Walton C. Gibson (Kalla)
a.k.a. - evilkalla, badkalla

Walton C. Gibson

Hatching Date


Hatching Place

Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Nesting Site

Huntsville, Alabama, USA


Radar Cross Section


Women, beer, twin turbos, programming, no compromises

Member Of #RGVC Since

April, 1996

Favorite Games

Pitfall II (2600), Adventure (2600), Berzerk (5200), Fortress of Narzod (Vectrex), Happy Trails Intv), Montezuma's Revenge (CV), Tempest (Arcade)

Favorite System

Intellivision, because I was the only kid on my block that had one.

What Systems I Own And Collect For

Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Intellivision, Colecovision, Odyssey^2, Emerson Arcadia, Turbografx-16/PC Engine. I finally have a house for all this crap!

How Many Games I Own For Each System

I lost count

How Long I've Been Actively Collecting

Since '94

Possessions In My Collection I'm Most Proud Of

My two coinops, a Gyruss and a Return of the Jedi

Other Tidbits/Comments

You might visit my outdated games page where I have a lot of scans of game literature such as game catalogs, posters, brochures, box art, and other eye candy. I also maintain the Swordquest Archive and the best damn Robotron guide there is. I'm a jack-of-all engineering trades, with skills in electrmagnetic scattering, signal processing, radio communications, southern women, and turbocharged Japanese sports cars.

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