
102 |
"oh my god gyromite" |
96 |
knapsack |
101 |
"wanna eat potatos!" |