Brian Heward (Riparian)

Brian Heward

Hatching Date

1970 July 21

Hatching Place

Wisconsin, USA

Nesting Site

Carson City, Nevada, USA

Member Of #RGVC Since

September 15, 2000

Favorite Games

Treasure of Tarmin
Night Stalker
Dreadnaught Factor
White Water
Nintendo 64
Lode Runner 3D
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Intelligent Cube
Vagrant Story
Gran Turismo 1 & 2
Metal Gear Solid
ATV Off Road Fury
Armored Core 2
Satan's Hallow
Major Havoc
Cliff Hanger
I Robot

Favorite System


What Systems I Own And Collect For

Commodore 64, Intellivision, Aquarius, Nintendo 64, PlayStation, PlayStation 2

How Many Games I Own For Each System

Approx. 20-30 Intellivision games, 20 PlayStation, 4 PS2, 5 N64

How Long I've Been Actively Collecting

Since January 6, 2000

Possessions In My Collection I'm Most Proud Of

CIB Imagic Truckin, and CIB Imagic Dracula (both for Intellivision)

Other Tidbits/Comments

The Paradox: You can only begin to de-robotize yourself to the extent that you know how totally you're automated. The more you understand your robothood, the more free you are from it. I sometimes ask people, "What percentage of your behavior is robot?" The average hip, sophisticated person will say, "Oh, 50%." Total robots in the group will immediately say, "None of my behavior is robotized." My own answer is that I'm 99.999999% robot. But is just so happens that the .000001 percent non-robot is my source of self-actualization, the inner soul-gyroscope of my self-control and responsibility.

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