Keita Iida (Fygar)
a.k.a. - Pooka

Keita Iida

Hatching Date

1970 February 19

Hatching Place

Kobe, Japan

Nesting Site

Sunnyvale, California, USA

Member Of #RGVC Since

Day 1 (February, 1996)

Favorite Games

Warlords (Coin-op & 2600), Adventure (2600), Crazy Climber (Coin-op), Space Dungeon (Coin-op & Atari 5200), Miner 2049er/Bounty Bob Strikes Back (Atari 5200 & 8-bit), RBI Basebal (NES), Galaga '90 and Space Invaders Plus (TG16/PCE), Gauntlet IV (Genesis), Shanghai and Klax (Lynx), Super Bomberman, Super Metroid, Space Megaforce, Rock & Roll Racing and Zelda (SNES), Tempest (Arcade), Tempest 2000 (Jaguar), Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec (PS2)

Favorite System

Can't decide between 2600, 5200 or SNES

What Systems I Own And Collect For

Just about everything

How Many Games I Own For Each System

I've lost track long ago

How Long I've Been Actively Collecting

Since 1987

Possessions In My Collection I'm Most Proud Of

Everything that's fun

Other Tidbits/Comments

Pooka and I have been pumped up by Dig Dug once too many times and we aren't gonna put up with his crap anymore!

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