The fabled JUGS (Jaguar Unmodified Game Server) proves to be more than just a rumor
August 14, 2000 -- In a moved that shocked the Underground Jaguar Development Community to it's very core, the JUGS Team officially announced the availability of it's JUGS system today. The JUGS System has been rumored to exist for many months, but until now it was largely dismissed as an elaborate hoax. With the addition of this system to the available Underground Jaguar Development Tools, the ability to load and run Underground Jaguar Software is now within reach of the masses. The loss of the key to the Jaguar internal encryption routines has prohibited many people from being able to load and run software created since the Jaguar console was declared an open system. Until recently the only way to use this new software was to own an Official Jaguar Development System / FLASH Cartridge, or to modify a Jaguar console to circumvent the operating system encryption routines. [Ed. note - Songbird Productions has also published new software available in cartridge format since the Jaguar was declared an open system.] The JUGS System was revealed via the Official JUGS Website at to consist of a special cable to connect to your PC Compatible, a proprietary PC based loading utility program, and sophisticated server firmware piggybacked within the BattleSphere(tm) Jaguar Game Cartridge. Using a special code embedded within BattleSphere(tm), software can be loaded into the RAM memory in any Jaguar console and then executed. JUGS bypasses the Jaguar's internal encryption routines by running software after the BattleSphere(tm) game has passed encryption tests on power-up. The fact that the server code is executed from an existing cartridge enables the product to be the only one of it's kind which does not require any soldering or cutting of the Jaguar circuitry. For More Information, Visit, or, or Contact: ### END ### |