• Welcome to the AGH Library, an archive of articles/interviews/reviews and other tidbits of interesting information. The content provided within the AGH library were taken from classic gaming magazines and books, re-typed in ASCII format for your viewing pleasure (and speed). Enjoy!
  • joystick An Interview With Doug Neubauer
    The designer of the Atari 400/800's POKEY chip and author of Star Raiders talks about games, the Atari spirit, and more.
    joystick Adam Bomb?
    Wow... Just about everything that Videogaming and Computergaming Illustrated predicted about the Coleco Adam became a reality.
    joystick The Great Game Company
    The Great Game Company hoped to make a splash in the videogame marketplace in the early '80s, before the "Crash" ended all hopes of a successful entry into the field.
    joystick Pinballyhoo
    Read about how clever licensing put Bally on the pinball map.
    joystick The Rise and Fall of Vector Graphics
    Vector-based display techniques played a prominent role in shaping the coin-op -- and home -- gaming industries.
    joystick Atari Program Exchange
    During the early '80s, the Atari Program Exchange helped to foster the growth of software programmers who sought to show their works in front of a wider audience.
    joystick Star Words
    Comments in the early '80s from celebrities about videogames.
    joystick David Crane: Video Game Guru
    The man behind the masterpiece Pitfall!.
    joystick Journey
    Ros Valory of the rock group Journey talks about the game.
    joystick Lucasfilm
    Both Ballblazer and Rescue on Fractalus for the Atari 5200 and Atari Computers heralded a new age in cutting-edge game design for its time.
    joystick Xonox
    The subsidiary of K-Tel had a "master plan" for making a grand entry into the video game publishing field. Nice idea, perhaps, but a poor execution on hindsight :)
    joystick 30 Secrets of Atari
    The real story of Space Invaders, Pac-Man, Pong and Pole Position.
    joystick The Miner 2049er Story
    It's time to dig the most widely published home videogame during the classic game era!
    joystick Video Game Firsts
    Someone or something has to be the "first."
    joystick Predictions '84
    At least they weren't entirely unrealistic.
    joystick Closet Classics
    The cult classics of the coin-op world. They might not have been a smash hit in the box offices, but the memories still endure.
    joystick Test Your Knowledge!
    Think you're some kind of historian? Try the Video Games Player trivia questions.
    joystick Russ Wetmore: Prepped for Success
    Behind the scenes with the creator of Preppie! for the Atari computers.
    joystick The Kitchens, Inc.
    An interview with Keystone Kapers' Kreator, Gary Kitchen.
    joystick Rob Smith: Dragon Master
    An interview with Bob Smith, creator of Dragonfire, Riddle of the Sphinx and Star Voyager.
    joystick The Construction of Crystal Castles
    A chronology of the development of Atari's cult coin-op classic.
    joystick Fernando Herrera -- First Star in the Atari Universe
    Behind the scenes with the superstar creator of My First Alphabet and Astro Chase.
    joystick Interview with Bill Grubb and Dennis Koble
    Grubb and Koble were two of the co-founders of Imagic, the superstar third party 2600 publisher.

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