"DEAR AGH" (Jan/Feb, 1997)
From: RuninBrave@*.com
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997
Subject: i neeedd help
my coleco broke and i need to find a working one in good shape can you help
Les Replies:
Coleco? What's that?
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997
From: lobo@*.net
Subject: Great page!
Hi! Being a huge Atari fan, I love your page! Keep up the good work.
One question, though...may I use some of your graphics? Specifically, I
want to use the one in the corner where it switches from one system to
another. Would that be ok? Thanks!
Keita Replies:
Every single image you see on our page was either our very own
creation or were scanned from photographics in old publications.
We spent a considerable amount of time -- not to mention pain
and suffering -- in doing so, and as a result, we cannot
allow individuals to just leech them and put them on their
site. What would be our incentive to come up with new designs
and graphics if the web becomes a free-for-all environment?
We appreciate the fact that you at least asked us for permission.
Others have not been as cordial.
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997
From: nmiller@*.edu>
Subject: Wow!
Jumped to your page today, and needless to say, I loved it! The
animated atari picture is *great*!
Just thought I'd tell you I dig it...
http://www.spy.net/~white/vidgames/ If you want to check out what I've
done so far...
John Replies:
Thanks for the words of praise. Your page is looking mighty
fine as well. You can thank Les for the wonderful animated
Atari systems gif, we're happy to have him aboard as a partner
of AGH as he has many, many things to offer in addition to his
considerable graphics expertise.
From: *@webtv.net
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997
Subject: HELP!!!
First of all, I just wanted to say that you guys have a great site.
I'm glad that there are still people out there that love the Atari 5200
as much as I do. I have had the 5200 since 1982 when I got it for a
Christmas present. I loved that machine more than life itself when I was
a kid.
The problem I'm having is finding replacement controllers. From what I
gather they are fairly rare because many people have had them break as I
have. If you have any idea where I could find some, I would be very
--From a hardcore videogame fan!
Keita Replies:
You cannot imagine how many e-mails we get from gamers who have
busted 5200 controllers or no sticks at all. We do provide a service
for our 5200 enthusiasts by selling refurbished controllers at a
reasonable price. However, as our time is limited and cannot possibly
fulfill every 5200 controller request, we urge all SuperSystem fans
to carefully read the repair and maintenance section of our 5200 FAQ.
Follow the instructions carefully and you'll be on your way to
trouble-free 5200 gaming!
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 97
From: Emerald_Dragon@*.com
Subject: Free stuff
May I please have some free atari stuff .
Les Replies:
Our web page is free to the public, isn't it?
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997
From: OJSimpson@*.com
Subject: 5200 Ratings
Yea ok I'm an Atari 5200 geek and I frequent your page... And I still
can't get over what a great job you've done! Anyway, I told y'all that
before. What I was wondering is:
How many hits do you get on this page?
Do you plan on having folks rate games again? I have expanded my
collection of 5200 games since the initial poll and would love to give
my opinions on the new games I aquired.
About John Hardie...
I didn't notice until now that you were a part of this 5200 master page.
John Replies:
The amount of hits varies from day to day, but we are delighted that
AGH's hit count has been steadily increasing as we ramp up more
content on the page.
We are always in the receiving mood when it comes to 5200 game ratings.
The more contributors who rate the games, the statistics will better
reflect the general consensus for each game title. Just drop us an
e-mail with each game and their ratings, in graphics and gameplay,
on a scale of 1-5 (5 is best), and we'll have your ratings added to
the cumulative scores of each title in our next revision of the 5200 FAQ.
Finally, I am involved with anything and everything with respect
to the SuperSystem. Nothing gets by me :)
From: ech@*.net
Subject: Thankyou.
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997
Thank you all.....
I'm glad that somebody has provided all this info.
AND....that somebody besides me has pointed out the fact that ATARI came out with the first 64-bit system.
Did they also come out with the first colorhandheld?
thank you so much.
A devoted Atarian,
Les Replies:
Glad to have you aboard, Eric. And yes, the Atari Lynx was the first ever
color handheld game system.
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997
From: Derrick Lynch
Subject: Excellent site
Great site guys, keep up the good work. I managed to find some good
history here.
best regards
Derrick Lynch
Product manager
Namco Europe Limited
Keita Replies:
Thanks for the kind words. But if you're really grateful for our
contribution to humanity, how about sending us a few free Namco Museum
Playstation CDs? :)
And sorry if we're using your mascot on our main AGH page. Pac-Man
may not have been by Atari, but we love him nonetheless!
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997
From: "D.C. Registry"
Subject: Great job!
Wow! I was wandering around the web, wondering if there was anyone out
there who remember the old Atari 5200 or some of the great classic games
such as Star Raiders, and then I found your page through an Altavista
search. I have been here for probably a couple of hours, and I've found
(and downloaded) lots of useful stuff. I'm about to install, and
hopefully play Star Raiders on, the Virtual Super System v. .60 for
DOS. I've bookmarked your site!
Les Replies:
Thanks a million for the words of praise. Alas, I am the only
one among the AGH trio that has never experienced the apparent joy
that the 5200 brings. You see, we poor souls in Europe never
received the SuperSystem. I'll definitely have to badger Keita
to send me one of those beasts in the near future, though!