Steve Wicoff's Top 10 Atari games, in no order whatsoever. I
think these games are so good that I could never put one ahead of
another. Basically, my favorite game is the one i'm playing at
that millisecond.
Midnight Mutants
A real role-playing game on the Atari 7800! I was so amazed by
it. I just had to keep playing it over and over. If you look at it
objectively, it's just a graphically pleasing version of Adventure.
The same gameplay is involved, but a much bigger map. The better
graphics make you feel more involved with the story and characters.
This is probably the closest to #1 in my Atari console collection.
What can I say about this one that hasn't been said by everyone else in
this list? An RPG that will just take 10 or 15 minutes to complete. Then
you'll hit reset and play again. And again. On a pathetic note, I only
found the easter egg a few years ago after reading about it. But in my
defense, I loaned my copy of the game out and never got it back, so it
was the early 90's before I bought another one. I lost a lot of microdot
searching time.
Fatal Run
I love car combat games. And after driving through rush hour
traffic, I REALLY love car combat games. I'd hope that I could
make it to the next town without a bumper or windshield, and just
as I approached a city, some idiot would slam into me head-on.
Boom. And I found the intro music kinda catchy. Strange considering
the music actually becomes grating after 5 minutes.
(Jaguar CD/Atari)
This is one shooter that I always come back to. I loved the control
scheme, I loved the new and larger maps, but most of all I really loved
the music! Especially the way it would keep up with you depending what
environment you were in. Going underwater, with the wavy effects, was so
cool. This is one I wish would get updated. Attention to Detail have
just signed on to develop for the Nuon (the closest thing we have to a
new Atari console), so maybe we should flood them with e-mails. . . . .
I would take my two Lynxes into work, and a friend of mine who was an
out of work pilot would play Warbirds comlynxed. Swivelling in my chair
like a hyperactive chimp, machine guns blazing, hearing him screaming
"Where the hell are you? Get off my tail!" as he tried in vain to shake
me off, and hearing the sound of his plane fall out of the sky on both
machines at the same time. . . . Multiplayer heaven.
Escape From The Mindmaster
Sometime in 1984 I managed to pick up an Arcadia (or later versions
labelled Starpath) Supercharger and a couple games for it. Communist
Mutants from Space got old after a while, but MindMaster hypnotized me
for hours. Picking up pegs and hunting for the right pegholes, roaming
around the maze in 3-D perspective, ducking past shields, and trying to
avoid the mini-games to keep from breaking my concentration. And the
ever-increasing tone that told you the creature is right behind you. . .
. And off I go to receive the MindMaster's verdict. This is another game
that should be updated for the new millenium.
Aliens Vs. Predator
Here's another game that most people already have on their top 10 lists.
There's a reason for that. My favorite memory was playing it at 3am with
the lights off, feeling a little sleepy, and then my first Facehugger
jumped out at me. It scared the crap out of me. I died, and I shut the
game off to recover from the shock. Any game that you have to recover
from is a good one.
I like this version better than the 7800 version, because the AI seems a
lot harder. Plus I remember seeing the programmer's initials hidden in
the grid at the end of the game, and feeling like I accomplished
Alien Brigade
A little too short, but a great shoot-em-up. I have to use a joystick
because my 2 lightguns don't seem to work anymore, but then they weren't
all that accurate with this game. Just shooting the aliens and watching
them melt was fun. A lot of stuff going on on-screen, and it takes
twitchy reflexes to deal with it all. One I always have to play when I
fire up the 7800.
I had a lot of runner-ups. It's hard to pick just 10, because there are
so many deserving games in my collection. But close behind were:
Battlezone (2600/Atari) - Amazing translation of my all-time
favorite tank game.
Dark Cavern (2600/M-Network) - I spent hours on this one; I also got
it free when I bought 2 other M-Network games!
Asteroids (2600/Atari) - Very addictive, but after rolling the counter
3 times, a little repetetive . . .
Ninja Golf (7800/Atari) - You have to fight ninjas, sharks, snakes, and
fire-breathing dragons on this course-let's see Tiger Woods do that!
Basketbrawl (7800/Atari) - I like a basketball game where you can beat
the crap out of your opponent.
Scrapyard Dog (7800/Atari) - I fought like crazy to get to the end of
the game, and the final boss was instead one of those stupid
sliding-tile puzzles that I hate. . . . That ticked me off.
Secret Quest (2600/Atari) - Another RPG for the 2600! Too bad it's so
Phazer Patrol (2600/Starpath) - IMHO, the best space shoot-em-up:
much better than Star Raiders. A real sense of depth helps immensely.
I-War (Jaguar/Atari) - Very Tron-like. Great graphics. Extremely
Tron-like. Great shading. Fantastically Tron-like.
Iron Soldier (Jaguar/Atari) - Stomping on tanks with a 50-foot robot
never looked so good. Or played so well.