#rgvc Channel Stats For November, 1996
Statistics generated from Friday 1.11.1996 to Saturday 30.11.1996
During this 30-day reporting period a total of 252 persons visited the channel #rgvc

Daily IRCing activity






























1.11 2.11 3.11 4.11 5.11 6.11 7.11 8.11 9.11 10.11 11.11 12.11 13.11 14.11 15.11 16.11 17.11 18.11 19.11 20.11 21.11 22.11 23.11 24.11 25.11 26.11 27.11 28.11 29.11 30.11

Pink Hours 00-06 Green Hours 06-12 Blue Hours 12-18 Red Hours 18-24

Channel load by hours
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Activity statistics (nicks sorted by number of lines written)

Nickname Number of Lines Random Quote
1 arton 2248192316291569 7369 "alb: know 5200 stuff? yeah, i guess so"
2 Steempy 348415132031489 6689 "lux: Bad experience? "
3 AkmedSC 21593608601937 5316 "ah..well...in one episode the mumbling big bear gets taken to ..."
4 Xstrobe 12019168841267 4268 "DELETO!"
5 TedB 201054325587 2976 "epp; ET was at least playable"
6 |tsr 1635117896 2648 "sayo: it comes with smb2 (japanese) and some golf game, bothcomplete"
7 Fygar 4182056511288 2562 "sut too?"
8 kevtris 2098453 2551 "tedb: they have identical video and audio chips."
9 sdc 314659675626 2274 "call me spoiled, but i don't like the idea of just having a board ..."
10 Deleto 1021457640 2199 "1. ak in a Virtual Boy"
11 Sutekh 1141450287234 2112 "varan: it's now a CV RPG... ;-P"
12 SegaMan 181788 1905 "Re TW!"
13 Arcadian 472234270444 1420 "[Bill_A] Anyone want to trade???"
14 dunric 365299721 1385 "er, plus"
15 Conjurer 60144281316 1242 "hahahahah"
16 Eppy 724418 1166 "i've been playing dragon warrior I for a while, and it's just ..."
17 rworne 95838137 1164 "tsr: yes way! lucky me has a fiancee from Japan who happens to ..."
18 InfoGoon 49263523 1095 "sdc: Vegas, then to Cal."
19 therion23 265441248132 1086 "short_name "Darkness","
20 Holstine 137915 1073 "hi tarm"
21 Teflon 272730 1002 "steeempy"
22 Riff 283150524 958 "ellen is not even funny"
23 Gaspode_T 218128590 936 "cal: no, I have like 6 ASM directories of stuff though, weird ..."
24 Bogger 59918650 864 "but i figured if I bought that for 10 I couldnt get the others ..."
25 NickB33 48846313 847 "There are more editions of Sex in the 90s than there are Years ..."
26 Lord13 442249118 811 "bye"
27 AlanD 182228379 789 "Fy: Much appreciated. I've lost too much stuff to him :("
28 richardh 72663 789 "<sob!> no one's ever beaten Solaris"
29 MarcoK 181577 766 "tef: are you interested in those SMS I cards?"
30 mike_mjd 139304288 742 "st. mick - i guess i was a bad boy this year"
31 SaintMick 194152347 727 "hey cal, mmuzzy, camster, etc etc"
32 Albertini 46183339150 718 "Better reloade"
33 Varan 471205 691 "tsr: that'll be the next toy i buy, after a surround receiver ..."
34 SayoHu 561108 679 "that was meant for varan :)"
35 Ross 61241123253 678 "Scott: My friend was talking to me about embarassing moments ..."
36 CACM 228365 625 "Hi calamari"
37 s-kelly 52856 584 "Sega: I was just kidding. I knew you gave it to me. :)"
38 VaStFeAr 408128 545 "hey cal"
39 Rubbertoe 243127161 538 "most of the poeple I have traded with in the past few months ..."
40 DngrMouse 3048177 491 "So as long as no one CHARGES for copying stuff, I'm all for it. ..."
41 LionRiff 116350 490 "ant: hehe"
42 luxmundi 22021549 484 "repeat step 3 as often as neccessary. =)"
43 Danox 140319 474 "Hey, don't rip on Riffraff! He sent me MY stuff :)"
44 DrDemento 71119252 442 "this drive isn';t even under warranty anymore, it's two or three ..."
45 TCBconst 246157 418 "rworne: The controls are guanteed sellers."
46 Dodger 2844085 412 "see ya X"
47 sharm 5750259 398 "Steeempy! :)"
48 Bill_A 529895145 390 "x: Too bad I got there too late... "
49 tarm 138243 381 "Del:well...what's in the exhibition?"
50 mis1 17542145 380 "whats new?"
51 Mneko 27985 367 "Sega was CRAZY not to release it"
52 Potsy 41300 361 "cal: when they started posting pedophile crap :)"
53 FastEddie 93183 325 "sharm: who ?"
54 nibbler 5698145 324 "#1's probly Papa smurf"
55 DogZilla 26139 304 "Fygar: We have a Gyruss in our lunch room at work :)"
56 saurkraut 9377133 303 "ghostbusters is shitty no matter what label it has"
57 DarkWAter 20060 296 "y no visitors?"
58 RST38h 9160141 292 "One person controls the ship, another hits the fire button"
59 Kujo 121153 274 "del: ep"
60 NiCKB___ 8064117 261 "I imagine there is a faq that covers it but I'm not motivated ..."
61 Antman 5271134 257 "bbiam"
62 Freder 12179 257 "laterz cal"
63 XmikeX 101150 251 "my 2600 will someday have an XmikeX game on it after I build ..."
64 Prince 201 233 "built"
65 Amazin 11371 226 "s*it ! i have to talk with keita and he's always away :-((("
66 Ouphe 115105 220 "Xstrobe: Atari Vector game..."
67 Kalla 3960100 210 "cal: Enjoy them? :)"
68 Tomalek 161 192 "Riff: I thought it was 40 games."
69 WeirdMan 58132 190 "That's why i'm wondering about this joystick.. I need funds"
70 bussell 7885 189 "Freder: See www.cs.monash.edu.au/~bussell if your curious."
71 teevtee 59124 183 "tsr: Well .50 is not the norm price here, but one guy cuts me ..."
72 Mezmaron 9857 172 "Sega:What CPU do you have?"
73 AiO-BfLo 57110 170 "Graphics are arcade quality.."
74 COCOMAN 142 170 "vast: you have a 4 port 5200 with auto TV/GAME switch?"
75 NoWhereM 5675 168 "Dunric: So where were you? From here it looked like Nowhere."
76 Acey 9174 165 "ehehehe :)"
77 camster 3770 148 "heya Keita"
78 RedWizard 6281 147 "steempy: oh cool hav'nt seen that video"
79 Lee_Steel 129 141 "hey Fygar, steempy, sega!"
80 Fungus 7445 135 "I wish we had the cartoon network in my area"
81 Gutsman 101 125 "I also bought LucasArt's Adventure Collection, and Zak McKraken ..."
82 defecatn 121 123 "i asked fir it was the turbo express and he said no"
83 Saltine 3867 122 "hi all!"
84 MadMaxx 7149 121 "its got some crap writen on the controle pannel"
85 Nagra 112 115 "its too weird because of the dlls"
86 YakMan 110 ":("
87 Sarlaac 47 107 "Bill: hmmmm... as long as the shells don't have much of an arc...."
88 mimsy 67 106 "Humm I've not seen that one, have you tried thier web page?"
89 PETscii 68 104 "me and my girlfriend are gonna see space jam tomorrow... its ..."
90 Halifax 66 103 "Well here is mine rayden "
91 Mushroom 103 103 "Okily dokily..."

