Joe Grand (SCSIJoe)

Joe Grand Pic 1 Joe Grand Pic 2

Hatching Date

1975 September 3

Hatching Place

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Nesting Site

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Occupation Or School/Major

Computer Security


Track and Field (800m)

Member Of #RGVC Since

August, 2001

Favorite Games

Kaboom! (2600)

Favorite System

Atari 2600

What Systems I Own And Collect For

NES Top Loader
Atari Video Music
Atari Stunt Cycle
Atari Video Pinball
Game Boy Advance
Atari 2600
Atari 5200
Atari 7800
Atari 8-bit
Odyssey 2
RCA Studio II
Channel F
Nintendo Game & Watch
Virtual Boy

Collect For:
Atari 2600
Atari 5200
Atari 7800
Atari 8-bit
Odyssey 2
RCA Studio II
Channel F
Nintendo Game & Watch
Virtual Boy

...and any obscure hardware, classic gaming systems, classic game accessories/paraphenilia, etc.

How Many Games I Own For Each System

Atari 2600: 440
Atari 5200: 60
Atari 7800: 40
Atari 8-bit: 50
Colecovision: 80
Intellivision: 130
Odyssey 2: 50
RCA Studio II: 9
Channel F: 7
Nintendo Game & Watch: 3
Virtual Boy: 11

How Long I've Been Actively Collecting

Lurking since 1995, active since 1999

Possessions In My Collection I'm Most Proud Of

Writing and releasing my Atari 2600 homebrew game, SCSIcide.
Atari 2600 Track & Field

One Game Or System/Item That I'd Love To Obtain Someday

Entex AdventureVision

Other Tidbits/Comments

Pooka and I have been pumped up by Dig Dug once too many times and we aren't gonna put up with his crap anymore!

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