10. Breach 2
(Atari ST)
Before there was Xcom and Warcraft, there was Breach 2.
Depth, style, and addictive gameplay at least three years
before Warcraft.
9. Rescue On Fractalus
(Atari 8-bit)
The first 1st person space flight sim that took it past
shooting flying bitmaps. From conecpt to execution, there
isn't one fault I can find with this game. Another game that
deserves a sequel (just don't let the guys who did Ballblazer
Champions do it).
8. Klax
The only Lynx game to make it into my list. This game is
better than the arcade version - because it is portable. In
many ways, a more addictive game than Tetris.
7. Adventure
The only 2600 game to make it into my top ten list. This
game rocked me and I played it on end for hours. Nothing like
getting chased around a semi-visible dungeon by bad looking ducks.
A true classic.
6. Aliens vs. Predator
The most intense gaming experience of my console life.
The amibience is what makes this game. You FEEL like you are
there without some crappy mod file for music repeating every
30 seconds. Take your choice of characters and run the station.
5. Dungeon Master
(Atari ST)
The reason role playing games went 3D, this adventure/role
playing game was one of the reasons I bought my ST. Incredable
depth, clever puzzles, and great characters.
4. Tempest 2000
Not many games make me put them back in my console once
they've been finished (even on beastly mode). This one always
goes back in. This is the best shooter since the invention of
the "shooter" game. Unparalleled, especially with the lame
versions on the PC/other conosles.
3. M.U.L.E.
(Atari 8-bit)
The original strategy game that is just as good today as
it was seventeen years ago. Multiplayer too!
2. Ballblazer
(Atari 8-bit)
The game that redefined what a game could be. Graphics,
Gameplay, killer music. Another game that deserves it's place
in history. Could use a DECENT update, too.
1. Star Raiders
(Atari 8-bit)
The ultimate video space game. It is the one that started
my love affair with the Atari computer line. Gameplay and graphics
(for it's day). I'd still rather play it than any other space game
on any other console or computer.
Honorable mention...
Warlords (2600)
Super Breakout (2600)
Space Dungeon (5200)
Food Fight (7800)
Joust (7800)
Eildon (8bit)
Blue Max (8bit)
Midimaze (Atari ST)
ONYX (Atari ST)
F15 Stirke Eagle 2 (Atari ST)
Battlemorph (Atari Jaguar)
Battlewheels (Atari Lynx)
Rampart (Atari Lynx)
Battlesphere (Atari Jaguar)