LAST PROFILE FORM UPDATE: 2001 September 2 Hey everyone, Just a quick note that the new URL for the #RGVC home page is... or for the direct link for the people of #RGVC page... In addition, we now have a profile section for each #RGVC member. Previously, we only had a link to each individual's picture. Now, however, when someone clicks on the person's name, we'd like a new page to open with said person's pic along with his or her profile. We encourage all #RGVC'ers to participate to make the channel experience more enriching. Fill it out and e-mail it to me at ----- **** NOTE! **** Filling out this form and sending it in does not guarantee that you will be listed or profiled. You MUST be a regular of the channel, or at least show that you intend to stick around and contribute. ----- Here are the general things we would like to know.... ------------------------------ FULL NAME: IRC Nick: e-mail address: Web page URL (if you have one): ------------------------------ 1) Birthdate 2) City/Country of origin (City/State/Country) 3) Current Residence 4) Occupation Or School/Major (if you're a student) 5) Hobbies 6) #RGVC Regular Since ____ 7) Favorite Games (new or old, and list system, or arcade if it's an arcade game) 8) Favorite System 9) What Systems You Own And 10) Collect For (if different) -- if you also collect coinops and handhelds, please mention that as well. 11) Approx. How Many Games For Each System You Own (again, if you have coin-ops or handhelds, list them as well). 12) How Long You've Been Actively Collecting. (since ______) 13) What Are The Proudest Possessions Among Your Collection. 14) One Game Or System/Item That I'd Love To Obtain Someday 15) YOUR ADDITIONAL COMMENTS HERE: (See below) ---------------------------------- (ADDITIONAL TIDBITS/COMMENTS SECTION) ------------------------------------- Then there will be space at the bottom of the page (at section 15 above) for some comments or additional personal info. Just let me know what you want added. You can check out some of the profiles already up on the People of #RGVC to get an idea of what would make a good profile for yourself. Anyways, let me know what you think, and I hope you participate. And for those who have yet to send me a pic, please email it to me or dcc me your pic. Take care! ********************** Keita Iida