AIRLOCK by Data Age You'll basically be doing nothing more than running, jumping and collecting the keys. The keys are slightly out of your reach, so you must move your player directly underneath it and press the fire button. Jumping is also used for avoiding the torpedoes that are constantly in your way, and to move your player over the barriers on each level. If you're struck by a torpedo, you'll be temporarily stunned for a brief period until the player recovers his senses. Airlock is fast moving, and it's quite enjoyable for quick play sessions. You have only ten seconds to complete each level -- what other game do you know of that forces you to finish a level that quick! Fortunately, any unused time at one level is credited to the next. Ironically, this makes completion of the first level far and away the most difficult procedure in the game. Graphics are drab in typical Data Age fashion, and sounds consist of nothing more than blips and beeps. On the other hand, it's one of the better efforts by one of the first casualties of the classic videogame era... although that's not saying much.