"DEAR AGH" (May/June, 1997)
From: debever@*.ca
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 1997
Subject: Atari Contact info
Hi! Great page tons of cool info on the oldies but goodies. I just was
woundering if you could tell me how I could get in contact with atari. I
am an arcade owner (well I'm kinda new at this) and was woundering how I
could rent thier (atari) arcade machines. I leave in Ontario Canada so
please any phone numbers that are for my area are much appriciated. Any
way, any help you can send my way would be help full.
Les Replies:
Your best bet is to contact a local operator in your area to see
if he rents games to arcade owners. Most arcade game manufacturers
deal either through distributors or large operators and only sell
their games. If you'd like further info on this matter, try paying
a visit to http://www.atarigames.com and email somebody from that
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997
From: D. White
Subject: No ST!?!
Keita Replies:
Yeah, yeah... and what have YOU done, eh? Seriously, though,
it is our intent to provide Atari 16-bit computer coverage
here at AGH, but not until we shore up the sections that
are already up and running. Les, John and myself are huge
ST fans and still own several machines each (I own a MegaSTE
and Falcon). Since there's only three of us here at AGH and
we're saddled with numerous other real-life obligations,
please accept our apologies for the delay in ST coverage.
From: revi@*.net.il
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 1997
Subject: Space Invaders
Perhaps you know where can I get the Space Invaders Game for a pc
Many thanks in advance,
Revital, all the way from Israel
John Replies:
At this present time, there is no known freeware emulator
that supports Space Invaders. If you can be satisfied with
playing 2600, 5200 or 8-bit versions of the game, you can
download their respective emulators and grab the roms from
various emulator sites. Since it's technically illegal to
own rom images of games you do not own, we neither advocate
or support such practices. Finally, Domark released a
commercial version of Super Space Invaders for the PC a few
years ago. Perhaps you can find a copy of the game in the
discount bins at your local PC software store.
Date: Sat, 07 Jun 1997
From: B. Penzone
Subject: Cloak and Dagger
Hello....I am wondering a few things:
A) Do you have access to a Cloak and Dagger machine? If so...
Keita Replies:
No.. we wish
A.1) Would you be willing to sell it?
Keita Replies:
Whatever gave you the impression that it's for sale is beyond me.
The reason we started AGH in the first place is because
we LOVE videogames in general and Atari in particular.
Unless you're willing to trade us your girlfriend or wife,
there is no way in heck we're giving up ANYTHING in our
possession. That is, unless you have a mint Major Havoc,
Food Fight, Quantum and Star Wars for trade.
B) Do you have any pictures of a Cloak and Dagger machine?
Keita Replies:
No, sorry -- just screenshots. We do our best,
and what's there is all we have to offer.
From: LWPride@*.com
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 1997
Subject: hi LYNX
I would like to know what type of atari LYNX games there are
mustlly ---
1) Wrestling
2) Car racing
3) Basketball
4) Baseball
5) Hockey
6) Lacrosse
7) row playing
John Replies:
1) None... although Pit Fighter is a fighting game if that counts.
2) Checkered Flag, S.T.U.N. Runner and Super Off Road are good ones.
3) Basketbrawl.
4) Baseball Heroes.
5) Hockey.
6) Are you serious??
7) If you mean role playing, the pickings are slim. Gauntlet is your best bet, although it's
not an RPG in the truest sense.
Date: Sat, 31 May 1997
From: lenny@*.com
Subject: Congrats!
Just wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoy your web site. I'm a
50-year old inveterate gamer, who first bought the 2600 around 1980, and
then graduated to the 5200 as soon as it came out. I still have all the
old stuff, but haven't played it in years. Always loved Miner 2049, but
could never get past a certain screen (I think it was the 5th, but maybe
it was the 6th-- it's been a long time).
Anyway, thanks for creating such a fun website. I've toyed with the idea
of firing up the 5200 one of these days, but if memory serves, my
controllers are all shot.My trackball still works, methinks, and I
always loved Pole Position.
It's obvious you put a great deal of effort into the site. Nice job!
