In this game, you're a frog whose goal is to reach the castle and get to the princess so that she can transform you into a prince. But that's where the originality ends. Everything found in Frogger is all here, including a lady frog you jump on in the river. You first try to cross a road infested with knights on top of horses (with lances in hand), then you cross a river by jumping on the backs of alligators and snakes (at least that's what I think it is.) Graphics are bad. There is some liberal use of colors on the characters, but animation is choppy and there isn't much in the way of variety. And there's no music to be found anywhere. Sounds effects are limited to blips and beeps, and you'll be clenching your teeth because it's annoying as heck. What you basically get here is Frogger without music, charm or pizzaz. Stick with the Parker Brothers version, or better yet, the exceptional one designed by John Harris (Sierra On-Line).