10. Yar's Revenge
The thrill of dodging a spinning pinwheel is enough for me.
9. Ms. Pac-Man
Quite possibly the most addictive game of all time. I like
the Lynx version the best because I can take it with me.
(The arcade version is tied for #1 on my best of alltime list.)
8. Missile Command 3-D
As a kid I loved the 2600 & 800 ports and this cart's two
updated versions were simply mouth watering. (and thankfully the
original was also included.
7. Hat Trick
Quirky one-on-one hockey. I have played head-to-head mode
hour after hour and never tire of this one. (But as 8bit hockey
games go everyone knows Blades of Steel on NES is tops.)
6. Joust
5. Breakout/Breakout 2000
The 2600 port of original Breakout is, in my opinion, much
better than the version included in 2000. I have found, however,
that 2000 mode is equally addictive (if not more so), and the
addition of powerups and hazards adds to the depth of the game
without undermining gameplay. My only complaint is with the
sluggishness of the two player mode.
4. Adventure
Look mom, I'm a block. Me and my friend Paul figured
this one out with no instructions. (don't ask...)
3. Highlander: Last of the MacLeods
(Jaguar CD/Atari)
This game drove me nuts. A real step foward for the Jaguar,
this game is deep and graphically stunning. If the characters
were texture-mapped and the action more fluid this game could
stand up w/ Tomb Raider & Resident Evil easily.(incidently this
did come out a year and a half earlier.) If Atari Corp. had
published more solid work like Highlander during its two year
head start in the console wars we could all be playing our
Jaguar 2's w/a VR headset right now (sorry for the rant.)
2. Tempest 2000
1. Bug Hunt
This was, along w/Missle Command and Flight Simulator II, a
pack-in for the XE Game System. I don't know if it's actually my
favorite game (it's probably not) but there are no light gun
games on anyone's list so I felt I should make a statement. I
just love light gun games.