They wrote less than 100 lines:
Bus (98) HPman (96) Zilla (94) jehu (93) snap-l (93) MindRape (92) MuTaNt (85)
Lennier- (78) NickB34 (75) MattV (74) Valis- (72) Pitfall (69) metallik (66) TheLurker (66)
Nug (65) atariman (60) miester (60) ZeroByte (58) Bossk (55) D-FENS (49) Arden (48)
MorbidGuy (48) CDK2 (45) Riff7800 (45) KeithW (44) Drice (42) Tim (42) frenzer (37)
FxA000 (37) Sights (36) SlaveSuz (29) YakBoy (29) Atari2600 (28) matthewp (27) eyster (26)
FnordChan (26) snotgrass (26) Carneiro (24) pastyx (24) Steemp (24) Billy_B (23) emul8 (23)
snoop- (22) MJ_Doerty (21) T595 (21) dnathan- (19) Adrian (18) Chambers (18) mnail (17)

There was also 116 nicks who mainly idled..

Five Random Topics

Changed by New Topic
Fygar "Camster's Birthday was Tuesday -- Ben's Dad's is Today! --"
kevtris "rec.games.video.classic"
InfoGoon "Rec.Games.Video.Retro"
Holstine "Freder: Hamsteak Says Hi"
Holstine "It's About the Love!"

Big numbers:

arton couldn't decide whether to stay or go, so he joined #rgvc 204 times during this reporting period..
Steempy described most carefully what was doing - 819 descriptions alltogether.
[8:35] * Steempy thought the best thing about Zero Divide was the hidden shoot-em-up. :-)
MindRape didn't get it on the first time so he was kicked out 13 times...
[22:31] <MindRape> Up yours
[9:53] *** MindRape was kicked by Arcadian (excess idleness)
(Runner-Up: Lennier- - Kicked out 9 times.)