Josh Wrobel (MrNES)
a.k.a. - pancakes, pancakez

Josh Wrobel

Hatching Date

1982 November 3

Hatching Place

Laingsburg, Michigan, USA

Nesting Site

East Lansing, Michigan, USA

Member Of #RGVC Since

September 27, 1998 (as "Virtual_J")

Favorite Games

River Raid (2600), Megaman 2 (NES), Chrono Trigger (SNES), Xenogears(PSX), Thrill Kill (PSX), Panzer Dragoon Saga (Saturn), Nights (Saturn), Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie (N64), Virtua Tennis (DC), Sonic Adventure 2 (DC)

Favorite System

Virtual Boy and Saturn

What Systems I Own And Collect For

Own: NES, SNES, Virtual Boy, Playstation, Saturn, N64, Dreamcast
Collect For: PSX, Virtual Boy

How Many Games I Own For Each System

2600 - 10
Game Boy - 5
SNES - 12
Virtual Boy - 18
PSX - 204
Saturn - 52
N64 - 10
Dreamcast - 83

How Long I've Been Actively Collecting

Since about 1998. Unfortunately, I still spend all my money on video'd think I was still 10 or something

Possessions In My Collection I'm Most Proud Of

My PSX collection

Other Tidbits/Comments

Girls from seven-eleven stay up all night

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