Keita Replies:
Nothing makes out day more than words of praise or encouragement,
and your mail had us grinning ear-to-ear! If your 5200 controllers
are making you stand on your head, don't despair. We have a comprehensive
5200 controller maintenance and repair section in our 5200 FAQ elsewhere in
AGH. If that doesn't work, drop us another line and we'll see if we
can hook you up with a pair. When you do eventually get around to
playing your 5200 again, by all means share your experience with the
rest of us. Thanks again for the kind words. And yes, Miner is difficult,
but aren't most classic games challenging? :)
Date: Mon, 26 May 1997
From: ndx@*.edu
Subject: Fantastic!
I had to write to let you know what a great site you have going here.
You guys have the coolest Atari stuff of any site on the web.
Les Replies:
Thank you for your compliments, it made our day. With AGH, we've
only just begun to scratch the surface. As you know, we started up
the site in November of 1996, and are still feverishly working to
get up to speed. We are tentatively scheduled to unveil a new and
improved AGH with over twice the content and a fresh new design.
The URL will also change, but rest assured we'll keep you informed.
Look for it soon!
Date: Wed, 21 May 1997
From: D. Mazurowski
Subject: Atari patents
Just took a look at your Atari Patents page. Very interesting! Where did you
dig this stuff up? BTW, you nade a comment at the end of the abstract for
patent #4,496,936, the patent for "Digital-analog conversion for shaft
encoders". You said this was probably connected with the Hard Drivin' coin
op. However, there are several things wrong with this.
1) Hard Drivin' was manufactured years later, by Atari Games. The patent was
granted to Atari Inc.
2) There is nothing about the patent to specifically imply it is connected
with Hard Drivin' - in fact, it sounds more like some sort of patent for a
track ball or mouse type device. Considering the timing of the patent award,
I am guesing it is somehow related to the 5200 trak ball, since this is a
digital device for use an a system expecting analog input. Logical?
There are several other patents, however, that DO seem directly related to
Hard Drivin'. They are:
Control device such as a steering wheel for video vehicle simulator
with realistic feedback forces (Patent 5,044,956)
(That one is almost certainly related, and the timing looks good. The others
I list may be too late, but do sound related.)
Gearshift for a vehicle simulator having a solenoid for imposing a
resistance force (Patent 5,197,003)
Shaker control device (Patent 5,203,563)
Vehicle simulator including cross-network feedback (Patent 5,299,810)
John Replies:
Upon further review, the analogy of the patent to Hard Drivin'
was indeed way off. We prepared the entire database in one day and rushed
it out to the page without looking it over and you're definitely right
about it being inaccurate.
The aformentioned patent may very well be connected to the 5200
trak-ball as you say. We'll see if we can dig deeper to find
the answer.
As for the other patents which you claim related to Hard Drivin',
I think you hit the nail on the head.
From: rekloned@*.com
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997
Subject: your site
Awesome! Great site. I loved the picture gallery that shows many boxes
of games that never saw the light of day. The Tempest for the 2600 is
great, who knew they were thinking of releasing that?
Les Replies:
Thanks for your e-mail. We are very proud of our extensive gallery
of unreleased pictures, and, like yourself, we were blown away when we
first found out about Atari's intention to make Tempest for the 2600.
It's also worth noting that an early prototype cartridge of 2600 Tempest
DOES exist! Hopefully, we'll be able to get our hands on a copy to
report back to our readers about it.
Date: Wed, 07 May 1997
From: Fredomo@*.com>
Subject: Your site!
I love your site but....
It needs more Lynx info.
And I would really like you to do with the 7800 like you did to the
Screen shots of 7800 games and info.
Keita Replies
You're right. We are very much aware that AGH is a bit small in the
Lynx, 7800 and computers department. Please be aware, however, that
AGH is barely half-a-year old as of right now, and our initial priority
was to find a home for the 5200. Since the 2600, computers and
Lynx had already been done to death on other pages, we decided to
address those systems after completing the SuperSystem home page.
Now that we've got the 5200 squared away, keep your eyes peeled for
bigger and better things to come from AGH!